Purchase of sausage products should pay attention to what ...

Category:catering food

buy sausage products should pay attention to what

Floss and sausage products are well received by the consumers of cooked meat categories of food. Taicang Meat Floss There are two varieties of dried meat floss floss and Fujian, according to the different production process is divided into ordinary dried meat floss, floss, and meat meal crisp pine. Originating in Taicang, Jiangsu Taicang Meat Floss, products with a shiny, floc, fibers clean pure loose. Fuzhou Meat Floss is pork, red bad, sugar, soy sauce, mature oil refined into a fine filamentous food, eat the sweet and crisp in oil but not greasy, importers autolysis, tasty and delicious. Sausage made of high temperature cooking processes, etc., characterized by delicate meat, fresh tasty, easy to carry, eat simple, long shelf life.
sausage was well received by the consumers of a meat food consumption at home, as well as edible food products travel very convenient, it is based on livestock and poultry meat as the main raw material, supplemented by filler (starch, vegetable protein powder , etc.), and then adding seasonings (salt, sugar, wine, monosodium glutamate, etc.), spices (onion, ginger, garlic, cardamom, Amomum villosum, aniseed, pepper, etc.), quality improver (carrageenan, vitamin C, etc. ), coloring agent, color retention agent, insurance agent, preservatives and other substances, use of pickled, chopped mix (or emulsion), made of high-temperature cooking and other processing technology, which is characterized by delicate meat, fresh tasty, easy to carry, eat a simple , shelf-life longer recognized by the vast number of consumers.
consumers to buy sausage products should pay attention to:
1. Sausage products at different levels in order to Hedonic Price, in the product’s label will be marked on the product level, super best, followed by excellent class, general class again, the, consumers can choose according to their own circumstances. A high level of products containing a high proportion of meat, high protein content, starch content is low; product level is low, with slightly lower proportion of meat, protein content is low, high starch content.
2. Sausage should be marked on the label production date, manufacturer, factory address, phone manufacturers, production is based on standard shelf-life, storage conditions, raw materials and so on. If the marking was incomplete, stating that the product is not fully in accordance with national standards of production, it is best not to buy.
3. Usually large corporations, long-established enterprise product, the quality comparison is guaranteed.
4. Purchase the product within the shelf-life. The best of recent products, because meat itself is easily oxidized, corruption, and therefore meat shelf-life period of a relatively new taste are better.
5. Elasticity of a good buy meat. Elastic good product, a high proportion of meat, protein content and taste good.
6. If there are broken casings where, please do not buy.
7. If they can not keep ham refrigerated, please buy the product stored at room temperature, this product will be marked at 25 ℃ under the conditions of shelf life.
consumers should pay attention to food:
1. If you find that inflation bags please do not eat, the product deterioration has occurred.
2. Ham on the surface if the hair sticky please do not eat the product deterioration occurs.
3. If you eat up, feeling or sense of taste could stimulate refreshing, indicating food additives may be added too, it is best not to eat.
sausage products in the preservation should pay attention to:
1. Sausage should be placed in the refrigerator preservation, shelf life is generally about 180 days.
2. If they can not keep ham refrigerated should be consumed as soon as possible, especially in the summer or the environment temperature is high places.
in selecting meat Dried-meat floss, the attention to five issues:
First, in the formal large-scale shopping malls or supermarkets to purchase. These distribution companies distribute their products generally purchase gatekeeper, distribution of product quality and after-sales service is guaranteed.
Second, choose QS logo affixed to the product. Production of these products, corporate governance practices, production conditions and facilities to meet the requirements, the product through the factory inspection, quality is guaranteed.
three is to buy a package of dried meat floss Dried-meat, it can avoid the transportation and sale of products subjected to secondary pollution. In addition, the purchase should pay attention to product packaging must be sealed, no damage.
four products of various flavors have their proper color, do not select color too Yan products, the products should be selected for the near future, bearing in mind the product color, smell, taste should be normal, non-mildew phenomena.
5 is determined from the product list of ingredients in the product is dried Dried-meat or meat is loose floss or a meat meal. List of ingredients of which contain starch or flour, then the product is dried meat or meat meal loose. Also available from the morphological appearance of the product to judge, the surface of Dried-meat products has obvious muscular lines, dried meat, the more smooth the surface.


类别: 餐饮食品



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