穰麌梨童女唐卡- 图文影音交流- 格鲁修学社区格鲁|格鲁派|菩提道次第 ...
Janguli, Shyama Chaturbhuja (Tib.: dug sel ma jang ku chag shi pa. English: the Green Remover of Poison with Four hands).

"Arya Janguli with a body green in colour, one face and four hands. The right two [hold] a trident and peacock feathers. The left two [hold] a snake and extended in a [gesture] of fearlessness. Seven snake heads hover above; together with snake necklaces, earrings, etc. Seated in sattvasana posture." (Thartse Panchen Namka Chime, 1756-1820). (See full painting #89181

1800 - 1899

Buddhist Lineage

Ground Mineral Pigment on Cotton

Collection of Rubin Museum of Art


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