Just be yourself_郡钒_新浪博客

  This afternoon,I chatted with my classmate of high school ,she was really a warm-hearted girl.We call each other BF,not boyfriend but best friend,She is real bosom friend in my whole life.I think deeply about our talk after that .She told me to be confidence,because I am unique.We should be kind to ourself.For example  ,taking a bubble bath,splurge on a new perfume or outfit,get a manicure.If you set aside some time out of your busy work to do these things,you will feel good,and when you feel good ,you will feel confident.And do remeber that what people think of you does not matter a bit ,the important is what you ,and only you ,think of yourself.Some people won't stay with you forever besides your relatives,so do not mind what they do or think .It's none of my business!Just be myself!Be a good wife,good daughter,good sister and so on.Come on!

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