哈尔滨市,6号门附近将防盗安全门的« Reuse world



一位资深业内专家告诉记者,国家标准防盗门的技术指标是质量技术监督国家标准,严格执行GB17565 - 1998,属于技防产品。根据生产的专业团体与安全和xx电子产品质量检测中心起草的“防盗安全门通用技术条件的九个指标”,以严格的测试公安部。






1哈市房地产行业,向记者透露,目前,到附近的哈市居民的社区6个是安全入户门门,不是防盗门。 06.9.25

Harbin City, near door 6 into anti-theft security door are

According to Harbin, a real estate industry to industry sources, this situation is widespread in the Harbin City, at present, Harbin City near 6 into the community are safe入户门door, not anti-theft door.

It is understood that the security door and security door in appearance can not be distinguished. However, the intrinsic quality of the two door is very different. Security door enterprise standards are implemented, the implementation of anti-theft door are national standards. Security door, compared with the anti-theft door, whether from the plate, or technical indicators, anti-destruction capabilities and security features are very different.

a senior industry expert told reporters, the national standard anti-theft door technical indicators are strict implementation of Quality and Technical Supervision National Standard GB17565-1998, belonging to技防产品. Produced by professional bodies in accordance with the Ministry of Public Security for Security and Police Electronic Products Quality Testing Center of drafting the “anti-theft security door general technical conditions” of the nine indicators to rigorous testing.

experts listed a few technical indicators. For example: anti-theft door should have a clear sign of a strong, according to its security level, structure type, Doors Close the direction of classification, and give the corresponding tags, code-named. In addition, anti-theft door locks installed at the site in order to approach as the center, in a radius of not less than 100mm should be the framework of strengthening the anti-drill steel plate, drilled holes in order to prevent the demolition of lock, open the doors damaged.

In addition, door frames, doors also have strict size requirements: anti-theft steel door frame on the plate, its thickness should be not less than 2mm. Doors and door frames should not be less than the lap width 8mm, doors and door frames should not be greater than the gap with the activities of 4mm. The destruction of anti-theft door anti-net requirements of the shortest working hours can not be less than 15 minutes and so on.

should be in full compliance with these rigorous standards, the cost of each anti-theft door to close to 1,000 yuan. Especially in 2004, the steel price increase of nearly double the profit margin to reduce substantial. In order to reduce costs, manufacturers seize the consumer’s lack of expertise in anti-theft door features, playing a touch ball, and consumers altered the idea of language games played.

Beginning in 2004, anti-theft door manufacturers have since set the enterprise standard, all kinds of luxurious security door, home security door,防撬门, the influx of anti-theft door steel door market, the market in the anti-theft door occupies the percentage is increasing year by year.

the quality of these security door with a large gap between the anti-theft door. For example: steel doors are produced in accordance with enterprise standards, steel plate thickness should be 0.8mm; anti-theft door are manufactured according to national standards, steel plate thickness should be 1.2mm. Some steel door plate thickness of 0.8mm are even less than, inside the door has not step up anti-drill steel plate, there is no reinforcement. This door is actually a metal door, the anti-theft performance even better than a wood door. The vast majority of consumers still are kept in the ri, bought its own anti-theft security door as a door.

a哈市real estate industry sector, revealed to reporters that at present, 6 into a community near哈市residents are safe入户门door, not anti-theft door. (06-9-25)

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