胰岛素泵优缺点- 防爆磁力泵的日志- 网易博客



 {dy}个,可以xx控制胰岛素注射的剂量,如果胰岛素打到皮下,剂量过多,会导致低血糖,而剂量过少,会引起血糖过量,而现在可以xx控制胰岛素量的话,就可以很好控制体内的血糖量。 第二个优点是避免了患者多次皮下注射胰岛素的皮肉痛苦。胰岛素泵通过一根软管连接到皮下持续注射,避免了每次吃饭前都要注射一次胰岛素。 第三个优点是由于xx控制了胰岛素的注射量,因此节约了药液。在以往血糖过高就会打一次针,但如果一下子过量就导致低血糖,打少了又不够,而现在使用了胰岛素泵持续输入,就可以xx控制剂量,每小时需要多少都可以控制,总体上讲可以比起打针注射更节约药液。 胰岛素泵的缺点 {dy}个就是虽然能够随身携带,但是在一些运动,比如游泳,或是剧烈的体育运动时,就不太方便; 第二是注射部位由于长时间有针头埋在皮下,会出现xx炎症; 第三个有可能微电脑的程序出现问题,马达停止了工作,或者软管堵塞了,这时候便不能输入药液了,而病人在不知情的情况下有可能会胰岛素缺乏,引起一些并发症。

“Advantages and disadvantages of insulin pump ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国磁力泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

The first one, you can precisely control the dose of insulin injections, if the insulin hit the skin, excessive dosage will lead to low blood sugar, while the dose is too small, will cause blood sugar too much, but now you can precisely control the amount of insulin, then, we can well under control the body's blood sugar level. The second advantage is that many patients oid the pain of subcutaneous injection of insulin flesh. Insulin pump through a hose connected to the continuous subcutaneous injection, oiding the time to eat before going to injections of insulin. The third advantage is due to precisely control the amount of insulin injections, resulted in sings of liquid. In the past, blood sugar is too high it will play a needle, but if too much at once would lead to low blood sugar, less is still too weak to fight, and now use the insulin pump continued input, we can precisely control the dosage, how much per hour can be controlled On the whole can be more economical than the injection of liquid injection. Disadvantages of insulin pump The first is that even though it can carry, but in some sports, like swimming, or extreme sports, it is not convenient; The second is due to the injection site with long needles buried in the skin, there will be swelling and inflammation; A third possible problems with microcomputer programs, motor stopped working, or hose blocked, this time can not enter the liquid, while patients without the knowledge of insulin may be a lack of, causing a number of complications.


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