清洗附在硅或磷化铟表面的污物,需要何种处xx体并用?-MYCRO 等离子 ...

Q: contaminations attached to surfaces of silicon or indium phosphide such as polymer in the process of etching need to be cleaned,is the cleaner able to do that? if so, do we need processing ga(es) to go with? please list them as well, if we do need. Thank you.

A: Harrick plasma cleaners have been used to remove monolayers or thin layers of organic or polymer films (typically 10-100 nm thick), using air or oxygen as the process gas. Oxygen would be more efficient in polymer film etching, as there would be more reactive oxygen species to react with the organic material. Etchrates are typically about 10-20nm/min at High RF power. 

  等离子清洗机已被用于去除有机或高分子膜(通常10-100 nm)的单层或薄层,与大气或氧气作为处xx体共用。作为处xx体的氧气更有效地用于高分子膜蚀刻,因为有更多的氧气活性粒子与有机材料发生作用。在RF高频下,蚀刻速度通常约为10-20nm/min

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