轴向柱塞泵体加工生产线专机及主要辅助设备生产线布置及粗镗机液压系统 ...
轴向柱塞泵体加工生产线专机及主要辅助设备生产线布置及粗镗机液压系统设计 [原创 2010-07-09 01:24:40]   

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7000多字        30页

摘   要


Today in the 21st century, the development at full speed of high-new revolution in science and technology taking information science and technology as important sign,Changing the appearance of the world and human life style, is promoting the arrival of the kownledge economy. As the new and high technology combines with mechanical trade, the modern electronic product is no longer a simple mechanical component, But by organized and so-called " electromechanical information integrates " products such as the machinery, electron, computer, etc.. The modern electromechanical project is that the mechanical engineering science and technology is combined closely with modern science and technology such as inform,However, it is electromechanics' professional but not other specialities,One's own specialized foundation, one's own specialized practice can't be ignored at all. " nine storeys of platforms, start from and build the soil ", " a thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step ", Having left practice, everything will become empty, the electromechanical speciality is even more like this. More than nearly ten comes every year, hydraulic transmission is in leak protection、 manage pollution、noise reduction、All respects of studying in energy-conservation and material etc. make considerable progress, The combination of it and electronic technology is assembled, mixed to combining, deepen step by step. Even to this day, the power as large as possible spreads in the space as small as possible and control accurately on this, Hydraulic transmission has already occupied the first place in various transmission way, irreplaceable. This kind of situation makes component type, structure of oil passage, system of hydraulic transmission design and make the crafts etc. and all change deeply, changing people will carry on knowing, analyze and comprehensive methods to it too.
   Axial column fill in pump pump body ZB40 column key part to fill pump one of. Single one, produce in batches and continue to use ordinary machine tooling small, production efficiency is low, labour intensity is great, quality is unstable. Want, reach 10,000 of annual production / year, boost productivity, reduce labour intensity, guarantee quality of production must adopt special production line come, realize at the same time. This design is mainly to realize the component of the processing course of flow line production is automized with the hydraulic system. So,in design process among I must not the careless,ones that want conscientiously every completions step.

 目    录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
{dy}章  绪论 1
第二章  零件加工及工艺流程 2
第三章   生产流水线 6
第四章  粗镗机液压系统设计 7
4.1 确定各加工序余量 7
4.2  粗镗切削用量和基本工时的确定 8
     4.3  粗镗机液压缸设计 10
4.3.1  粗镗左、右液压缸的动作分析 10
4.3.2  负载分析 11
4.3.3 液压缸主要参数的确定 12
4.3.4 液压缸主要参数的确定 13
4.3.5  液压缸的强度校核 14
4.3.6  夹紧液压缸设计 18 夹紧液压缸的的作用 18 夹紧液压缸的动作分析 18 夹紧液压缸的负载分析 18
4.3.7  液压系统的原理图的拟定 19 选择液压回路 19 液压回路的综合系统图的拟定 21
4.3.8  液压泵液压元件的选择 23
4.3.9 .阀类元件及辅助元件 24
4.3.10  油管 25
4.3.11  液压系统的性能验算 26
第五章 结论 27
参考文献 28
致谢 29
附录A 工序卡……………………………………………………………………….30
附录B  加工工艺卡……………………………………………………… 31

参 考 文 献

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