阿半岁的小宝宝吃早餐什么好处呢? « Live in China 混在中国





















法国(Ulric-De-Varens)的制度:一是坏的加瘦肉葱花,生面粉,油,盐,拌匀,使灌装,然后用沸水煮米粉和好,成为一个晶圆辊;放在皮肤肉Banhao折叠的球迷中间,该用拇指壁球前沿的一部分,然后切成兔耳两个剪刀,小件形状向上,两个眼睛胡萝卜将镶嵌成兔蒸笼蒸10分钟, 。






营养特点:2岁的宝宝,例如,这个菜含有168能源,其中60%来自非流行鱼的热量,饱和脂肪,能量值相当于所需的婴儿整天1 / 6。它包含的蛋白质也非常丰富,大约为1天,所需能源/ 3的会计。钙与磷两种元素(Element)的含量不仅丰富,而且适当的比例,以满足几乎半天的需要。


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-10 - 10 10点24分17秒



3,动物和植物蛋白质摄取足够。在肉类,鱼类,豆类和鸡蛋含有高质量的蛋白质数量很大,您可以使用这些食物饨汤,或肉末,鱼丸,豆腐,鸡蛋汤,很容易消化的食物喂养婴儿。 1至2岁的婴儿应该每天吃肉40-50克,25-50豆制品,鸡蛋,1克。




A half-year-old 宝宝 eat breakfast any good?

1-year-old 宝宝 and a half eat breakfast what is good?

1-year-old more than half the child s five appetizer recipes

a Western juice, fish balls

Materials: Net 300 g grass fish, egg 1, green peppers 25 grams, yam 25 grams, onion ginger juice, refined oil, salt, tomato sauce, sugar, monosodium glutamate little, water corn starch.


1, will be a net fish washed made of Velvet-like, with proper onion ginger juice, a pinch of salt, MSG stirring, and then adding eggs, starch, mix well to pull its weight, the stand-by; green peppers, yams both Cheng Ding.

2, take a clean wok, add appropriate amount of water, will Minced Fish-shaped hand-Ji Cheng balls into the water pot, until all be done, it will place the wok stove, till the fish balls mature fish out stand-by.

3, will be cleaned into the pot a little oil. Heat, the amount of tomato sauce into stir-Chao Chu marked oil, add a little soup, add a little salt and sugar; boiled, add green pepper, yams small, slightly Shao Fei, another into the balls, to be boiled starch thicken, pour a little mature oil can.

Nutrition little secret: fish nutrient-rich, it is suitable for a half-year-old 宝宝 digestion and absorption. If the fish balls are made of tomato sauce tastes even make 宝宝 appetite.

2, milk fish, small

Materials: Net Green 150 grams of meat, egg white a refined oil, salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate the little, onion ginger water, milk and water, corn starch.


a net made of Minced Fish fish washed after the amount of onion ginger into the water, salt, MSG, starch, egg white and water, then stir evenly. To pull its weight, the placed in pot cage steam cooked to make it into a fish cake, remove, cut into small-like, stand-by.

2, the wok, add some refined oil, Pour out the oil will be cooked; then go down to the pot and add a dash of water and milk, boiled add a little salt, sugar, and then into the fish Ding, After the water boiled starch thicken, pour a little oil can be refined cooked Zhuangpen.

Nutrition little secret: The fish is made into surimi cooked after the dirty meat dish, which can remove the very young babies vulnerable to choking hazard fishbone, and easy to fully digest and absorb nutrients. Moreover, the full flavor of this dish of milk, and fresh fish, small, color Bai Jie, a very attractive 宝宝, and therefore an age of more than half the ideal 宝宝 dishes.

3, the multicolored volume

materials: 25 grams of meat, eggs 25 grams, potato 25 grams, 50 grams of white radish, carrots 5 grams, 5 grams bean sprouts, diced green onion 10 grams, 10 grams of starch, oil and 5 grams.
system of France: First the rotten potatoes, cooked and peeled stirring, chopping rotten meat with onions, raw powder, salt mix well, then the egg shell, stir fry Danpi standby; put less oil when fried, not fried coke to maintain egg color, the paste pot Danpi flat side up; covered with minced meat, rolled, steamed, and then cut into pieces marked with Euryale ferox juice; the carrot, white radish, bean sprouts cut wire, stir-fry After the paving cooked on a plate, put it into the egg rolls have been cut.

nutritional characteristics: This is Tao is not only the characteristics of fish meat dish that contains an abundance of energy, protein and fat, but also rich in vitamin C. This value is equivalent to two-year-old 宝宝 half-day requirements. Which is also rich in iron content, these two nutrients, co-occurrence for the prevention of childhood iron-deficiency anemia is very useful.

4, rabbit eating carrot

material: lean meat 35g, meat 20g, rice noodles and yuba each 5g, spinach, 100g, white radish 5g, carrot 5g.

system of France: First the bad plus lean chopped green onion, raw flour, oil, salt and mix well so filling, and then use boiling water boiled rice noodles and well, roll into a wafer; put the meat on the skin Banhao the middle of the folded fan, the front edge part of the squash with the thumb and then cut two small pieces with scissors, upward shape into rabbit ears; two carrots for the eye will be inlaid into a rabbit, with steamer steam for 10 minutes.

the yuba, spinach and boneless fish cooked Billy, Billy, when salt and a little bit of oil. These three samples of raw materials used for bedding, and then put on the rabbit. Rabbit can be placed in front of the white radish and carrots wire, causing rabbit eating radishes in mood.

nutritional characteristics: This vivid dishes easily attract 宝宝 s attention, even more commendable is that it contains energy, iron, vitamin A and vitamin C are particularly abundant, if, as the 宝宝 s dinner is ideal.

5, Danhua fish

materials: Semi-two fish paste, egg 1, 100 grams of tofu, sugar, diced green onion, shredded ginger appropriate.

system of law: fish steamed fish paste scraped and a half two (note that the small thorns removed), with ginger, soy sauce, sugar and a little vegetable oil mix well; egg shell stir well; with the right amount of water and salt to cook tofu , then add a good fish paste simmer until cooked, when Caesar Danhua diced green onion, cooked it becomes.

nutritional characteristics: The 2-year-old child, for example, this dish contains 168 calories of energy, of which 60% came from non-endemic fish, saturated fat, the energy value is equivalent to the required 宝宝 all day 1 / 6. It contains the protein is also very abundant, approximately accounting for the energy needed for a days / 3. The calcium and phosphorus contents of these two elements is not only rich, but the proportion of appropriate to meet the needs of nearly half of the day.

to make arrangements to 1 to 2-year-old 宝宝 s diet

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2004-10 — 10 10:24:17

1-year-old to 2-year-old 宝宝 will gradually grow 10 teeth, the main food gradually shift from a mixed dairy-based food-based, while the 宝宝 s digestive system is not yet mature at this time Therefore, do not give your 宝宝 to eat adult food, based on the 宝宝 s physiological characteristics and nutritional needs, for his production of delicious food, to guarantee access to balanced nutrition. It should be noted:
one, the 宝宝 s stomach capacity is limited, should Shaochiduocan. 1 year and a half ago can give your 宝宝 away from three meals a day plus two snacks, snack time can be in the afternoon and evening; 1-year-old was reduced to three meals a day and a half later point, snack time can be in the afternoon. However, we should pay attention first, plus dessert dim sum in moderation, and not excessive, and second, the time away from the dinner can not be too close to dinner so as not to affect the appetite, but also not at liberty to give 宝宝 snacks, or else a long time will cause nutritional imbalance.

Second, eat more vegetables and fruit. Baby every day is one of the main source of nutrition of vegetables, especially orange and green vegetables, such as: tomatoes, carrots, rape, bell pepper and so on. The vegetables can be processed into broken bits of soft rotten vegetables at the end fry seasoning mix in rice and 宝宝 feeding. Attention should be given a 宝宝 to eat fruit, but it can not replace fruits and vegetables, 1 to 2-year-old 宝宝 should be eating a day of vegetables, fruit and a total of 150-250 grams.

3, adequate intake of animal and plant protein. In meat, fish, beans and eggs contain a large number of high-quality protein, you can use these food ravioli soup, or minced meat, fish balls, tofu, eggs, soup and so easy to digest 宝宝 food feeding. 1 to 2-year-old 宝宝 should eat meat every day 40-50 grams, 25-50 grams of soy products, eggs, 1.

4, nutritious milk, especially rich in calcium, which will help your 宝宝 absorb the milk during this period is still the indispensable 宝宝 food, intake of 250-500 做爱 per day shall be guaranteed.

5, coarse grains, flour and rice to be eaten, to avoid vitamin B1 deficiency. Staple foods to eat soft rice, porridge, small steamed bun, small ravioli, small dumplings, buns and so on, do not eat too much does not matter, the daily intake of 150 grams can be.

my 宝宝 a half years old, and I want to go to work every day, no time to deliberate what to do to give her 宝宝 food. If she was, and so on, and I eat half a bowl of egg noodles, sometimes a small bowl of thick rice porridge add some dried meat floss. Or to eat bread, and a steamed egg block. If you can not wait, I would let her drink 200 做爱 milk boxes, and then eat biscuits. Noon and night and we ate rice and vegetables, or noodles, but be sure to give her eat. She is white, fat, people have asked me what to feed her delicious, and I am really ashamed. Is a good 宝宝 to absorb.05-01-13

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