学英语就像学骑自行车——Peter专访_杭州英语培训——电话:0571-88888058_ ...

Learning English is like riding a bike


     When Peter Baker was young, he dreamed of becoming a scientist when he grew up. But things always change. When Peter finally entered into university to study his dream subject, microbiology, he found it was not what he really wanted to do. Everyday he took a little dish and grew very small living creatures in the lab. He found everyday was very repetitive, for a person who always liked having fun, he did not want to have a repetitive life.


     In England, he began teaching children science but not in the classroom. He took them outside to the beach and looked for crabs. He let the children pick up and look at the crabs, and told them if it was a male crab or a female crab. "I always taught outdoors," He said, "we did climbing, sports. I taught them in a way that was interesting and exciting, a way that they would remember. I found this very interesting and exciting. It was also very rewarding seeing students learning and progressing.” So he made his decision to become a teacher. After getting the certificates to become a qualified teacher, he came to China, a country of bicycles.


     Time flows quickly in China, it has been Peter's 5th year in Hangzhou EF. "I enjoy teaching at EF where I can teach English while having fun. You don't have to sit in the office all day, you can have class outdoors." At first, Peter taught children. After the establishment of Hangzhou EF, Huanglong center in 2007, he began teaching adults. With dramatic body language and humorous outgoing personality, this charismatic Brit makes a deep impression on the people he meets. He has a loud magnetic voice which acts like a spell, making learning English fun.



It was Friday, Peter cycled from the east part of Hangzhou city to the west, Huanglong center, to begin his typical day of teaching. Friday is usually the busiest for Peter, he had a teachers' meeting at 13:00, 2 Vocabulary Building classes, 2 interviews in the afternoon and an offsite life club at 19:00.


   In his Vocabulary Building class, Peter tried to teach his students the different pronunciations of "car" in British English and American English. “Your mouth should be left open when you pronounce car in American English While in British English you don’t need to " Peter explained with dramatic body languages.


" I am hooked on Peter Barker's class, he is very active and energetic and creates a light-hearted mood which makes us feel happy in class." Jolin, a sophomore at Zhejiang University said. She has been studying at EF for almost half a year and has made swift progress from level3 to level 7.


"For me, as a teacher, you should always be enthusiastic in class; otherwise, the students will switch off and will not learn. " Peter recalled his experience in his university,” When I was a university student, I was very lazy and wasn't hardworking. So I know what it is like to be a lazy student. This kind of student likes to have fun and doesn't want to do homework. If you make taking the class fun, they will like the class and learn more. So I learned new ways to make the class interesting and fun." This is probably the secret method that keeps Peter’s classes energetic.


Off site life clubs are one of the most popular classes in EF as you can practice your English while enjoying activities. This evening's off site life club was Rock Climbing, there were 12 students attending the lesson. Everyone was a bit nervous when standing at the foot of a 10 meter high wall. It took Peter about twenty minutes to teach the terms and explain proper climbing techniques and how to use the equipment. Then, Peter started to climb, with everyone watching carefully from the ground.


   "It is very cool to have an off site life club at EF. It allows me to learn English while experiencing different things. Last week, we went to KTV to sing English songs, and I remember that in one of the classes, we made Pizza and enjoyed western culture.” Lily, an editor at EAC who came to EF this March. Since then she has had a love for English and attends off site life clubs every week. Before, Lily considered learning English very painful and almost gave up.

   “英孚的户外生活俱乐部非常酷,能让我们边玩边学。上周,我们和外教一起去K歌,我记得还有一次,我们一起去做Pizza, 感受西方文化。学员Lily这样说。她是EAC一家外企的编辑,自从今年三月份来杭州EF学习以来。Lily深深爱上了英语,每周的户外生活俱乐部中都能找到她的身影。而在这之前,Lily觉得英语学习是一件非常痛苦而枯燥的事情,她差一点就想放弃了。

   "Many students come to EF with preconceptions about what the class will be, for example, boring, stressful or having a lot of homework and exams. This is because of what they experienced at school." Peter said:” In fact, English can be learnt while having fun. Students should consider their interests and find something they would like to do while learning English. For instance, if they like sports, they can play badminton or archery with teachers; if they like music, they can go to KTV to sing English songs; if they like cooking, we can go to a pastry house to make pudding or cakes; if you like visual, you can watch foreign movies, etc. EF's off site life club can suit everyone's hobbies."



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