iPhone 4 vs iPhone 3G 屏幕比一比之显微镜篇
鎴戜滑鍙互鎷跨潃寰窛闀滃姫鍔涘湴鎷?iPhone 4 鍜?iPhone 3G 鐨勫睆骞曪紝浣嗘€庝箞鏍蜂篃姣斾笉涓婄敤瀹為獙瀹ょ殑楂樺€嶆樉寰暅鎷嶅嚭鏉ョ殑鏁堟灉鍟?XD銆傝繖鍑犲紶鐓х墖鏄敱瀹惧窞澶у鐨勫崥澹敓 Ryan White 鍜?Bryan Gauntt 鎻愪緵鐨勶紝鏍规嵁浠栦滑鐨勬祴閲忥紝iPhone 3G 鐨勬瘡涓€涓?sub-pixel锛?/3 涓儚绱狅級澶у皬涓?13x40 寰背锛岃€?iPhone 4G 鐨勫垯鏄?6.5x20 寰背 -- 鐪熺殑鍒氬ソ鏄?3G 鐨?1/4銆傛病鍥炬病鐪熺浉锛屽ぇ瀹跺彲浠ョ偣鍥惧簱鐪嬪埌搴曟槸宸灏戯綖

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