Wine « Industry info 工业信息

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Will the wines of Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz what come from? Is not the seeds? If yes, how much wine can also be divided into species? Thanks! Country of origin, France, Bordeaux, France (Bordeaux) region of the brewing tradition of red wine varieties. Wines produced in the world countries have a larger area of cultivation. China is currently the largest area under cultivation of red grape varieties.
Nature of this species to be strong due to wine quality, and thus the world’s wine production as a dry red wine with both cultivars, but it must be deployed with other species (such as the plum Deer Noir, etc.) through the oak storage only after access to quality wines. It with Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Gernischt in our country and that “the three beads.”

Cabernet Franc (Cabernet Franc)
alias Carmen Knight, the former kinds of Cabernet. Country of Origin France. France’s oldest wine varieties cultivated throughout the world, is Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Gernischt sister species.
The variety is world famous, ancient brewing wine varieties, and its not as good as wine quality of Cabernet Sauvignon, adaptability than Gernischt.

Merlot (Merlot)
alias Merlot sauce. Country of Origin France. In Bordeaux, France (BordeauX) and other kinds of names (such as Cabernet Sauvignon, etc.) with the production of excellent dry red wine.
the variety of French wine varieties of the ancient, as the deployment to enhance the wine’s fruity aroma and color, aroma of red wine in recent years, popularity of cause and effect, especially in the United States for the first time since 1978, resulting in dry red Merlot to obtain After the success of its cultivated area is developing rapidly.

Carignane (Carignane)
alias chiali brew, France red, Kang 100 resistance, good wine. Origin Spain, countries in Western Europe, one of the ancient wine varieties. Cultivated throughout the world.
this species is the world’s varieties of wine, one of the ancient brew, the brewing of wine red gem, taste is, the aroma is good, should deployment with the other varieties, peeled and can lead to white or rose wine. It can be used to make red wine, wine and system deployment of brandy.

Pinot Noir (Pinot Noir)
alias Pinot Noir, Pinot Noir, Pinot Noir and so on. Country of origin, France, is the ancient name of kinds of wine. The world’s wine producing countries have cultivated.
This variety is famous French champagne and rosé wines of the main varieties, non-skin fermentation to ferment dry white or champagne.

white grape varieties
Chardonnay (Chardonnay)
alias Cha when Nepal, Chardonnay. Country of origin, France, is brewed white wine varieties. Mainly in France, the United States, Australia and other countries cultivation.
the variety of French white Burgundy (Burgundy) region, dry white wine and champagne varieties, China Qingdao, Shacheng are brewing it high-grade raw materials dry white wine.

Riesling (Italian Riesling)
alias Italian Muslim, Riesling, Weiershilei commander. Country of Origin Italy, southern France, is an ancient wine varieties, is widely distributed in central Europe.
this species, one of the world’s wine varieties, wine quality of a strong, light yellow, fruit wine Xiang Yi people plump soft aftertaste stretches, is brewing high-level white wine varieties. Also do liqueurs, champagne and grape juice of raw materials.

Sauvignon Blanc (Sauvignon B1anc)
alias white Sauvignon, Sauvignon, Sauvignon reduction. Country of origin, France, the French varieties of the ancient wine.
The variety is one of France’s oldest wine varieties, which are often associated with Semillon, Miao soil Ke Deli (Muscadelle) brewed the famous Suodeerna (Cotepha) dry white wine. Mining can also be made in due course as early as high-quality “champagne” (sparkling wine) raw materials.

Chenin Blanc (Chenin Blanc)
alias 100 poems difficult. Country of origin, France, the central region of France Loire wine varieties.
the variety of brewing for the famous French sweet white, dry white, sparkling wine varieties and harmonious Korea; the brewing of wine, wine quality good, the color yellow, full of acidity and rich fruit aroma of honey, wine body integrity is the Brewing, one of white wine varieties.

alias autumn purple, the lion in the eye, cat’s eye, tiger eye, Muscatel grapes and so on. Eurasian species, native to China, is China’s ancient great late-maturing varieties.
the variety of China’s oldest known use either late-maturing varieties of fresh wine, use it to brew wine, its wine quality excellent, well-known Great Wall dry white wine that is brewed it as raw material, while also starting Paojiu and a good variety of sweet wines.


类别: 餐饮食品


赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)

品丽珠(Cabernet Franc)
别名 卡门耐特、原种解百纳。原产法国。为法国古老的酿酒品种,世界各地均有栽培,是赤霞珠、蛇龙珠的姊妹品种。


别名 佳里酿、法国红、康百耐、佳酿。原产西班牙,是西欧各国的古老酿酒优良品种之一。世界各地均有栽培。

黑品乐(Pinot Noir)
别名 黑品诺、黑比诺、黑皮诺等。原产法国,是古老的酿酒名种。世界各产葡萄酒国家均有栽培。

别名 查当尼、莎当妮。原产法国,是酿造白葡萄酒的良种。主要在法国、美国、澳大利亚等国家栽培。

贵人香(Italian Riesling)
别名 意斯林、薏丝琳、威尔士雷司令。原产意大利、法国南部,是古老的酿酒良种,广泛分布于欧洲中部。

长相思(Sauvignon B1anc)
别名 白索维浓、苏维浓、缩维浓。原产法国,是法国古老的酿酒品种。

白诗南(Chenin Blanc)
别名 百诗难。原产法国,是法国卢瓦尔河中部地区的酿酒良种。

龙 眼
别名 秋紫、狮于眼、猫眼、老虎眼、紫葡萄等。欧亚种,原产中国,是我国古老的极晚熟良种。

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