回报家园:材料清单及补料的一点小心得(0213,北京,{zg}学历是国外 ...
{yt}前   #


Dear Sir or Madam:

According to your Visa Office Specific Instructions, I have prepared my documents listed below:
1. Application forms; (表格的知识,请自己在家园里找,很多,很专业)
2. Birth Notarizations of the applicant and the applicant’s spouse;
Marriage Notarization of the applicant and the applicant’s spouse;
3. Birth Certificate Notarization of the applicant’s child;
4. Passport Photocopies of the applicant, the applicant’s spouse and the dependent child;(这里也有提一句,护照到期日很重要,因为领馆发出的签证有效期要么以体检日开始为期一年,要么以主申或是副申或是宝宝护照到期日为一年,比如说如果你2010-1-18体检,你的签证应该就是2010-1-182011-1-18,但如果你们其中一人的护照到期日是2010-8-10,那么签证有效期则从2010-1-18 2010-8-10所以{zh0}留长一点的时间给自己)
5. Proof of Relationship in Canada--N/A
6. Education/Qualifications documents; (见后面详细清单)
l Certifications of the Applicant
l Certifications of the Applicant’s Spouse
7. Work Experience documents; (见后面详细清单及解释信)
l Certifications of the Applicant
l Certifications of the Applicant’s Spouse
8. Proof of Language Proficiency (见后面详细清单)
l Written explanation letter;
l Documentation of education in English;
l Documentation of work experience in English;
l Reference letter;
9. Arranged Employment –N/A
10. Non-accompanying Family Member Declaration—N/A
11. Settlement Funds: (出示银行存款证明,虽说领馆没有过多要求,也没有一个定论,但个人感觉是比它的要求多一点会好些,我想没有哪个VO会不喜欢新移民有足够的经济基础的吧~~~

l Original Bank Certificate from XXX Bank;
l Original Bank Statement from Bank of XXX;
12. Police Certificates and Clearances (这里要重申一点,我是递BJVOFBI和呆过的州无刑证明,所以在美国呆过的,严重建议FBI和州的一起准备,而且州的无刑证明寄美国州警局的时候,如果是要他们寄回中国的,{zh0}顺带寄几张打了英文和中文地址的标签给他们(可以贴那种),好让他们贴在回邮信封上寄回来,这样至少可以加快2~3天的进程。否则,大部份警局都是手写的地址,寄回中国后还要被分到邮局翻译部门等翻译几天,才再发出来,再有那些手写潦草的,翻译部门还很难翻出来~~)至于如何申请这个国外无刑证明,家园里也有不少很好的贴子,DIY,自己找一找,呵呵。
l Police Clearances Notarizations of the applicant and the applicant’s spouse;
l U.S. Police Clearances of the applicant (FBI & State Clearances Records);
l U.K Police Clearances of the applicant’s spouse;
13. Fee payment
Payment Receipt No.: XXXX (附上CIO的电子邮件,把PAYMENT NO 用萤光笔标识出来)
14. Four Mailing Labels (根据家园里有些TX的意见,再加一份填好自己地址的EMS特快单,这个想法也不错哦~~~
15. Photos for the applicant, the applicant’s spouse and the dependent child.
Applicant: XXXX (签名)
郑重声明:资讯 【回报家园:材料清单及补料的一点小心得(0213,北京,{zg}学历是国外 ...】由 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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