[转载]素食主义的分类 About vegan_玉水梧桐_新浪博客
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  • 纯素食主义严格素食主义(Veganism):会避免食用所有由制成的食品,例如肉类、海鲜、蛋、奶和蜂蜜等。除了食物之外,部份严守素食主义者也不使用动物制成的商品,例如含动物成分的药品、丝绸、动物毛、和含动物性成份或动物实验的等。
  • 奶蛋素食主义(Lacto-ovo Vegetarianism):不吃肉,但会食用部分动物制成的食品,如蛋、奶、蜂蜜等。
  • 奶素食主义(Lacto Vegetarianism):不吃肉、蛋及蛋制品,但会食用奶类和其相关产品,像是奶酪、或等。
  • 蛋素食主义(Ovo-Vegetarianism):不吃肉、奶及奶制品,可食用蛋类和其相关产品。
  • 生食主义(Raw foodism):这种食用方法是将所有食物保持在状态,即使加热也不超过摄氏47℃。生食主义者认为会致使食物中的或被破坏。有些生食主义者叫作活化生食主义者,在食用种子类食物前,会将食物浸泡在水中,使其。有些生食主义者的精神与食果实主义者相似,有些生食主义者仅食用。
  • 食果实主义(Fruitarianism):仅食用水果和或其他植物。
  • 佛教素(Fo Vegetarianism)不吃肉类和蛋类;不吃植物性食物中的葱、蒜、韭、洋葱等有刺激性气味的植物,认为这些植物气味臭秽、障碍修行;。

  • 瑜伽素:(Yoga Vegetarianism)瑜伽修行者根据食物对人体的影响将食物分为三大类:



    (3)惰性食物:食用后使人疲倦、嗜睡、昏沉、欲重的食物,包括所有的肉类、鱼、蛋、葱蒜类、菌菇类、酒、xx品。                                                                    瑜伽饮食的特点是:以悦性食物为主,少吃或不吃变性食物,xx不吃惰性食物,是一种崇尚自然、健康的饮食方式。

  • 部分肉食主义:可能基于、或而不食用某些,像是不食、、等的是最普遍的类型,这些人会食用部分禽类和。这不是传统的素食主义,而是介于半素食主义之间。
  • 自由素食主义:这类的人主要是以素食为主,偶尔会食用肉类。
  • 苦行素食主义:这类人为坚定心中的信念,以苦行的方式进行素食,不仅戒蛋,,甚至戒、。

The diet is a form of vegetarianism which excludes all from the diet, such as meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, eggs, and honey. Those who practice veganism for ethical reasons often exclude animal products from their diet as part of a larger practice of abstaining from the use of animals for any purpose (e.g. leather, fur, etc.), often out of support for .

Most vegetarians consume dairy products, and many eat eggs. includes dairy products but excludes eggs, includes eggs but not dairy, and includes both eggs and dairy products.

consists of a diet largely of vegetarian foods, but may include fish and sometimes poultry, as well as dairy products and eggs. The association of semi-vegetarianism with vegetarianism in popular vernacular, particularly (also called pesco-vegetarianism and described as a "vegetarian" diet that includes fish), has led to what vegetarian groups cite as improper categorisation of these diets as vegetarian. The , which initiated popular usage of the term vegetarian as early as 1847, condemns the association of semi-vegetarian diets as valid vegetarianism; the organisation points out that the consumption of fish is not vegetarian.

Terminology and varieties of vegetarianism


Other dietary practices commonly associated with vegetarianism

  • is a diet of only fruit, nuts, seeds, and other plant matter that can be gathered without harming the plant.
  • originating in , excludes all animal products as well as the fetid vegetables: , , , , or .
  • is a diet of mostly and . Not all macrobiotics are vegetarians, as some consume .
  • is a diet of fresh and uncooked fruit, nuts, seeds, and vegetables.
  • : whereas vegans do not use animal products of any kind, dietary vegans restrict their veganism to their diet.

Some vegetarians also avoid products that may use animal ingredients not included in their labels or which use animal products in their manufacturing i.e. cheeses that use animal , (from animal skin, bones, and ), some sugars that are whitened with (e.g. sugar, but not sugar) and clarified with or crushed and . Vegetarians who eat eggs sometimes prefer free-range eggs (as opposed to eggs).

Semi-vegetarian diets

Semi-vegetarian diets primarily consist of vegetarian foods, but make exceptions for some non-vegetarian foods. These diets may be followed by those who choose to reduce the amount of animal flesh consumed, or sometimes as a way of transitioning to a vegetarian diet. These terms are based on the word "vegetarian". They may be regarded with contention by some strict vegetarians, as they combine terms for vegetarian and non-vegetarian diets.

Additionally, many individuals describe themselves as simply "vegetarian" while actually practicing a semi-vegetarian diet.

  • —A diet that excludes certain meats, particularly , but allows the consumption of others.
    • —A diet that excludes all meat except , , and .
    • —A diet that excludes all meat except and .
  • —A diet that consists primarily of vegetarian food, but that allows occasional exceptions.



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