家长如何寻找自己的宝宝缺锌« Live in China 混在中国





{zh0}的方法是这样的:带宝宝到医院做一个“微量元素(Element)”检查。是医生要剪刀,剪一小撮头发那曲(China Nagqu)测试。等待10天左右的结果,也可以出来。没有花很多的钱(约30元人民币)也准确。










缺锌的原因:拥有1800多名宝宝对下学习6个样本的年龄测定,结果发现只有6%-8%的宝宝缺锌,但未满2由于较快的增长速度,每天年龄锌的需求相对较大,与宝宝的饮食,加上相对简单,所以锌28.5%-35%不足率,经常吃零食或偏食,锌的缺乏率在宝宝挑食的习惯50在缺锌%的宝宝营养不良率达74.68%。有些人在上海(Shanghai China)的幼儿园进行调查发现,宝宝每日(Meiri)摄入的锌的东西,只有60%的数额规定,锌缺乏的主要原因是不良饮食习惯,在摄入不足造成的。夜锌由于出汗量很大,所以多汗症的宝宝容易缺锌。


参考: http://www.8611800.com/wenzhang/000new1156.htm



人体只有2-2.5克的锌,但它拥有超过100对宝宝健康的形成有关的酶种,所以缺锌会造成严重影响。锌缺乏的表现:长期缺锌,食欲极差结果。生长缓慢,易反复感冒,很多人都反复口腔溃疡。缺锌是由积水造成的确实表达,背后的一个增长的重要原因。宝宝缺乏锌,与注意力不集中,多动有关的许多人,理解低,健忘症状。缺锌会削弱人体的细胞免疫功能,能抵抗低。{zh0}的办法是这样的:带宝宝到医院做一个“微量元素(Element)”检查。是医生要剪刀,剪一小撮头发那曲(China Nagqu)测试。等待10天左右的结果,也可以出来。没有花很多的钱(约30元人民币)也准确。


目前常用的检测方法,使用锌主要分为三类:“血锌”,能更准确反映体内锌和膳食营养状况不久的将来,宝宝,“头发锌”是能够反映较长时期锌宝宝的营养状况,在一般情况下,头发长约1厘米长,每月,每头发能反映相应期间是否缺锌。 “尿锌”,因为它方便,无痛苦已成为越来越多的医院和他们的家长欢迎的三种方法都有自己的优势。




Parents how to find their children zinc deficiency

parents how to spot a child zinc

the lack of trace element zinc in vivo physiological characteristics of children and even on the behavior of normal children will have some different characteristics. Parents can be the basis of these characteristics on their own children to determine whether the initial zinc deficiency.

a normal child s tongue surface, there are many spots like a red protruding tongue called papillae. If you find that changing a flat blade of tongue papillae, lingual mucosa atrophy maps showed the shape of the body zinc multi-display children. Children will be suffering from zinc deficiency in vivo pica, for example, likes to eat soil, coal and so on. Zinc deficiency can also make the child a long-term appetite diminished or even disappear, that is suffering from anorexia, which can also make a child suffering from recurrent oral ulcers, and may even lead to suffering from short stature, but also induced by repeated upper respiratory tract infection.

Parents who discover that children have the above symptoms, should promptly go to the hospital for treatment under the guidance of a doctor to give their children the nutritional supplement of zinc, so that children eat more foods containing zinc (such as coarse grains, eggs, meat, fish, liver, oysters, nuts, etc.).

The best way is this: Take your children to the hospital to do a trace elements inspection. Is a doctor to take scissors, cut a handful of hair Naqu testing. Wait 10 days or so the results can come out. Not spend much money (about 30 yuan) was also accurate.

1. dull taste buds function block. Picky eaters.

2. Pica produced.
3. Growth and development of stagnation.
4. Difficult to heal wounds.
5. Mental retardation.

mainly manifested as loss of appetite, picky eaters partial eclipse.

children the most obvious features of zinc deficiency is the hair yellow, withered and dull.

normal child s tongue surface, there are many spots like a red protruding tongue called papillae. If you find that changing a flat blade of tongue papillae, lingual mucosa atrophy maps showed the shape of the body zinc multi-display children. Children will be suffering from zinc deficiency in vivo pica, for example, likes to eat soil, coal and so on. Zinc deficiency can also make the child a long-term appetite diminished or even disappear, that is suffering from anorexia, which can also make a child suffering from recurrent oral ulcers, and may even lead to suffering from short stature, but also induced by repeated upper respiratory tract infection.

zinc deficiency in children often do not like to eat, thin hair, yellow, repeated colds, sweating sweating, hyperactivity, and inattention, growth retardation, mouth ulcers, eczema and other stubborn one or more multiple symptoms. Kids like to suck fingers, and love to have a certain relationship with zinc deficiency, but not necessarily all caused by zinc deficiency, while in certain stages, such as during weaning, the child sucking fingers is normal, but if the two or three years old has also been sucking fingers, it may not be normal. Hyperactivity is not necessarily hyperactivity, the main way to judge is to observe the child s attention is focused on, such as his favorite toy, see if you can concentrate 15-30 minutes, if not, there may be hyperactive.

more and more facts have proven that zinc is a trace element essential to human beings as one.

Although human body contains only 2-2.5 grams of zinc, but it has more than 100 kinds of enzymes involved in the formation of child health, so zinc deficiency will have serious repercussions.

the performance of zinc deficiency: long-term zinc deficiency, resulting in very poor appetite. Slow growth, easy to repeated colds, many people have repeated oral ulcers. Zinc deficiency is indeed expression caused by stagnant, one of the important reasons behind the growth. Zinc deficiency in children, many people associated with inattention, hyperactivity, understanding is low, bad memory symptoms. Zinc deficiency also weaken the body s cellular immune function, causing resistance to low.

zinc deficiency causes: more than 1,800 pairs of children under the age of 6 samples measured in learning and found that only 6% -8% of children zinc deficiency, but children under the age of 2 due to a faster growth rate, daily zinc requirements are relatively large, coupled with the 宝宝 s diet is relatively simple, so zinc deficiency rate of 28.5% -35%; regularly eat snacks or a partial eclipse, the rate of zinc deficiency in children are fussy eaters are accustomed to up to 50% in malnourished children in zinc deficiency rate reached 74.68%. Some people have a kindergarten in Shanghai to investigate and found that the children daily intake of zinc from the things that only the provisions of the amount of 60%, the zinc deficiency is mainly due to poor diet, resulting in insufficient intake. Night in zinc due to the amount of sweat a lot, so the children hyperhidrosis easier to zinc deficiency.

zinc deficiency prevention and control: with a reasonable diet is the key to prevention of zinc deficiency. It is measured per 100 grams of animal food containing 3-5 mg of zinc, and amino acids resulting from decomposition of animal protein can also promote the absorption of zinc, so the absorption rate of up to 40% -50%. In order to prevent zinc deficiency, should encourage children to eat more lean meat, liver, fish and other animal protein foods, and to foster a non-partial eclipse, not picky eaters, do not eat snacks habits.

Reference: http://www.8611800.com/wenzhang/000new1156.htm

It is also important to the performance of yes hyperhidrosis

poor appetite. Slow growth, easy to repeated colds, many people have repeated oral ulcers.

human body contains only 2-2.5 grams of zinc, but it has more than 100 kinds of enzymes involved in the formation of child health, so zinc deficiency will have serious repercussions. The performance of zinc deficiency: long-term zinc deficiency, resulting in very poor appetite. Slow growth, easy to repeated colds, many people have repeated oral ulcers. Zinc deficiency is indeed expression caused by stagnant, one of the important reasons behind the growth. Zinc deficiency in children, many people associated with inattention, hyperactivity, understanding is low, bad memory symptoms. Zinc deficiency also weaken the body s cellular immune function, causing resistance to low. The best way is this: Take your children to the hospital to do a trace elements inspection. Is a doctor to take scissors, cut a handful of hair Naqu testing. Wait 10 days or so the results can come out. Not spend much money (about 30 yuan) was also accurate.


zinc nutrition for their children the importance of healthy growth and our lack of zinc nutritional status of people have been generally aware that often the child s Zinc nutritional status of the detection, prevention and timely detection of various diseases caused due to zinc deficiency in an effective manner. When you find a child suspected of children who show symptoms of zinc deficiency zinc deficiency, we should promptly to the hospital for examination by a doctor according to the child s symptoms, physical examination, laboratory results and other areas taken together, make a correct diagnosis.
the current detection methods commonly used in zinc are mainly three kinds: Blood of zinc can more accurately reflect the children in the near future in vivo and dietary zinc nutritional status; hair zinc is able to reflect a longer period of zinc nutritional status of children in general cases, the hair is about 1 cm long each month, each hair can reflect the period corresponding to whether zinc deficiency. Urinary zinc because of its convenient, no pain has been a growing number of hospitals and their parents welcomed three methods have their own advantages.
In addition, we can also self-tests: a normal tongue, there are many spots like protuberances, known as tongue-nipple. If you find that milk tongue flat side face, the tongue mucosa atrophy was map-like (map tongue), multi-display in vivo zinc deficiency. Of course, we can also be carried out for the child s symptoms to determine, such as children often have a partial eclipse zinc deficiency anorexia different food, physical and mental retardation, memory loss, bad hair, hyperactivity, sweating, frequent colds and so on.

attached: Blood zinc, hair zinc and urinary zinc test comparison table

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