RADDISSHMe 香港锐设计广州公司- 招聘鞋子与平面设计...

2010-07-02 15:24:59 来自:

RADDISSHMe 香港锐设计广州公司 - 招聘鞋子与平面设计师

From his experience launching PRADA sport in the mid nineties, creative director AJOY SAHU, has set up a unique and very active design house - with a strong culture of PRODUCT INNOVATION and BRAND DEFINING CONCEPTS.

RADDISSHMe is a leading international design company based in Southern China.

RADDISSHMe clients have included: Prada, DKNY, Paul & Joe, Kenzo, Miu Miu, Premiata, Terraplana, Replay, Maserati, Pepsi and many more...

RADDISSHMe is also partner with one of Guangdong’s leading shoe
factories and DEVELOPMENT FACILITIES since 2004, working with an international team of TECHNICIANS to develop many innovative designs and concepts for LEADING BRANDS around the world.

Based in CHINA for more than 6 years, and having already introduced international brands to the local market, RADDISSHMe is in a unique position to offer clients an EXCITING way to build their brand in China. Our network includes most major CHAIN RETAILERS, DISTRIBUTORS, MEDIA and CELEBRITIES.

The symbol for Raddisshme Design House is a stylized poppy. The poppy is momentary and beautiful, but hidden within is a potent seed.

The five dashes represent the five senses in which we as individuals perceive and enjoy the world around us. They are also the design principles that punctuate our creative approach to modern shoe making. Welcome to the studio of the five senses.

RADDISSHMe创意总监Ajoy Sahu曾于90年代中期为国际品牌Prada开发了Prada Sport这个运动休闲系列。后来,他成立了RADDISSHMe这个独特而朝气蓬勃的设计公司,坚持产品创新与品牌建设并行。

RADDISSHMe 的客户包括Prada, DKNY, Paul & Joe, Kenzo, Miu Miu, Premiata, Terraplana, Replay, Maserati, Pepsi等。


通过对中国6年的市场调研, RADDISSHMe将多个国际品牌引入中国,并以一种独特的方式积极为客户建立品牌市场。我们的网络涵盖了主要的连锁零售商、分销商、媒体和名流渠道。

Raddisshme(R’Me) 的品牌标志是一朵具有象征性的罂粟花。生命短暂而美丽的她,隐藏其中的却是生机勃勃的种子。




Job Title: Graphic Designer

- Creative and Hard working
- Strong level of skills in Adobe Creative Suite - Photoshop, Illustrator & Indesign.
- Knowledge in Adobe Flash and Dreamweaver is a plus.
- Good hand drawing skills.
- Ability to follow directions.
- Needs to be able to work independently, as well as in a team.
- Must be able to work on multiple projects at once and in tight deadlines.

**Please note that for all the requirements above, exceptions can be made based on skills, experience and a strong portfolio.


熟练使用Adobe Photoshop, Illustration, Indesign
具备使用Adobe Flash 与 Dreamweaver 能力者优先


Job Title: Junior Shoe Designer
We are looking for people who have good basic knowledge of Shoe Design, as well as the design softwares Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop

Ideally, the candidate will have:

>Good hand drawing skills

>Understanding of footwear market trends

>Ability to use Illustrator to create the precise and careful line drawing based onsketches or product photos

>Ability to use Photoshop to render the shoe, creating a realistic computer version of the design

>Understanding of Footwear Material and Colour combinations in order to develop full collections

**Please note that for all the requirements above, exceptions can be made based on skills, experience and a strong portfolio.



3.能够使用PHOTOSHOP或3D Max 进行鞋子渲染,制作时尚、真实、具品牌吸引力的效果图

请应聘者投递简历和作品集至邮箱 niki@raddisshme.com , 合则约见!

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