Green card abroad easier it? What procedures need a green card to ...

green card abroad easier it? what procedures need a green card to do it?

Renault U.S. law firms to contribute: first priority occupational immigrants third type is International, an overseas company managers and administrators. Such applications do not need a green card labor certification approved by the Department of Labor, at least more than one year can save time; At the same time, it has no minimum investment requirements, investment immigration risk than small and simple. Line managers and administrators of such elements is in the past three years at least one year to apply for the security of the company, the nature of the work should be the work of management. If the beneficiary already in the United States, a year over the past three years the conditions of work for the company, the beneficiaries in the United States three years ago to apply for a security company to work for one year, in the United States secured business applications company, at least began operating a year. The definition of administrative personnel to corporate executives immigrants to apply for employment the first priority, and its duties to comply with the following conditions:

1, the competent institutions or enterprises, an important part;

2, have the right to develop commercial policy objectives of a business;

3, have led to the decision-making power;

4, only by the senior executives, board of directors or shareholders of the general supervision of the General Assembly.

decide whether or not to have decision-making power for the company’s executives, their company’s size and whether or not to approve a considerable immigration related, the company the greater its need for administrative staff will be more reason to mobilize.

definition of managers, professional managers of the first priority of migrants is defined as follows:

1, the management of an institution or an important part of business operation;

2, in charge of and supervision of other managers and professionals;

3, with individual decision-making power;

4, with the business operations of the decision-making power.

executives and managers of occupational immigrants first priority and non-immigrant visa L-1 are very similar, so suddenly look like the same, but not always, professional immigrants to apply for the first priority is the way to a green card; L-1 has a non - immigrants with a work visa and green card application is the two concepts. Special

needs to be emphasized is this: if a strong acquisition of Chinese companies can be directly set up a good performance for more than one year of U.S. companies, senior management of the Chinese side can be immediately made of the EB1-3 green card applications. If the applicant’s choice Consulate in Guangzhou in mainland China or Taiwan, Hong Kong for immigration interviews, from the beginning to get a green card processing time in about a year or so. Talk from experience, China (or Taiwan, Hong Kong) Company is a performance to be good and the assets should be at least more than 10 million yuan in the company. The following is to apply for EB1-3 personal and China (or Taiwan, Hong Kong) Company required materials: (the U.S. company to acquire the material requirements and procedures related to the query Renault LLP)

(a) to apply for a visa by documents and materials required:

1, the individual materials

1) CVs of the beneficiaries should be listed in detail the educational background, work experience and the specific content of each item of work and responsibilities.

2) proof of service. who is employed by the applicant issued by the parent company, the applicant must prove that in the past three years, at least one year of work in the parent company, its role is more than department managers, administrators or professionals in charge.

should be clear proof of the name of the applicant’s duties, responsibilities, powers and functions of subordinate departments or staff.

3) the deployment of the work. who is employed by the applicant’s parent company, issued by the need to clarify where the applicant will be deployed to where the work of their deployed duties, responsibilities, duration and remuneration.

4) salary records. who is employed by the applicant issued by the parent company, the parent company of the applicant to prove that all salary levels.

items 2-4 above, all the demands of printing paper in the company signed a letter, stamp and seal of the competent leadership of the parent company’s signature, reported that when the original pieces.

(b) the overseas parent company documents

1) articles of incorporation or registration documents.

2) business license or other license.

3) the company tax or tax registration certificate.

4) place of business of the company photo, should reflect the structure and outside the company sign.

5) the company organization chart.

6) employees table. Should reflect the number of employees, their duties and the types of work.

7) form the last three years the employee’s wages.

8) the last three years the company’s annual financial statements. Including accounting statements, profit and loss statement, balance sheet and so on.

9) proof of the last three years the bank or the financial statements or other evidence of such assets.

10) the last three years the company paid tax or tax includes business tax, profit tax, payroll tax or other tax proved. If not a tax, such as payroll taxes, can be described.

11) trade documents. Including major trade Fax letter about the sale of project planning, notes, promotional product or company profile, products of the company or newspaper articles or photographs, and so on.



1, 主管企业的机构或重要的一部分;

2, 有权制定商业政策建立商业目标;

3, 有自行主导的决定权;

4, 只受高级行政人员,董事局或者股东大会的一般性监督。



1, 管理一个机构或企业重要部分的营运;

2, 主管及监督其他经理及专业人员;

3, 具有个人的决策权;

4, 具有企业营运的决策权。





1) 个人简历中须详细列出受益人的教育背景,工作经历和每项工作的具体内容 及职责等。

2) 在职证明.由申请人所任职的母公司出具,须证明申请人在过去三年内,至少有持续一年在母公司工作,其职务是部门以上的经理、行政主管或专业人员.


3) 工作调派令.由申请人所任职的母公司出具,需阐明申请人将从何处调派至何 处,其调派的工作职务、职责、工作期限及报酬等。

4) 薪金记录. 由申请人所任职的母公司出具,证明申请人在母公司的全部薪金水 平。


(二) 海外母公司文件

1) 公司章程或登记注册证明文件。

2) 营业执照或其它营业许可证。

3) 公司税号或税务登记证。

4) 公司营业场所的照片,应反映里外结构及公司标牌。

5) 公司组织结构图。

6) 公司雇员表。 应反映雇员人数、职务及工种。

7) 近三年雇员工资表。

8) 近三年公司年度财务报表。 包括会计报表、损益表、资产平衡表等。

9) 近三年银行证明或财务报表或者其它有关资产的证明材料。


11)贸易文件。 包括主要贸易往来传真信函、买卖和约、项目规划、货运单、产品或公司的宣传简介、有关公司或产品的报刊文章或照片,等等。


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