The development of global wind power casting industry_中国铸造供应 ...
The development of casting of wind power equipment industry mainly relies on the demand of downstream industry. In the global market, the market capacity of the casting of wind power equipment is decided by the total procuring demand of global wind power machine manufacturers. This kind of market capacity is in positive correlation with newly installed capacity of global wind power machines. Around 2005, the global wind power industry has undergone a rapid developing period, accordingly, the market capacity of casting of wind power equipment increased at a high speed. In 2006, the total market capacity of global casting of wind power equipment was 398,000t, the number has reached 542,000 t in 2007, a year-on-year increase of 36.18%. The number of market capacity surged to 608,000t, a year-on-year increase of 12.18%. Influenced by the healthy development of power wind industry, it is predicted that the market capacity of casting of wind power equipment will still be expanded at a high speed. The number for 2009’s market capacity could be 704,000t, furthermore, in 2012, the capacity will be expanded to 1,126,000万, with an annual increase of 15 % or above.

The constant, rapid expansion of newly installed capacity of global wind power machines stimulates an unprecedented investment enthusiasm in the whole wind power industry chain. Presently in our country, there exists enterprise distribution in every link of wind power industry chain. However, faced up with the explosive increase of the globally new demands, the supply of the whole industrial chain is in a state of tension. From 2006 to 2008, the global output of was 378,000t、469,000and 572,000t respectively, the market demand was 398,000t, 542,000t and 608,000 t. Among these three years, the gap in market supply was 20,000t、73,000 t和36,000t. The main reason for this supply shortage was that there was a sharp increase concerning the demand of downstream industry. Thus, the rate of expansion of casting of wind power manufacturing industry cannot satisfy the demand of wind power machine manufacturers.

II. The development of casting of power wind industry in our country

On the basis of our company’s statistical data, seven domestic casting of wind power equipment manufacturing enterprises account for casting of about 27% of global market share. In recent years, stimulated by the demands of downstream industry, many domestic foundry enterprises started to set their foot in the field of casting of power wind equipment manufacturing. But judging from the overall competition pattern, some small-sized private enterprises with simple equipments are still uncompetitive.  

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