麦类过敏者死亡率较高- liulisha538 - liulisha538 - 和讯博客
麦类过敏者死亡率较高 [转贴 2010-01-04 13:47:08]   

As host of CBS's 'The Insider,' Lara Spencer interviews movie stars, politicians, professional athletes and other famous people. But before she landed her high-profile job, the former competitive diver worked for small local news stations. Edited interview excerpts follow. 

作为哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)《内幕》(The Insider)节目的主持人,劳拉•斯宾塞(Lara Spencer)采访过影星、政治家、职业运动员和其他名人。但在成名前,这位水平不俗的前潜水员曾在当地一家小媒体工作。以下是对斯宾塞的采访摘要。
Q:What inspired you to go into journalism? 问:是什么让你产生了进入媒体行业的想法?
A: I used to read the Sunday paper with my dad. I wrote for the high-school paper, and when I was at Penn State, a professor suggested I go into sports reporting because I was there on a full ride for diving. There's a school TV station, and I gave it a shot. It was incredibly exhilarating. Being on TV is similar to being an athlete. You get no second chances. 

Q: How did you get your first gig? 问:你是如何得到{dy}份工作的?
A: After college I went into the NBC Page Program. It's one of those great programs that allows kids to get their feet wet in every area of the business. You pay your keep by giving tours of 30 Rock [NBC headquarters].

Q: How did you parlay that experience into a permanent job?

A: I would volunteer to go out with local reporters and do the stuff they didn't want to do. I'd say to them, if I log your tapes, could I try doing a news story? I was able to put together a tape of my work and began applying for jobs.

Q: You landed at a small news station in Chattanooga, Tenn. What was that like?

A: I was literally a one-man band. I was the reporter, producer, editor, cameraman and news-van driver. I tell this to every young person who wants to be in the business: Go to a small market and do every job available.

Q: A year later you joined News 12 Long Island, and two years after that WABC's 'Eyewitness News.' What was your strategy for moving up?

问:一年后,你进入纽约长岛的News 12 Long Island,两年后来到纽约市WABC的“目击者新闻”(Eyewitness News)。你换更好工作的策略是什么?
A: If I was out in the field and saw reporters from the city stations, I would say to them, do you know of anyone hiring? One day I happened to be covering a news story with a reporter from WABC and I asked if they were hiring and he said there was an opening for a 3 a.m. shift. I sent in a tape and got the job.

Q: What made you switch from hard news to entertainment?

A: When I got back from covering (the explosion of) Flight 800 [TWA flight that crashed off Long Island, N.Y., in 1996], I asked my boss if I could I do a couple of light pieces. Somehow that segued into me filing quirky features. I did one on taking a European vacation without leaving the state of New York, so I went to places like Rome, N.Y., and the Paris Motel. It became [a regular feature and] this distinctive way to end the broadcast.

Q: You later joined 'Good Morning America' as a correspondent, during which you became a mom. How did you balance work and family?

问:你后来到美国广播公司“早安美国”(Good Morning America)栏目做记者,在这期间你做了母亲。你是如何在工作和家庭之间保持平衡的?
A: Since so much of the show's content is about family, I just volunteered to shift what I covered to where I was in life. For example, I did a story on teaching newborns how to swim with my son.

Q: You've been with 'The Insider' since the show's inception in 2004. What's next?

A: The next chapter is continuing in the CBS family. I have a long-term deal there and I'm very happy. I also created a show about home design and antiques that was just bought by a cable network and I'll be working behind the scenes.


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