3rd Alaska Seafood Festival in Nanyuan Hotel | Ningbo Hotel Review
mini flag ukOn Thursday July the 1st of 2010, some of Ningbo media including Ningbo Radio, Xinhua News Agency, Cnool and NingboHotelreview were invited by to the opening of the 3rd Alaska Seafood Festival.
Nanyuan Hotel is quite famous for their international buffet served in Vanilla Sky Restaurant (Level 1). Suppliers are always well selected and the food quality is constant. One of the main reason is because the Executive Chef Mr Sutton Zhang - 章敏均 (a member of ) and is passionate about his work. Sutton can often be seen in the restaurant while guests are having their dinner and is always attentive to feedback.
For the 3rd Alaska Seafood Festival, guests can choose between lots of dishes including Alaska King Crab, the well known Alaska Wild Salmon, or different kinds of Cod Fish or the Halibut. They are all done in special recipes and bring a most original taste of the deep ocean. Have a look at the photos below
mini flag china2010年7月1 日周四晚,包括宁波酒店点评网,宁波晚报,东方热线,宁波人民广播电台,新华社宁波记者站等宁波各大媒体齐聚南苑饭店,共赴第三届阿拉斯加海鲜美食节盛筵。南苑饭店汀兰居自助餐厅的中西自助餐享誉宁波已久。其原材料精挑细选,食物品质始终如一。其中一个最主要的原因是南苑的西餐主厨章敏均(宁波西餐协会会长)对他的工作充满了激情。如果你在汀兰居就餐,你一定经常看到他的身影,那是他在倾心聆听顾客的意见。本届阿拉斯加海鲜美食节,食客们将有幸品尝到包括闻名于世的阿拉斯加王蟹,享誉全球的阿拉斯加野生鲑,以及各种类型的鳕鱼比目鱼,经大厨妙手烹制,均将呈现深海原始滋味。闲话少叙,来欣赏一下美图吧:
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