A coffee cocoa chocolate problem « Industry info 工业信息

Category:catering food

coffee, cocoa chocolate does the connection between these three do? I think the taste is almost always not tell. Is the same thing through different processing made do? If not, how is it made of?

is not a thing I used to think that almost everyone was a little bitter taste, there is a kind of incense, but in fact not the same. The use made of coffee beans that contain caffeine. Chocolate to make cocoa beans. You can easily distinguish them, because the coffee beans when picked a little one looks (sorry, that bad jargon), cocoa beans are Zhang fruit on the tree where a large oval-shaped, opened inside the is one of a cocoa.

Coffee and cocoa are two different kinds of plants, for the Chinese, cocoa and better eating. Chocolate inside the main ingredient should be cocoa, and now on behalf of the majority of chocolate fat chocolate, chocolate is actually fake. Because it was not cocoa butter.

Chinese:一个咖啡 可可 巧克力的问题

类别: 餐饮食品

请问咖啡 可可 巧克力这三者之间有什么关联吗?我觉得味道差不多,总分不清。是同一种东西经过不同的加工制成的吗?如果不是都是怎么制成的呢?



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