Which foods help to sleep? « Industry info 工业信息

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what foods help to sleep?

food can help people sleep
the following foods will help Hypnosis:
⑴ vinegar Hypnosis: Some people, after a long journey, overwork, night difficult to sleep, can be blended with a tablespoon of vinegar temperature boiling water in the slow service. After the meditation drink turn a blind eye will soon be asleep.
⑵ syrup Hypnosis: If for irritable angry and difficult to fall asleep, can drink a cup of sugar. Because the sugar in the body can be transformed into a large number of serotonin, this substance into the brain, the cerebral cortex can inhibit sleep easily understood.
⑶ milk Hypnosis: tryptophan in milk is the human body, one of the eight essential amino acids, which not only inhibit the brain, the role of excitement, but also contains generated can make a person feel tired role. It is an indispensable amino acids in vivo, one of the content of a cup of milk enough people to play the role of sleep will enable the people to sleep quickly.
⑷ Fruit Hypnosis: fatigue and insomnia, before going to sleep eating apples, bananas and other fruits, can be anti-muscle fatigue; if the Jiecheng a class of fruit on the pillow, its flavor can also promote sleep.
⑸ bread Hypnosis: When you sleep, when to eat a little bread, make you calm down, speeding up your sleep.
⑹ millet Hypnosis: Millet is rich in nutrients addition, the tryptophan content of millet grain in the first place. Chinese medicine believes that it has a spleen, and stomach, sleep and other effects. Food law: take millet amount, add water, porridge, dinner or bedtime food consumption, this may be sleep effect.
⑺ Xianou Hypnosis: lotus root contains large amounts of carbohydrates and rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron and multivitamins, with heat, nourishing, Chufan other effects. Treatable blood deficiency insomnia. Food law: take Xianou rotten simmer over low heat, sliced added amount of honey, are free to eat, sleep of the effectiveness of a tranquilizer. Hypnosis
⑻ sunflower: sunflower seeds are rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and various amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids, with Pinggan, nourishing the blood, lower blood pressure and cholesterol effects. 1 night nibbling sunflower seeds, have a good sleep efficiency.
⑼ Lotus Hypnosis: lotus fragrance and delicious, with Bu Xin Yipi, nourishing and soothe the nerves and other effects. In recent years, biologists tested confirmed that the lotus seeds contain alkali, calming ingredients such as aromatic glycosides; meat can promote the secretion of insulin the pancreas and thus can increase the 5  HT supply, it can make a person fall asleep. Nightly bedtime sugar boiled lotus seeds would be a good Zhumian role.
⑽ jujube Hypnosis: jujube sweet, sugary type, protein, vitamin C, organic acids, phlegmatic, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc., there is Spleen, sedative effect. Night with jujube 30 ~ 60g, amount of cooking water will help to sleep.
⑾ promote sleep drink: Take 100g onion slices, soaked in 600mL Shochu, 1 week after removal. Onion wine 10ml, milk is about 90ml, egg 1, half apple juice. To reconcile, after drinking 30 minutes before going to bed. Hypnosis
⑿ lettuce: Lettuce there is a milky white slurry with a tranquilizer sedative effect and is not toxic, most suitable for neurasthenic insomnia. Used, with Peel and cut into pieces cooked lettuce soup, especially bedtime, more Zhumian effect.
here a little, want to help you sleep
certain foods can play a role, nutritionists have pointed out that this and some of the composition. In this regard, the role of the most obvious are the following eight kinds of food:

milk: Milk contains two kinds of hypnosis material: one is tryptophan, can promote the great people sleepy brain cells secrete nerve — neurotransmitters serotonin; the other is the regulating role on physiological functions in the peptide, in which the “opioid peptides” can be combined and the central nervous system play similar to the opium of the anesthesia, analgesic effect, making people feel comfortable body, help get rid of fatigue and sleep. For neurasthenia caused by a physically weak person, hypnotic effect of milk becomes more apparent.

Millet: In all grains, including millet, the most abundant tryptophan. In addition, millet contains large amounts of starch, eat the food and clothing is easily generated a sense of people, can promote the secretion of insulin, raising the number of tryptophan into the brain.

Walnut: In clinical practice, walnuts have been shown to improve sleep quality, so often used to treat neurasthenia, insomnia, forgetfulness, more dreams and other symptoms. Is accompanied by a specific eat black sesame, mash, before bed, taking 15 grams, the effect is obvious.

sunflower seeds: sunflower seeds with a variety of amino acids and vitamins, can regulate metabolism, improve brain cell suppression function, play a sedative effect. After dinner, nibbling some sunflower seeds, but also can promote the secretion of digestive juice is conducive to digestion of stagnation, helping sleep.

In addition, the jujube, honey, vinegar and whole-wheat bread is also a help to sleep, food: jujube is rich in protein, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients, there is the role of Spleen soothe the nerves. After dinner drink with jujube soup, can speed up the time to fall asleep. TCM believes that there is honey Buzhongyiqi, security and five internal organs, together 100 drug efficacy, in order to have good sleep before going to sleep drink a glass of honey water could play a certain role. Vinegar contains a variety of amino acids and organic acids, the role of fatigue is very obvious, but also can help sleep. The whole-wheat bread is rich in vitamin B, it has to maintain nervous system health, elimination of irritability, promoting the role of sleep.
people are aware that I was the grass, sub to me.

hot milk


类别: 餐饮食品


⑾促眠饮料:取洋葱100g切片,浸泡在600mL烧酒中,1星期后取出。以洋葱酒10ml ,牛奶约90ml,鸡蛋1个,苹果半个榨汁。调和后,于睡前30分钟饮用。







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