What is the raw material distilled brandy made of? « Industry info ...

Category:catering food

what are the raw material distilled brandy made of?

brandy (Brandy) is a distilled liquor, is a fruit as raw materials, through fermentation, distillation, storage and spawned. Brandy can be divided into fruit brandy (such as apple brandy) and grape brandy two categories, while the largest number of the latter, often directly referred to as brandy. In the brandy, the main Cognac (with wine, distilled) and the bran brandy two broad categories.  The grape varieties used to produce cognac is mainly neutral (almost no fragrance) variety, the best white wine grape of the original, relatively low alcohol content, higher acidity, there is no deal by sulfur dioxide. For the production of bran brandy grape varieties are mainly aromatic varieties.  brandy distillation methods are mainly of non-continuity and continuity of pot distillation tower distillation. However, no matter in what way, the distillation of wine alcohol content should be less than 86% (V / V), the total volatiles should be more than 1.2g / L (pure alcohol), methanol concentration should be less than 2.00g / L (pure alcohol). But now most of the brandy distillation tower of continuity is applied.  bran brandy distilled mainly uses steam distillation, of course, other distillation methods can be used, but in different ways by steam distillation residue obtained brandy leather chemical and sensory analysis is not much difference. The new steam out of brandy should be at least more than a year aging in oak barrels. In the aging process, regardless of the material originated from oak or distillate own physical changes are caused by oxidation.  finished brandy alcohol content is usually 40-43% (V / V), therefore, in most cases, the former bottling brandy should be deployed to reduce the alcohol content, and adjust the other ingredients. Should be accompanied by low-temperature processing and filtration, in order to prevent the precipitation of some elements in the bottle.


类别: 餐饮食品



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