由当时只有二十一岁的英伦小伙子Thomas Burberry一手创立,Burberry(中文商标:巴宝丽、帛柏莉)成为了一个最能代表英国的品牌。BURBERRY创办于1856年,是英国皇室御用品,于1879年BURBERRY研制了一种防水防绉、透气耐穿的布料:gabardine,由此赢得大家的认可。1901年,BURBERRY设计出{dy}款风衣,在{dy}次大战,其风衣被指定为英国xx的高级军服。时至今日,翻开英国牛津辞典,【BURBERRY】已成为风衣的另一代名词。
今天,BURBERRY通过不断提升它的设计和创新图饰来提高梦寐以求的吸引力,将其经典的感性与现今的时代性xx结合,在时尚中注入品质,成为一个永恒的品牌!一八九零年Burberry设计的干湿褛一直为历久不衰的潮流。于战后此款干湿褛更成为众多名人明星的心头好,当中包括柯德莉夏萍和《北非谍影》男主角亨弗莱·鲍嘉及女主角英格丽·褒曼。除了一九零一年创作的骑士商标成为Burberry家喻户晓的一个标志。其次,当然不得不提一九二四年创作的Burberry Check “Nova” – 代表Burberry的格子图案。此格子图案首次出现是用于干湿褛的内里上,而于一九六七年注册成为商标后更广泛用于其他产品,如雨伞及行李箱上。Burberry一直深受皇室爱戴,更分别于一九五五年及一九八九年成为皇室御用品牌。一九九七年由于管理阶层的变动,现任CEO Rose Marie Bravo的加盟, Burberry的方向产生了变化,由向来主要为皇室和年纪较长的名人提供服饰及至于多个层面的客人,进一步扩大客人网路。二零零一年,Burberry在创作总监Christopher Bailey的带领下推出了Prorsum高级男女装系列,不但为经典的干湿褛及格纹图案注入新完素,亦为品牌建立时尚新形象,一洗以往古老形象。
另外,当时为Burberry Check加入新色 – 黑,红格子,及找来名模Kate Moss和Stella Tennant穿上Burberry Check比坚尼拍摄硬照,也使一度于品牌低潮的Burberry重振雄风,令销售额增加了一倍,并成为一百年来销售额{zg}的一年。而二零零三年,Burberry更推出了以创立人Thomas Burberry命名的新系列,提供更年轻及时款的轻便服饰,进一步把品牌推至年青品味一族。BLACK LABEL最贵。
was founded in 1856 when 21-year-old Thomas Burberry (1835 - 1926), a former draper's apprentice, opened his own store in Basingstoke, Hampshire, England.[1] By 1870 the business had established itself by focusing on the development of outdoors attire. In 1880 Burberry invented gabardine, a hardwearing, water-resistant yet breathable fabric, in which the yarn is waterproofed before weaving. The Gabardine was patented in 1888. Burberry was the original name, but then soon switched to Burberrys, after many customers from around the world began calling it Burberrys of London. This name is still visible on many older Burberry products.
1908 Burberry's advertisement[2]In 1891 Burberry opened a shop in the Haymarket, London, which still exists and is the site of Burberry’s corporate headquarters.[1] In 1901, the Burberry Equestrian Knight Logo was developed containing the Latin word "Prorsum", meaning forwards, and registered as a trademark.[1] In 1911 they became the outfitters for Roald Amundsen, the first man to reach the South Pole, and Ernest Shackleton, who led a 1914 expedition to cross Antarctica.
In 1914 Burberry was commissioned by the War Office to adapt its officer's coat to suit the conditions of contemporary warfare, resulting in the "trench coat".[1] After the war, the trench coat became popular with civilians. The iconic Burberry check was created in the 1920s and used as a lining in its trench coats.
Burberry also specially designed aviation garments. A. E. Clouston and Mrs. Betsy Kirby Green made the fastest flying time to Cape Town from London in 1937 and were sponsored by Burberry.