

2010-07-08 10:05:20 阅读5 评论0 字号:

根据使用的范围和抽气效能可将真空泵分为三类: (1)一般水泵,压强可达到1.333~100kPa(10~760mmHg)为"粗"真空。   (2)油泵,压强可达0.133~133.3Pa(0.001~1mmHg)为"次高"真空。   (3)扩散泵,压强可达0.133Pa以下,(10-3mmHg)为"高"真空。   在有机化学实验室里常用的减压泵有水泵和油泵两种,若不要求很低的压力时,可用水泵,如果水泵的构造好且水压又高,抽空效率可达1067~3333Pa(8~25mmHg)。水泵所能抽到的{zd1}压力理论上相当于当时水温下的水蒸气压力。例如,水温25℃、20℃、10℃时,水蒸气的压力分别为3192、2394、1197Pa(8-25mmHg)。用水泵抽气时,应在水泵前装上安全瓶,以防水压下降,水流倒吸;停止抽气前,应先放气,然后关水泵。   若要较低的压力,那就要用到油泵了,好的油泵能抽到133.3Pa(1mmHg)以下。油泵的好坏决定于其机械结构和油的质量,使用油泵时必须把它保护好。如果蒸馏挥发性较大的有机溶剂时,有机溶剂会被油吸收结果增加了蒸气压,从而降低了抽空效能,如果是酸性气体,那就会腐蚀油泵,如果是水蒸气就会使油成乳浊液而抽坏真空泵。因此使用油泵时必须注意下列几点:   在蒸馏系统和油泵之间,必须装有吸收装置。   蒸馏前必须用水泵彻底抽去系统中有机溶剂的蒸气。   如能用水泵抽气的,则尽量用水泵,如蒸馏物质中含有挥发性物质,可先用水泵减压抽降,然后改用油泵。   减压系统必须保持密不漏气,所有的橡皮塞的大小和孔道要合适,橡皮管要用真空用的橡皮管。磨口玻璃涂上真空油脂。

“ Vacuum Pump Categories ”是由提供的水泵行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国磁力泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

According to the scope and use of vacuum extraction efficiency can be divided into three categories: (1) general water pump, pressure up to 1.333 ~ 100kPa (10 ~ 760mmHg) as a "rough" vacuum. (2) pump, pressure up to 0.133 ~ 133.3Pa (0.001 ~ 1mmHg) as the "second highest" vacuum. (3) diffusion pump, pressure up to 0.133Pa the following, (10-3mmHg) as "high" vacuum. Commonly used in organic chemistry laboratory vacuum pump with two pumps and oil pumps, low pressure, if required, can pump, if the structure is good and the water pressure pumps and high, taking the time to efficiency is up to 1067 ~ 3333Pa (8 ~ 25mmHg). Pump pressure can theoretically be able to get the equivalent of the minimum water temperature of water vapor pressure at that time. For example, water temperature 25 ℃, 20 ℃, 10 ℃, the water vapor pressure is 3192,2394,1197 Pa (8-25mmHg). With the pump exhaust should be installed in the pump before the safety bottle, to prevent pressure drop, flow down absorption; stop pumping, before deflation, then close the pump. To lower the pressure, then use the pump, and a good pump can be pumped 133.3Pa (1mmHg) the following. Good or bad decision to pump oil in its mechanical structure and quality, the use of fuel it must be good protection. If a large distillation of volatile organic solvent, organic solvents will be absorbed resulting in higher oil vapor pressure, which reduces the efficiency for taking the time, if the acid gas, there would be corrosion of pump, if water vapor will cause the oil into the milk turbid liquid and the pump bad pump. Therefore the use of fuel must be aware of the following points: Between systems and pumps in distillation, absorption device must be installed. Distilled water pump before the system completely removing the organic solvent vapor. Such as the exhaust pump can be used, then try to use the pump, such as the distillation of material containing volatile substances, can first use the water pump vacuum pumping down, and then switch to pump. Vacuum system must maintain a close, not leak all the rubber plug and the pore size should be appropriate to use the vacuum hose with the hose. Grinding of glass coated with vacuum grease port.

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