
The Azimuth为市面上{dy}套802.11a/b/g无线网络产品测试验证平台,及802.11n的信道模拟器ACE 400N/B,自动化测试平台及脚本ADEPT-N.

对产品间之互通性 (Interoperability)、功能 (Functionality)及其效能 (Performance)提供一完整之测试环境,Azimuth拥有容易使用之控制介面,还可结合 Chariot & Airopeek让您在同一平台即可完成所有测试 ,并提供多个Scripts协助客户完成自动化测试,也可让使用者模拟不同之测试环境及产生各种不同网络流量,而测试过程中,Azimuth也可即时显示各种测试状态,并提供详尽测试结果分析。


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Azimuth W-Series Chassis

Azimuth测试主机有两款,一为小型的Azimuth 300W有三个插槽,一为大型的Azimuth 800W有八个插槽。整个系统最多可模拟1024个无线网络使用者或16个无线网络节点器

Azimuth Director Test Executive

Azimuth Director为一功能强、弹性大之图形介面控制软件,透过Director可控制、设定W-Series无线网络测试设备所送出之封包、即时显示封包之传送状态,并分析测试结果及产出完整之测试报告。

Azimuth W-Series Station Test Module (STM)

STM模组内含支援Win2000/WinXP系统之PC,支援Mini-PCI或CardBus 插槽。每一STM模组拥有两个独立110dB之RF隔离箱及RF衰减器,可同时测试两组无线网卡。透过Azimuth Director即可设定与控制每一STM模组之测试组态。

Azimuth W-Series testMAC Module (TMM)

TMM模组为一无线网络使用者(Wireless Client) 模拟器,每一TMM模组皆可模拟127个无线网络使用者支援802.11a/b/g,且其传送之封包内容皆可设定,可xx测试出无线网络节点器或之{zd0}效能。与STM模组一样,每一模组均有独立的隔离箱及之RF衰减器。

Azimuth W-Series RF PortModule (RFM)

RFM模组内建RF衰减器模拟真实环境之信号衰减,透过BSS接头接STM / TMM / RFH即可建构完整之无线网络测试系统。

Azimuth W-Series RF Test Head (LTH/MTH)/RadioProof Enclosures(RPE)


Azimuth ACE Channel Emulator

The Azimuth Channel Emulator - ACE™-400NB is a stand-alone testing platform that is used to evaluate the performance of 802.11a/b/g products and future 802.11n devices. It is the first WLAN test solution designed to emulate multipath environments to determine the effect of multi-channel RF interactions on device performance. The ACE offers sophisticated channel modeling capabilities in an easy-to-use system, streamlining the real-world testing of WLAN chipsets, clients and infrastructure.

Azimuth STUDIO

Azimuth STUDIOTM is the industry's first test data management system that provides wireless engineers with greater visibility into the performance and interoperability of Wi-Fi systems and devices. It collects, correlates and analyzes test results from one or more test systems running Azimuth DIRECTORTM Test Executive. This provides a comprehensive tool for analyzing and managing company-wide test data and can improve quality and accelerate time-to-market for new wireless products.


The ADEPT-WFA is a multi-purpose test appliance designed to support the Wi-Fi Alliance Certification program. In it's base form, the tool is used to implement the baseline certification conformance tests (NAV/PLCP/MIC). The ADEPT-WFA system is the first off-the-shelf test tool used by the Wi-Fi Alliance to automate specialized conformance tests that require the transmission of defined exception traffic to validate device behavior.

Azimuth ACE Channel Emulator For WiMAX

The Azimuth Channel Emulator for WiMAX - ACE™-400WB WiMAX的信道环境模拟器,做为WiMAX论坛推荐的信道模拟器,提供现有的Tgn,ITU VA,PB.3GPP信道模型。


支持{zd0}4x4 MIMO的设备进入信道环境

Azimuth ADEPT-N

The Azimuth ADEPT-N is a 802.11n Testing platform. 802.11n的自动化测试仪,提供静态信号模型及RateVsRange测试脚本、802.11n Roaming测试脚本。

提供Test Builder快速开发自定义测试脚本。TCL语言开发环境,提供部分AP的自动化配置。


Roaming 测试

配合Airpeek 可测试分析,Clients在Roaming过程中,每一个阶段所需 之时间,以利于分析驱动程式之优劣。Azimuth提供了Roaming测试所需之自动程式Fail-Over Roaming; Motion Roaming and Roaming Hysteresis。

Roaming 测试

配合Azimuth的802.11分析模块分析Clients在Roaming过程中,每一个阶段所需之时间,以利于分析驱动程式之优劣。Azimuth提供了Roaming测试所需之自动程式Fail-Over Roaming; Motion Roaming and Roaming Hysteresis。

AP Association Capability测试

提供一自动化之测试,验证AP在同一时间内最多可容许 多少无线Clients的连接。Azimuth 800W 系统最多可同时拟模1016个wireless clients。

AP Association 效能测试

提供一自动化之测试,验证AP在容许不同的Retry次数下, 其wireless clients 之连接效能。

AP Forwarding Rate 测试

提供一自动化之测试,验证AP在multi clients下之传输效能, 此一测试不但可验证AP之传输效能,同时可验证AP在有资料 传输下,可维持连线之wireless clients数。

Rate VS Range 测试


Rate VS Range Test with Chariot

配合Chariot,自动化测试Wireless client与AP间在不同距离下,其连接速度之变化、传输效能、RSSI及封包错误率。

Rate VS Range Test with 802.11n 测试

自动化测试Wireless Client与AP间在不同距离下,其连接速度之变化、传输效能、RSSI及封包错误率。

Rate VS Range Test with Chariot

测试802.11n的AP及终端在配合Chariot,自动化测试Wireless client与AP间在不同距离下,其连接速度之变化、传输效能、RSSI及封包错误率。

VoWiFi / WiFi Pre Certification/CCX Certification Scripts


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