2010/01/18 by: admin

been attributed to alcohol, brain congestion, cholera, drugs, heart disease, rabies, suicide, tuberculosis, and other agents.[3] Poe and his works influenced literature in the United States and around the world, as well as in specialized fields, such as cosmology and cryptography. Poe and his work appear throughout popular culture in literature, music, films, and television. A number of his homes are dedicated museums today. … Edgar Allen Poe Tell Tale Heart Jack Celli Mark Marquis …

21 Responses to “The Tell Tale Heart pt.1 Edgar Allan Poe”
  1. DamnIwannafck232 说:

    i feel so bad for edgar i mean all of his loved ones died of the same illment (consuption) its so sad plus he was neglected by both of hi s foster parents and poor

  2. MorrinWellSmith 说:

    you do it better then

  3. geobetancourt 说:

    great poem-the dude not so great

  4. TheLizzylizard19 说:

    BRAVO!!!!!!!!!! good job. I played this for my 5th grade class they loved it fantastic love the music!!!!!!!!!!

  5. mackychloe 说:

    a great telling of a great story but the music was not needed!!!

  6. truoc959 说:

    I absolutely love it. This is my favorite of Poe’s works. Awesome!

  7. ADyingFaith 说:

    Oh how much i love and adore this, had to favourite it.

  8. quaggathedogga 说:

    steven berkoff does the best version of this.

  9. theplacidfish 说:

    this is brilliant.

  10. seventhst 说:

    music by mark marquis

  11. roxasfan876 说:

    thiz story is amazing

  12. misfitsg17 说:

    whats that song playing?

  13. xColdTurkeyFilmsx 说:

    Check our short film out “Carvel”

    Thanks, Cold Turkey Films

  14. KindaLikeABodybag 说:

    Allan is spelled wrong in the intro.

  15. mortul1the3warlord 说:

    best. story. ever.

  16. Tvcas5 说:

    love this story u read it well. thank you for having this. this helps me with a report im doing.

  17. animalcrossingfan34 说:

    hey i was reading this in school today

  18. JuBlondBitch 说:

    Who is that?He is really good!!i love Edgar Allan Poe and the music is beautiful.and i enjoy to watch this.^^

  19. luv2sing1997 说:

    E.A.P rox! im a fan of his! wicked.?

  20. 03matty1978 说:

    OOOOOhhhhhhh! shivers! Well done!-Harken! Your manner is how i imagined Poe telling the tale, perhaps only a little slower..but that could be technology!
    No no, this is brilliant…Poe forever!

  21. Kevidona 说:

    Mark Marquis music is brilliant. Amazing for the first take.

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