Japanese sake brewing process and characteristics of flavor ...

Category:catering food

Japanese sake brewing process and characteristics of flavor?

Sake of the most representative of Japan, which is made from high quality large Mega Japanese mountain spring water is made usually in the 13-15 degree Celsius degrees, the height of his transparent, taste Gan, Xin mouth of the points. Gan Gan mouth in order to cool down-Lie, and light-Xiang Yi were famous for; Sim mouth Zeyi wine rich taste of infinity and reflexes. Compared with shochu, fruit-bin wine, as well as foreign whiskey, it’s biggest feature is the tasteless and clear, with low degree is not easy on top, you can drink slowly goods aftertaste.
sake can be hot drinks, but also suitable for cold drinks. Winter season in Japan, when, it will be to 45 degrees Celsius with hot sake, with a small porcelain vase filled with one hand while drinking Talk, the alcohol is not easy divergence. During the summer many young people like to drink cold sake, there is a special cold wine, glass system, the middle of Au into the hole, into the ice, alcohol will not be watered into, whilst maintaining a low temperature. Pairs of Japanese cuisine, the sake is not only a companion, but also even more special effects; it can remove the fish smell, so food tastes more fragrant and more tender.


类别: 餐饮食品



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