
当前,新型电液伺服阀技术的发展趋势主要体现在新型结构的设计、新型材料的采用及电子化、数字化技术与液压技术的结合等几方面。 1 新型结构的设计 在20世纪90年代,国外研制直动型电液伺服阀获得了较大的成就。现形成系列产品的有Moog公司的D633、D634系列的直动阀、伊顿威格士(EatonVickers)公司的LFDC5V型、德国Bosch公司的NC10型、日本三菱及KYB株式会社合作开发的MK型阀及Moog公司与俄罗期沃斯霍得工厂合作研制的直动阀等。该类型的伺服阀去掉了一般伺服阀的前置级,利用一个较大功率的力矩马达直接拖动阀芯,并由一个高精度的阀芯位移传感器作为反馈。该阀的{zd0}特点是无前置级,提高了伺服阀的抗污染能力。同时由于去掉了许多难加工零件,降低了加工成本,可广泛使用于工业伺服控制的场合。国内有些单位如中国运载火箭技术研究院第十八研究所、北京机床研究所、浙江工业大学等单位也研制出了相关产品的样机。特别是北京航空航天大学研制出转阀式直动型电液伺服阀。该伺服阀通过将普通伺服阀的滑阀滑动结构转变为滑阀的转动,并在阀芯与阀套上相应开了几个与轴向有一定倾角的斜槽。阀芯阀套相互转动时,斜槽相互开通或相互封闭,从而控制输出压力或流量。由于在工作时阀芯阀套是相互转动的,降低了阀工作时的摩擦阻力,同时污染物不容易在转动的滑阀内堆积,提高了抗污染性能。此外,Park公司开发了“音圈驱动(VoiceCoilDrive)”技术(VCD),以及以此技术为基础开发的DFplus控制阀。所谓音圈驱动技术,顾名思义,即是类似于扬声器的一种驱动装置,其基本结构就是套在固定的圆柱形{yj}磁铁上的移动线圈,当信号电流输入线圈时,在电磁效应的作用下,线圈中产生与信号电流相对应的轴向作用力,并驱动与线圈直接相连的阀芯运动,驱动力很大。线圈上内置了位移反馈传感器,因此,采用VCD驱动的DFplus阀本质上是以闭环方式进行控制的,线性度相当好。此外,由于VCD驱动器的运动零件只是移动线圈,惯量极小,相对运动的零件之间也没有任何支承,DFplus阀的全部支承就是阀芯和阀体间的配合面,大大减小了摩擦这一非线性因素对控制品质的影响。综合上述的技术特点,配合内置的数字控制模块,使DFplus阀的控制性能佳,尤其在频率响应方面更是优越,可达400Hz.从发展趋势来看,新型直动型电液伺服阀在某些行业有替代传统伺服阀特别是喷嘴挡板式伺服阀的趋向,但它的{zd0}问题在于体积大、重量重,只适用于对场地要求较低的工业伺服控制场合。如能减轻其重量、减小其体积,在航空、航天等军工行业亦具有极大的发展潜力。 另外,近年来伺服阀新型的驱动方式除了力矩马达直接驱动外,还出现了采用步进电机、伺服电机、新型电磁铁等驱动结构以及光-液直接转换结构的伺服阀。这些新技术的应用不仅提高了伺服阀的性能,而且为伺服阀发展开拓了思路,为电液伺服阀技术注入了新的活力。 2 新型材料的采用 当前在电液伺服阀研制领域的新型材料运用,主要是以压电元件、超磁致伸缩材料及形状记忆合金等为基础的转换器研制开发。它们各具有其自己的优良特性。 2.1压电元件 压电元件的特点是“压电效应”:在一定的电场作用下会产生外形尺寸的变化,在一定范围内,形变与电场强度成正比。压电元件的主要材料为压电陶瓷(PZT)、电致伸缩材料(PMN)等。比较典型的压电陶瓷材料有日本TOKIN公司的叠堆型压电伸缩陶瓷等。PZT直动式伺服阀的原理是:在阀芯两端通过钢球分别与两块多层压电元件相连。通过压电效应,使压电材料产生伸缩驱动阀芯移动。实现电-机械转换。PMN喷嘴挡板式伺服阀则在喷嘴处设置一与压电叠堆固定连接的挡板,由压电叠堆的伸、缩实现挡板与喷嘴间的间隙增减,使阀芯两端产生压差推动阀芯移动。目前压电式电-机械转换器的研制比较成熟并已得到较广泛的应用。它具有频率响应快的特点,伺服阀频宽甚至能达到上千赫兹,但亦有滞环大、易漂移等缺点,制约了压电元件在电液伺服阀上的进一步应用。 2.2超磁致伸缩材料超磁致伸缩材料(GMM)与传统的磁致伸缩材料相比,在磁场的作用下能产生大得多的长度或体积变化。利用GMM转换器研制的直动型伺服阀是把GMM转换器与阀芯相连,通过控制驱动线圈的电流,驱动GMM的伸缩,带动阀芯产生位移从而控制伺服阀输出流量。该阀与传统伺服阀相比不仅有频率响应高的特点,而且具有精度高、结构紧凑的优点。目前,在GMM的研制及应用方面,美国、瑞典和日本等国处于{lx1}水平。国内浙江大学利用GMM技术对气动喷嘴挡板阀和内燃机燃料喷射系统的高速强力电磁阀,进行了结构设计和特性研究。从目前情况来看GMM材料与压电材料和传统磁致伸缩材料相比,具有应变大、能量密度高、响应速度快、输出力大等特点。世界各国对GMM电-机械转换器及相关的技术研究相当重视,GMM技术水平快速发展,已由实验室研制阶段逐步进入市场开发阶段。今后还需解决GMM的热变形、磁晶各向异性、材料腐蚀性及制造工艺、参数匹配等方面的问题,以利于在高科技领域得到广泛运用。 2.3形状记忆合金形状记忆合金(SMA)的特点是具有形状记忆效应。将其在高温下定型后,冷却到低温状态,对其施加外力。一般金属在超过其弹性变形后会发生{yj}变形,而SMA却在将其加热到某一温度之上后,会恢复其原来高温下的形状。利用其特性研制的伺服阀是在阀芯两端加一组由形状记忆合金绕制的SMA执行器,通过加热和冷却的方法来驱动SMA执行器,使阀芯两端的形状记忆合金伸长或收缩,驱动阀芯作用移动,同时加入位置反馈来提高伺服阀的控制性能。从该阀的情况来看,SMA虽变形量大,但其响应速度较慢,且变形不连续,也限制了其应用范围。 与传统伺服阀相比,采用新型材料的电-机械转换器研制的伺服阀,普遍具有高频响、高精度、结构紧凑的优点。虽然目前还各自呈在某些关键技术需要解决,但新型功能材料的应用和发展,给电液伺服阀的技术发展发展提供了新的途径。 目前电子化、数字化技术在电液伺服阀技术上的运用主要有两种方式:其一,在电液伺服阀模拟控制元器件上加入D/A转换装置来实现其数字控制。随着微电子技术的发展,可把控制元器件安装在阀体内部,通过计算机程序来控制阀的性能,实现数字化补偿等功能。但存在模拟电路容易产生零漂、温漂,需加D/A转换接口等问题。其二,为直动式数字控制阀。通过用步进电机驱动阀芯,将输入信号转化成电机的步进信号来控制伺服阀的流量输出。该阀具有结构紧凑、速度及位置开环可控及可直接数字控制等优点,被广泛使用。但在实时性控制要求较高的场合,如按常规的步进方法,无法兼顾量化精度及响应速度的要求。浙江工业大学采用了连续跟踪控制的办法,xx了两者之间的矛盾,获得了良好的动态特性。此外还有通过直流力矩电机直接驱动阀芯来实现数字控制等多种控制方式或伺服阀结构改变等方法来形成众多的数字化伺服阀产品。 随着各项技术水平的发展,通过采用新型的传感器和计算机技术研制出机械、电子、传感器及计算机自我管理(故障诊断、故障排除)为一体的智能化新型伺服阀。该类伺服阀可按照系统的需要来确定控制目标:速度、位置、加速度、力或压力。同一台伺服阀可以根据控制要求设置成流量控制伺服阀、压力控制伺服阀或流量/压力复合控制伺服阀。并且伺服阀的控制参数,如流量增益、流量增益特性、零点等都可以根据控制性能{zy}化原则进行设置。伺服阀自身的诊断信息、关键控制参数(包括工作环境参数和伺服阀内部参数)可以及时反馈给主控制器;可以远距离对伺服阀进行监控、诊断和遥控。在主机调试期间,可以通过总线端口下载或直接由上位机设置伺服阀的控制参数,使伺服阀与控制系统达到{zj0}匹配,优化控制性能。而伺服阀控制参数的下载和更新,甚至在主机运转时也能进行。而在伺服阀与控制系统相匹配的技术应用发展中,嵌入式技术对于伺服阀已经成为现实。按照嵌入式系统应定义为:“嵌入到对像体系中的专用计算机系统”。“嵌入性”、“专用性”与“计算机系统”是嵌入式系统的三个基本要素。它是在传统的伺服阀中嵌入专用的微处理芯片和相应的控制系统,针对客户的具体应用要求而构建成具有{zy}控制参数的伺服阀并由阀自身的控制系统完成相应的控制任务(如各控制轴同步控制),再嵌入到整个的大控制系统中去。从目前的技术发展和控制系统对伺服阀的要求看,伺服阀的自诊断和自检测功能应该有更大的发展。

“ Analysis of the new development trend of electro-hydraulic servo valve technology ”是由提供的阀门行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国隔膜阀网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、 、 、 等。

At present, the new electro-hydraulic servo valve technology trend is mainly reflected in the design of new structures, new materials used and the electronic, digital technology and integration of hydraulic technology aspects. A new type of structural design 90s in the 20th century, foreign direct action type servo valve development was a greater achievement. Now form a series of products with Moog's D633, D634 series of direct-acting valves, Eaton Vickers (EatonVickers)'s LFDC5V type, the German Bosch company's NC10-type, and KYB Mitsubishi Corporation jointly developed the MK-valve and the Moog company and factory Russian cooperation in the development of Wo Sihuo have a direct action valve. The type of servo valve servo valve removed front the general level, the use of a higher power of the torque motor directly drag spool, spool by a high-precision displacement sensor as a feedback. The most important feature of the valve is no pre-class, enhanced anti-pollution capacity servo valve. Same time, because many are difficult to machine parts removed, reducing the processing cost can be widely used in industrial servo control of occasions. Some units such as the domestic Chinese Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology 18th Research Institute, Beijing Machine Tool Research Institute, Zhejiang University and other units have also developed a prototype of related products. In particular, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics developed rotating valve direct-acting type hydraulic servo valve. The servo valve servo valve by ordinary slide valve sliding spool valve structure into the rotation, and put on the spool and the valve to open a few and the corresponding axial inclination of the chute to a certain extent. Spool valve sets each rotation, each chute opened or closed with each other to control the output pressure or flow. As the spool valve set at work turning each other, reducing the frictional resistance of valve work, while pollution is not easy to turn the slide valve in the accumulation, improved anti-pollution performance. In addition, Park has developed a "voice coil drive (VoiceCoilDrive)" Technology (VCD), and the development of this technology-based DFplus control valve. The so-called voice coil drive technology, by definition, that is similar to a loudspeaker drive unit, its basic structure is set in a fixed cylindrical permanent magnet on the moving coil, when the signal current input coil, under the action of the electromagnetic effect, coil current is generated and the signal corresponding to the axial force, and drive directly connected with the coil spool movement, a great driving force. Coil displacement on the built-in feedback sensor, therefore, driven by VCD DFplus valve is in essence a closed-loop approach to control, very good linearity. In addition, movement of parts VCD drive coil is moving, inertia is extremely small, the relative motion between the parts do not have any bearing, DFplus valve spool and body is all supported the cooperation between the surface and greatly reduces the friction that nonlinear factors on the control of quality. Technical characteristics of the above, with the built-in digital control module, the control valve to DFplus good performance, particularly in the area is excellent frequency response up to 400Hz. From the development trend, the new direct-acting type hydraulic servo valve in certain industries, especially to replace traditional servo valve nozzle flapper servo valve towards, but it's the biggest problem is that large volume and weight, only applies to sites less demanding industrial servo control of occasions. Such as to reduce its weight, reduce its volume, in the aviation, aerospace and other defense industry also has great potential for development. In addition, in recent years, new servo valve torque motor drive mode in addition to the direct drive, but also there by a stepping motor, servo motors, solenoids and other drivers of new structures and light - liquid directly into the structure of the servo valve. These new technologies not only improve the performance of the servo valve and servo valve for the development of ideas opened up for the electro-hydraulic servo valve technology has injected new vitality. 2, the adoption of new materials Current research in the field of electro-hydraulic servo valve using new materials, mainly based on piezoelectric elements, magnetostrictive materials and shape memory alloy-based converter developed. They each have their own excellent characteristics. 2.1 Piezoelectric Piezoelectric characteristics of the "piezoelectric effect": in certain electric field will produce changes in dimensions, in a certain range, deformation and electric field intensity is proportional to. The main material of piezoelectric piezoelectric ceramic (PZT), electrostrictive material (PMN) and so on. Typical piezoelectric ceramic material from Japan TOKIN Corporation stack-type piezoelectric ceramics stretch. PZT servo-valve direct-action principle is: both ends of the spool through the ball with two multi-layer piezoelectric elements are connected. Through the piezoelectric effect, piezoelectric materials to produce flexible drive spool movement. Implementation - The mechanical conversion. PMN nozzle flapper type servo valve in the nozzle set to a fixed connection with the piezoelectric stack of baffle, the piezoelectric stack of the stretch, shrink realize the gap between the baffle and the nozzle change to generate pressure spool ends poor promotion of spool movement. Piezo electric current - Mechanical Converters for more mature and have been more widely used. It has a fast frequency response characteristics of the servo valve can even reach thousands of cycles per second bandwidth, but also a large hysteresis, easy to drift and other shortcomings, limiting the piezoelectric element in the further application of electro-hydraulic servo valves. 2.2 giant magnetostrictive materials, giant magnetostrictive material (GMM), compared with the conventional magnetostrictive materials, the effect of the magnetic field can produce much larger changes in the length or volume. Using GMM Converter direct action type servo valve is the GMM converter and valve connected to the coil by controlling the drive current, drive GMM stretching, driven spool displacement and thus generate the output flow control servo valve. The valve compared with the conventional servo valve is not only the characteristics of high frequency response and high accuracy, the advantages of compact structure. At present, the development and application of GMM, the United States, Sweden andJapan are leading. Zhejiang University, China GMM technique using pneumatic nozzle flapper valve and the internal combustion engine fuel injection system of high-speed powerful solenoid valve, carried out structural design and properties. GMM from the current situation of traditional materials and magnetostrictive materials, piezoelectric materials and compared with the large strain energy density, fast response, large output force and so on. GMM countries around the world - The Actuator and related technology very seriously, GMM rapid development of technology standards, developed by the laboratory stage and gradually enter the market development stage. GMM needs to address the future of thermal deformation, magnetic anisotropy, corrosive materials and manufacturing processes, parameter matching problems, in order to facilitate extensive use of high-tech fields. 2.3 The shape memory alloy Shape memory alloy (SMA) is characterized by a shape memory effect. Its shape at high temperatures, the cooling to the low temperature state, to exert external force. Generally exceed its elastic deformation of the metal after the permanent deformation occurs, while the SMA is in its heated to a temperature above, it will resume its original shape under high temperature. Developed its characteristic is the servo valve spool ends plus a group of shape memory alloy by the winding of the SMA actuator, through the heating and cooling methods to drive the SMA actuator, so that both ends of the shape memory alloy spool elongation or contraction, the role of mobile drive spool, while adding servo valve position feedback to improve the control performance. Judging from the valve, SMA although large deformation, but its slow response, and the deformation is not continuous, but also limits its application. Compared with the conventional servo valves, using new materials - The Actuator developed servo valve generally has a high frequency response, high accuracy, the advantages of compact structure. Although their were also some key technologies need to be resolved, but the application of new functional materials and development of electro-hydraulic servo valve technology to the development of a new approach. Current electronic and digital technology in the use of electro-hydraulic servo valve technology There are two main ways: First, in the electro-hydraulic servo valve control components to add analog D / A converter to achieve its digital control. With the development of microelectronic technology can be installed in the valve to control the components inside a computer program to control the valve through the performance, implementation of digital compensation functions. However, there are analog circuits prone to zero drift, drift, need to add D / A conversion interface and so on. Second, the direct-acting type digital control valve. Stepper motor driven by the spool, the input signal into signals to control the stepper motor servo valve flow output. The valve has a compact structure, the open-loop speed and position control and the advantages of direct digital control is widely used. However, in real-time control requires high, such as step by conventional methods, can not be both quantitative accuracy and response speed. Zhejiang University with a continuous tracking control method, eliminating the contradiction between the two, get a good dynamic characteristics. There is also a direct drive DC torque motor through the spool to achieve a variety of digital control servo valve control means or methods such as structural changes in the formation of many products of digital servo valve. With the development of the technical level, through the use of new sensors and computer technology developed machinery, electronics, sensors and computer self-management (fault diagnosis, troubleshooting) as one of the new intelligent servo valve. Type servo valve in accordance with the needs of the system to determine the control objectives: speed, position, acceleration, force or pressure. Same servo valve can control requirements set flow control valve, pressure control servo valve or flow / pressure control servo valve complex. And servo valve control parameters, such as flow gain, flow gain characteristics, zero and so can the principle of control performance optimization settings. Servo valve diagnostic information itself, the key control parameters (including the work environment parameters, and servo valve internal parameters) can be feedback to the main controller; can distance on the servo valve control, diagnostics and remote control. During the host debugger can be downloaded via the bus port, or directly from the PC to set servo valve control parameters, servo valve and control system to achieve the best matching to optimize control performance. The servo valve control parameters of downloads and updates, even running in the host can be carried out. In the servo valve and control system to match the development of technical applications, embedded technology has become a reality for the servo valve. In accordance with the embedded system should be defined as: "like system embedded on a dedicated computer system." "Embedded", "exclusive" and "computer system" is the three basic elements of embedded systems. It is embedded in the conventional servo valve dedicated microprocessor and associated control systems for customer specific application requirements and construct the optimal control parameters with the servo valve by valve control system to complete their corresponding control tasks ( such as the control shaft synchronous control), and then embedded into the control system to large. From the current technological development and control system requirements on the servo valve view, servo valve self-diagnosis and self-detection function should have greater development.

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