户外烧烤炉燃气烤炉bbq gas 请http://gasbbq.OSA.P 阿里巴巴jacknny的 ...

户外烧烤炉/燃气烤炉/BBQ/GAS GRILLS BBQ/燃气取暧器/燃气烧烤炉/PATIO HEATER/烤炉/集成厨电/集成厨房 /gasbbq.OSA.PL


邓从兵燃气具产品设计展示网--专业设计燃气取暧器,燃气bbq(燃烤炉)、 xx集成厨电 集成厨房开


气认证机构(CSA,CE,AGA UL),专业团队为你打造全新产品理念及新产品,从产品外观设计、结构工





Deng Congbing the fuel gas has the product design demonstration network--The specialized

design fuel gas takes dim daylight, fuel gas bbq (burns oven), the high-end integration

kitchen electricity to integrate the kitchen development in industry to work also has more

than 7 year of operating time, from the product design completes to the series

authentication to the production coordinated process, including the global four big fuel gas

authentication organization (CSA, CE, AGA UL), the specialized team makes the brand-new

product idea and the new product for you, from the product outward appearance design, the

structure technological design, the reasonable needed materials pattern, the brand-new

technical process"s arrangement, to complete produces goods the procedure, will be the

expensive enterprise promotes the profession competitive power, the promotion profit margin

best safeguard.
  Now the domestic and foreign outdoors fuel gas has the product sales volume to change

with each new day the development, the product also evolves into the collection electron

from the sole product development into outdoors product, electrically controlled, the fuel

gas integration, becomes the multi-purpose fuel gas ovens and the multi-purpose fuel gas

products. More hot spots and the new product invite negotiate by telegram discussed that

here has you to want, also has the new product which you had not thought!!!!


Deng Congbing the fuel gas has the product design demonstration network to promote the

different style the fuel gas to have the product every month, please the new old customer

attention ask respectfully the anticipation.


        Has been imitated! Has not always been surmounted!


户外烧烤炉    燃气烤炉   BBQ  GAS GRILLS BBQ

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