
银川第三水厂高压泵试车 缓解供水紧

2010-07-01 11:33:35 阅读6 评论0 字号:

原文:Water pressure pumps Yinchuan third test ease tight supply
Respond to continuous high temperatures caused by urban water supply pressure, on June 24, Yinchuan City Water Corporation will be the third high-pressure pump test water plant, the waterworks booster, the Xingqing East Water shortages will be addressed. Yinchuan City, the third water plant is located in Yan, Changqing Oilfield Pigeon Lake oil base, is one of Xingqing District 4 main supply water plant, designed daily water supply capacity of 100,000 cubic meters, Xinhua Street, but did not get through, the water plant one of the factory Under line is still not paved, greatly limits the capacity, we now have the Water Sunrise only 70,000 cubic meters of water. In view of the recent water shortages, Yinchuan City Water Corporation decided to carry out the third water plant capacity expansion. The input of the high-pressure pump, the factory will maximize the existing water pipeline pressure and flow rate. Yinchuan City Water Corporation, according to the person in charge, Yinchuan six cities and counties of this year, tensions have emerged in water, Water pressure pump into the third test, is expected to increase by 1 million cubic meters per day of water, will effectively mitigate the east of Yinchuan deficiency in water supply pressure.
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

原文:Water pressure pumps Yinchuan third test ease tight supply


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银川第三水厂高压泵试车 缓解供水紧
  应对连续高温天气带来的城市供水压力,6月24日,银川市自来水总公司将对第三水厂高压泵进行试车,该水厂增压后,兴庆区东部供水紧张问题将得到解决。 银川市第三水厂位于长庆油田燕鸽湖石油基地,是兴庆区四座主供水厂之一,设计日供水能力10万立方米,但由于新华东街未打通,该水厂其中一条出厂主管线至今未能铺设,极大地限制了产能,所以目前该水厂日出水量只有7万立方米。   鉴于近期出现的供水紧张局面,银川市自来水总公司决定对第三水厂进行产能扩容。本次投入的高压泵,将{zd0}限度增加现有出厂管线出水压力和流速。据银川市自来水总公司负责人介绍,银川6个市县区今年都呈现供水紧张局面,第三水厂高压泵的投入试车,预计每日增加1万立方米左右的水量,将有效缓解银川东部地区供水水压不足矛盾。

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