Home-made pizza at home how « Industry info 工业信息

Category:catering food

not too much content, to some simple like, thank!

microwave oven how to make pizza

1. Foundation Materials:
high-gluten flour, 110g, low-gluten flour, 50g, dry yeast 3g, salt 3g, warm water 80g, olive oil 16g.
2. other materials:
amount of green peppers, onions amount, pizza, cheese amount, ham appropriate.
3. tomato paste material:
tomatoes, tomato sauce, black pepper, onion, garlic, salt, sugar, olive oil, cheese powder, spices.
4. First introduced to the practice of tomato sauce, pizza sauce in the position of the Department of a good key, so a direct impact on the system a good pizza sauce taste.
1, first garlic, onion, mince down Huo add olive oil until fragrant, bursting from golden yellow
2, by adding tomatoes, tomato sauce, continue to fry, stirring evenly, add spices (it talked about spices degrees Wu is China’s Guo D, such as the Department of the Russian legislature Kong leaf, thyme, basil leaves, etc., as far as possible sauce smell is so fragrant,
3, according to personal taste by adding salt, sugar, cheese powder, adjusted good flavor, cooked to a thick can be installed on, let cool, tomato sauce will do a good job of.
5. at the end of skin.
1. first high-gluten, low-gluten flour, sift, put bowl in the Department of
2. yeast a good job of heating water , into the bowl, add olive oil
3. will be the above-mentioned materials, mixing, knead Mission-shaped, about 7-8 minutes, rub, rub finished dough will be sticky oily hands
4. to put the dough inside the bowl system , covered with plastic wrap, fermented at least 30 minutes (well-fermented dough is about 2 ~ 3 times the original large)
5. will be well-fermented dough out, relax for 10 minutes after spheronization
6. would be a good dough relaxation stick with the defending side to defend their favorite into the round or other shape
7. with the spoon to take the right amount of tomato sauce, use the spoon back to the Department of skinned tomato sauce evenly coated on the
8. the first sprinkled a layer of cheese wire , together with silk green pepper, onion silk, ham silk, in the above coupled with a cheese wire

next to bread and then place at least 30 minutes to allow bread again, fermentation, so that ingredients can be fully bonded, the step is very important. see the bread, “being fat is” In the future, covered with lid on low heat began to bake, remember do not put oil!
begin until the bottom of the yellow cake after it is almost out and then placed in Pisa Great roasted microwave 1-2 minutes, so in order to allow the cheese to fully melt, and the cake, the ingredients stick together.
out and then doused with tomato sauce, pizza will do a good job, and can enjoy the
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garlic pizza

raw materials: small dough 1 months, 50 grams of garlic, garlic powder 10 grams, 50 grams of chopped onions, butter 30 grams, egg 1, 25 grams of cheese, salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, Diao grass roots slave Ali method for making the little

roll the dough into a round skinned, placed in the oven. will be garlic, garlic powder, chopped onion, eggs, butter, salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, Diao grass, Ali, and other root slave mixing with the mixer, put on skinned on. cheese cut into filaments, scattered in all the above ingredients. will be placed in 250 ℃ oven baked in an oven, bake until crispy skinned, cheese melting, Serve.
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Sichuan-style sausages pizza

raw materials:
small dough 1, Sichuan cured meat, Sichuan Sausage 50 grams each 35 grams of Daqing red peppers, onions, garlic sprouts each 30 grams, 50 grams of tomato sauce, cheese 25 grams, pepper, refined oil a little
the method for making:
roll the dough into a circular grain leather , into the oven, in a layer of tomato sauce skinned Shang Ma. Sichuan and Sichuan-style sausage cooked bacon slice; Daqing peppers seeded remove stalks cut into thick filament; onion cut into thick filament; Garlic cut into sections. will be followed by bacon, sausage, Daqing red peppers, onion, garlic sprouts and other people on the shop in the skinned. cheese cut into filaments, scattered in all the above ingredients, then sprinkle with pepper, topped with refined oil . will be placed in 250 ℃ oven baked in an oven, bake until crispy skinned, cheese melting, Serve.
Note: The raw materials required in the bacon and sausage and a half lean half fat
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salted egg yolk prawns Pisa

raw materials:
dough a small, shrimp-ren 75 grams, salted egg yolk 2, tender 50 grams of corn kernels, green beans 25 grams, 50 grams of tomato sauce, cheese 25 grams, salt, pepper, rice wine, lemon juice, a little
the method for making refined oil:
dough rolling into a circular skinned, into the oven, in a layer of tomato sauce skinned Shang Ma. shrimp cut into small ren, with salt, pepper, rice wine, lemon juice, pickled moment; salted egg yolk pressed into mud; tender corn kernels and the green beans into the boiling pot of water boil for a short one. and then the small shrimp, salted egg Wong, tender corn kernels and peas evenly mixing together on the shop in the skinned. cheese cut into filaments, scattered in all the above ingredients, then topped off refined oil. will be placed in 250 ℃ oven baked in an oven, baking until crisp skinned, cheese melting, Serve.
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vegetables pizza

raw materials:
small dough 1, potatoes, onions, Daqing red peppers, eggplant, mushrooms each 35 grams, 50 grams of tomato sauce , 25 grams of cheese, salt, pepper, cumin powder, refined oil
the method for making a little:
roll the dough into a round skinned, into the oven, in the skinned tomato sauce on the cast. potatoes cooked cut strips; onion cut into thick filament; Daqing peppers seeded remove stalks cut into thick filament; eggplant cut into article into the boiling pot of water boil for a short one; mushroom slice. and then potatoes, onions, red peppers Daqing , eggplant, mushrooms mix well with salt, along with the shop in the skinned. cheese cut into filaments, scattered in all the above ingredients, then sprinkle with pepper, cumin powder, topped with refined oil. will be placed in oven 250 ℃ baked in an oven, bake until crispy skinned, cheese melting, Serve.
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smoked tea duck pizza

small dough a net smoked tea duck (skin) 150 grams, 50 grams of bubble Zingiber officinale, 50 grams of tomato sauce, cheese 25 g, pepper, Ali root slaves, refined oil a little
the method for making:
roll the dough into a round skinned, into the oven, in a layer of tomato sauce skinned Shang Ma. smoked tea duck with inclined blade into film, foam Zingiber officinale were cut into small pieces, along with the shop in the skinned. cheese cut into filaments, scattered in all the above ingredients, then sprinkle with pepper and Ali root slaves, topped with refined oil. the oven into 250 ℃ baked in an oven, bake until crisp skinned, cheese melting, Serve.
Note: The slave is a Western arigiyn spices used.
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ordinary pizza

1, Pizza skinned a copy
2, the basic pizza sauce 1 copy _ xxx_1_br>3, pizza fillings a copy
4, Zhi Shi Si
mozzarella pizza skinned Material:
dry yeast, warm water, ordinary flour, sugar, salt, butter
1: yeast and water (can be used to replace milk), the flour, sugar, salt and stir into the dough, rub the surface smooth and elastic, then cover the pot on the fermentation of 2:00 (winter and put on a radiator), the dough has doubled like than the original .
2: panel Sprinkle dry flour to the dough made a good look at the rub, in the fermentation of 15 minutes
3: fermentation to roll the dough into a pie, into the pizza oven, the fork with a fork a few a hole, so as not to drum up when baked. cake must not be too thick, so long as the middle of the pizza like dish.
pizza sauce Material:
onion quarter, garlic clove, milk, tomato juice, sugar, salt, black pepper
1: onion, garlic chopped
2: pot into the amount of milk, into the other material, can be boiled
pizza fillings: the principle is like the Chisha and release Han
general release: shrimp, mushroom pieces, green beans, corn, grain
1, skinned cast a pizza sauce, the edge is not coated
2, sprinkle filling
3, the oven pre - hot 200 degrees, put, baking 15-20 minutes, remove sprinkle mozzarella Zhi Shi Si, in the bake 5-10 minutes.
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materials: green peppers, tomatoes, onions, ham, black pepper, tomato sauce, light cheese, salt and surface
if not, you can live in the vegetable market of the stall to buy a good rub raw surface of the alkali pound.
home to green peppers, tomatoes, onions, ham were all cut into small pieces, put oven coated with the oil inside. to put the dough by hand into the oven where thin slices, put the bread on the tomato sauce to cut the cheese on a layer of Si Sa and then sprinkled with black pepper and salt peppers , tomatoes, onions, ham and covered with a layer, and finally covered with a layer of cheese full of silk. to preheat the oven, 180C, 25 Fenzhong.

If you can buy a very wide of material such as pizza grass Massoud Lira cheese made out of these things that may be even more delicious through! 2 PIZZA I have done both at home and 8 wrong mozzarella is used to enhance the taste and drawing materials used in

: (8-inch PIZZA) flour, 150 grams of dried 5 g yeast 80ml warm butter 20 grams of salt 1 / 2 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon onion, 3 tomatoes 10 g thyme butter half salt, sugar, black pepper, a little chicken green beans corn kernels radicle
mushrooms onions peppers sausage short a small amount of Su Lira Grass pizza cheese 250 grams

billet surface approach: 1. the dry yeast into the warm water, stirring evenly, put it aside for about 10 minutes; 2. the flour, salt and sugar mixture, add yeast water. Water should be a little bit of Canada and can be bunched up into groups; 3. Add butter and continue to rub non-stop, 10 minutes, knead the dough smooth, the cover wrap on the warm Department fermentation; 4. placed fermentation 2 hours.

Pizza Sauce Method: 1. prepared seasonings; 2. chopped onion and tomato to Piqie Ding; 3. Guo Lifang heat melt the butter; 4. Add onion saute; 5. and then into the small tomatoes continue not to erect duplicating know Chaochu soup after adding thyme salt and black pepper chicken, fire closed dry soup; 6. fried pizza sauce a good alternative heavy volume

Pizza practice: 1. prepared materials; 2. bacon, sausage, mushrooms, onions, red pepper slices, stir fry with the butter, add boiled corn kernels into the boiling green beans picked up; 3. mozzarella plane into a wire stand (you can also cut into thin strips); 4. pisa dish brush oil; 5. to roll the dough into a round cake on the plate, the thick edge of the middle thin, with a fork on the Chuochu holes in the bread, eggs, green cast (billet surface to prevent the wet material will be wet, not brittle a); 6. cast a good just where the edge of the pizza sauce, do not wipe the; 7. put cheese; 8. covered with bacon, sausage, mushrooms, onions, red peppers, then sprinkle with more cheese;
9. preheated oven 210 degrees, 15-20 minutes before baking. removed the surface sprinkled cheese and sprinkle grass groups continue to bake 5-10 minutes.


类别: 餐饮食品



8.先撒上一层cheese 丝,加上青椒丝,洋葱丝,火腿丝,在上面再加一次cheese丝




小面团1个,川味腊肉、川味香肠各50克 大青红椒各35克、洋葱、蒜薹各30克,番茄沙司50克,奶酪25克,胡椒粉、精炼油各少许





如果你可以买到很全的材料 像批萨草叶 马苏里拉奶酪这些东西 那做出来的可就更美味喽 两个PIZZA我在家都做过 都8错 马苏里拉是用来提升味道和拉丝用的

原料:(8寸PIZZA)面粉150克 干酵母5克 温水80ml 黄油20克 盐1/2茶勺 糖1茶勺 西红柿3个 洋葱半个 黄油10克 百里香 黑胡椒 盐 糖 鸡精少许
蘑菇 胚根 玉米粒 青豆 洋葱 红椒 腊肠一小段 批萨草少量 苏里拉奶酪250克

面坯做法:1.将干酵母倒入温水中,搅拌均匀,静置10分钟左右; 2.将面粉、盐和糖混合后,加入酵母水。水要一点点加,揉成团就可; 3.加入黄油,继续不停的揉,10分钟左右,揉到面团光滑后,盖上保鲜膜放在温暖处发酵; 4.放置发酵2小时。

皮萨酱做法:1.准备好调味料; 2.洋葱切碎,西红柿去皮切丁; 3.锅里放加热黄油融化; 4.放入洋葱炒香; 5.接着放入西红柿丁继续不挺的翻炒,知道炒出汤后加入百里香 黑胡椒 盐 鸡精,大火收干汤; 6.炒好的皮萨酱放量备用

皮萨饼做法:1.准备好材料; 2.培根,腊肠、蘑菇,洋葱,红椒切片,用黄油略炒,玉米粒青豆加水煮到沸腾捞起; 3.马苏里拉刨成丝备用(也可以切成细条); 4.皮萨盘刷油; 5.把面团擀成圆饼放在盘里,边上厚中间薄,用叉子在面饼上戳出小洞,抹上蛋青(防止湿料将面坯浸湿,就不脆了); 6.抹上刚才做好的皮萨酱边缘的地方就不要抹了; 7.放上奶酪; 8.铺上培根,腊肠、蘑菇,洋葱,红椒,再撒上些奶酪;

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