水库-Ⅱ城堡一直是{dy}个案件的档案« Reuse world

在“水库-Ⅱ已经退休承认的质量,”一文,对此事的{zx1}趋势是,南方韩小姐收到了法院的要求,但她只有SK -Ⅱ—-产品分销企业购物商场在与被告山,而不是制造商宝洁公司。



律师说,如果市民在SK -Ⅱ系列回报的各种障碍物过程中遇到,市民可以通过法律手段来维护自己的权利和利益。


2006播放八年25,韩小姐到超市买了一水库山区-Ⅱ系列化妆品套,价值在四千四元,作为生日礼物,朋友和亲戚准备。 9月14日获悉,国家质检总局检测韩小姐品牌水库-Ⅱ9个含有违禁物质铬和钕的化妆品种系列,对不合格产品部,又买了两个自己的化妆品套包含“问题产品”,其结果它无法实现产品的购买目的。随后,韩小姐三次磋商,要求商场退货遭拒绝的各种原因。为了维护自己的合法权利和利益的韩小姐南到市法院。在上海的12种品牌的产品检测铬和国家质检总局曾发行包括3种产品清单钕;监管当局召见宝洁公司负责人,要求在柜台下的综合相关产品。


关于按照测试结果,有12种化妆品品牌水库共21发表Ⅱ检测铬和钕。包括SK -Ⅱ白防晒,水库-Ⅱ护肤洁面油,水库-Ⅱ重点净白素肌粉转播- 4,水库-Ⅱ运行活肤粉凝霜彩色转播- 2,水库-Ⅱ重点净白素肌粉底液转播- 2,水库-Ⅱ重点净白素肌粉底液外径- 3,水库-Ⅱ护肤精华,水库-Ⅱ护肤面膜,水库-Ⅱ多元修复霜,如9种的本质已经暴露国家质检总局的产品。



据报道,上海市委食品和xx管理局已召见宝洁(中国)有限公司有关负责人有限公司,通报的SK -Ⅱ品牌系列化妆品监督检查结果中,并要求这个企业将被扣押的12种违禁xx在所有的化妆品柜台。 06.9.22

SK-Ⅱ Castle has been the first case file

On the “SK-Ⅱ has retired to recognize quality,” one text, the matter of the latest trends are, Southern Miss Han has received the court of claims, but she only SK-Ⅱ —- Product Distribution Enterprises of a shopping mall in the mountain as the defendant, rather than manufacturer Procter & Gamble.

Shandong and Security Law Firm as counsel Zhou Peng Han’s attorney, disclosed to reporters that the plaintiffs did not Procter & Gamble Company as a defendant. He said: “Procter & Gamble far in Guangzhou, will increase the cost of certain litigation, but also extend the length of the proceedings, which is an ordinary public is concerned, it would be a waste of money, but also exhausting. To prosecute him, we negotiate with the sales at shopping malls , SK-Ⅱ express other manufacturers deal with the views expressed that to malls and shopping invoice, shopping malls are the seller, so we ultimately only the mall as the only defendant. However, as the development of the case, according to necessary we will consider additional P & G for the defendant. “

Zhou Peng lawyers also presented, the plaintiff’s claims include the following: the defendant in accordance with the law decree of its sales to the Miss Han SK-Ⅱ series Products for return procedures; decree in accordance with the law the defendant to refund the purchase price 4400 yuan Han and payment of interest; in accordance with the law decree accused Miss Han economic loss compensation for 2200 yuan; the case of litigation, the preservation of the costs borne by the defendant. Zhou Peng

lawyers said that if members of the public in the SK-Ⅱ series returns encountered in the course of all kinds of obstruction, the public can, through legal means to safeguard their own rights and interests.


2006 playback 8 years 25, Miss Han to the mall to buy a mountain of a SK-Ⅱ Series cosmetics sets, valued at 4400 yuan, ready as a birthday gift to friends and relatives. September 14, was informed that Miss Han AQSIQ detection brand SK-Ⅱ series of nine kinds of cosmetics containing prohibited substances chromium and neodymium, the Department of substandard products, and buy two sets of their own cosmetics contains “problem Product “, with the result that it can not realize the purpose of purchase of the product. Subsequently, Miss Han thrice requested consultations to shopping malls sales returns were rejected for various reasons. To safeguard their own legitimate rights and interests of the Southern Miss Han to the city court. 12 kinds of brand products in Shanghai were detected chromium and neodymium, including AQSIQ previously published list of three kinds of products; regulatory authorities have summoned the head of Procter & Gamble Company, requested that a comprehensive related products under the counter.

AQSIQ released recently by the Japanese brand SK-Ⅱ series of cosmetic products after the test results, the Shanghai Food and Drug Administration immediately organized the supervisory staff of the market brand SK-Ⅱ series of cosmetics carried out supervision and inspection agencies statutory sent for testing.

released on the 21st in accordance with the test results, a total of 12 kinds of cosmetics brand SK-Ⅱ were detected chromium and neodymium. Including SK-Ⅱ White sunscreen, SK-Ⅱ skincare Cleansing Oil, SK-Ⅱ focus素肌Whitening powder OB-4, SK-Ⅱ Run Dynamisante color powder凝霜OB-2, SK-Ⅱ focus素肌Whitening Liquid Foundation OB-2, SK-Ⅱ focus素肌Whitening Liquid Foundation OD-3, SK-Ⅱ skincare Essence, SK-Ⅱ skin care mask, SK-Ⅱ Multiple repair cream, such as the essence of 9 species have been exposed AQSIQ products.

In addition, the same was found to contain chromium, neodymium, and also includes SK-Ⅱ skincare Cleansing Cream, SK-Ⅱ membrane Dynamisante Gentle anti-wrinkle, SK-Ⅱ focus Whitening Source Liquid such as three kinds of products.

according to China’s “Hygienic Standards for Cosmetics” (GB7916)the relevant provisions, cosmetics should not contain chromium, neodymium and other prohibited substances.

It is reported that the Shanghai Municipal Food and Drug Administration has summoned the Procter & Gamble (China)Co., Ltd. related to responsible persons, to inform it about the SK-Ⅱ series brand cosmetics supervision and inspection results, and requested that this enterprise will be 12 kinds of seizure a prohibited substance under all the cosmetics counters. (06-9-22)

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