Schlumberger OFM 2007.3油田日常监控和管理软件包- 行业软件大全 ...
Schlumberger OFM 2007.3油田日常监控和管理软件包 [原创 2010-01-22 12:00:36]   

Schlumberger OFM 2007.3油田日常监控和管理软件包

OFM well and reservoir analysis software offers advanced production surveillance views and powerful production forecasting tools to help you better manage production and track reserves. OFM software allows you view, relate, and analyze reservoir and production data in a variety of established engineering workflows.
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Comprehensive OFM workflow tools-such as interactive base maps with production trending, bubble plotting, diagnostic plotting, decline curve analysis, and type curve analysis-reduce the time you spend analyzing your data, giving you more time to identify and diagnose problems and optimize production.

OFM Engineering Workflows
Production Surveillance
OFM software facilitates early detection and diagnostics of production problems, quick generation of production trends, diagnostic plots, reports, maps, grids, and bubbles directly from corporate data. It also supports validation of remedial well work benefits via integration with PIPESIM well performance software and Merak Peep economics software.
Production Forecasting
Traditional decline curve analysis and advanced forecasting techniques such as analytical decline and numerical forecasts are available to generate better, faster, and more reliable forecasts.
Waterflood Surveillance
Waterflood patterns can be defined from production and reservoir data by using the OFM Streamline module. When combined with pressure data and PVT algorithms, reservoir volumes and voidage can be determined and further diagnostics can be carried out with different diagnostic plots such as hall plots.
New in OFM 2007

Create and share templates and best practices with a shared workspace, improving performance consistency for all participants
Refine production analysis through shared access and use of same-day data updates
Perform comprehensive production analysis with enhanced plotting, reporting, and nodal analysis capabilities
Access data of your desired frequency with support of intraday data
Enhanced OFM Modules
OFM software offers tailored solutions to your production problems via many standard and optional OFM

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