

在系统设计上,综合各种翻译类型网站优缺点,设计出具有任何使用者都可添加术语信息的且只有管理员能够实现术语修改及删除等独特方式的术语查看管理系统。此方式能够使术语量快速增大,并且便于使用者及管理员操作,满足相互之间不断增长的需求,即使用者增加术语量,管理员管理以实现数据信息的合理管理及利用。在查看方式上,使用术语的{dy}个汉字的中文拼音首字母为索引,并分页显示,用户能够非常方便地找到所需术语名及对应的英、日文翻译。此外,系统还提供术语搜索,更加方便用户查询。管理方式和按首字母分页显示及搜索的查看方式为系统第二个特点。其次,应用Cascading style Sheets(简称CSS,层叠样式表)外部链接方式,界面(UI)较为精致。系统应用CSS自定义样式并在首页应用透明FLASH,具有操作简便、界面友好等特性。

关键词:计算机应用技术;ASP.net 2005;证券术语;解释及翻译;术语管理

Design and Development to a Mini Interpretation System for Securities’ Glossary in English, Japanese and Chinese
Toward the fast development of finance and trades, a mini interpretation system for fast looking up securities’ glossary is developed. In the system, Chinese can read Chinese explanation to securities and identify differences to other countries in securities’ glossary conveniently. Actually it is an on-line securities’ glossary’s learning system. Along with the progress of globalization, cooperation between countries has become more frequently. The language plays an important part in mutual communication.
In the design of our system, various kinds of interpretation web pages or web stations are analyzed. And a system that every user can add the securities information, but only administrators can modify and delete information is designed. The volume of glossary can be enlarged quickly and the web pages can be easily managed by whether user or administrator. To look up glossary words, it is designed to use the first letter of glossary’s spell and showed by pagination in the system. Users can search for the glossary and their interpretation easily. Besides, it also provides the function of searching for so as to be convenient for inquiry. Secondly the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are used in the system which beautifies the UI (user interface). The transparent FLASH in index and CSS’s application characterize the system: easier operation, friendly UI, and so on.
The design ideas and the process are detailedly discussed in this thesis. Finally a new solution is presented towards the lack of actual system in the thesis

Key words: The Computer Application Technology; ASP.net 2005; Securities’ Glossary; Interpretation; Management of Glossary


引言 1
1.1 课题背景及意义 1
1.2 课题研究现状 1
1.3 课题预期成果 1
系统分析 2
2.1 系统目标 2
2.2 系统需求分析 2
2.2.1 需求设计思路及目标 2
2.2.2 普通用户基本操作模块图: 3
2.2.3 系统基本需求情况 3
系统总体设计 4
3.1 系统功能结构设计 4
3.2 开发设计思想 4
3.3 开发工具及运行环境 4
3.3.1 整体开发工具及环境 4
3.3.2 选择开发工具及环境的理由 5
3.3.3 开发工具及平台简介 5
数据库设计和实现 7
4.1 设计思路 7
4.2 数据库需求分析 7
4.3 数据库的连接 9
关键模块及代码设计 9
5.1 公用模块及代码 9
5.2 首页界面及功能代码 9
5.3 术语一览界面和主要代码 12
5.4 管理模块 14
系统初期测试和综合测试结果 19
6.1 测试中错误及其改正方法 19
6.1.1 系统错误 19
6.1.2 调查原因及改正方案 19
6.2 系统不足之处及解决方案的提出 23
6.2.1 系统设计的不足之处 23
6.2.2 解决方案 23
结    论 24
参考文献 25
致    谢 26
声    明 27
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