LCD TV rack

After hanging wall LCD TV, LCD TV we found exposed wires, very pretty. 
     How to hide wall television wires in order to ensure safe, sound effects and plug to watch and easy to use it? 
     First, determine the location and height of the wall, well marked; Secondly, the slotted wall, deep inside 70mm, length base station or television cabinet height, the general position to the floor from the wall socket position, socket position designed to be easy to use and easy to hide; then buried 50mm tube, preferably PVC pipe; Finally, install good TV, all the wires through the 50mm pipe to outlet location. Alternatively, you can buy in the market line deduction, the deduction line attached to or mounted on the wall, and then plunged into the line as long as the wire buckle go on it, looks beautiful line deduction also play a decorative role. About this expertise laying wire is recommended for users not familiar with the circuit to find a professional electrician jobs more appropriate.

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