党员参加党内活动内容更加丰富方式方法更加灵活多样(中英文) 阿里巴巴 ...

本站首席记者李振群报道 跨世纪人才研究院 中组部28日召开党内统计专题新闻发布会,发布2009年中国*基层组织、党员队伍、发展党员等重要数据和变化情况,并对相关数据进行解读。会上介绍了截至2009年底中国*员党员队伍和基层组织的基本情况。本次发布会上了解到,今后党员参加党内活动的内容更加丰富,方式方法灵活多样,参与面不断扩大,成效不断提高。




Site Chief's group reported that Li, 28, Talent Education Research Institute of the Central Organization Department of Statistics special press conference held in the party, issued in 2009 the Chinese Communist Party grassroots organizations, party members, party members and other important data and changes, and related data Interpretation. Was introduced as of the end of 2009 the Chinese Communist party members and grassroots organizations in the fundamentals. The conference understands that the future of party members to participate in party activities, a more substantial, flexible ways to participate are continuously expanded, results improved.

Luo Jun, said the Communist Party of China from 2009 statistics and other data services, education and management members see the contents of party members to participate in party activities, richer, more flexible ways to participate are continuously expanded, results improved. Committees and organization departments at all levels to seriously carry out the Party to manage the party strictly the principle of party members to strengthen education and management services, improve the relevance and effectiveness, and maintain the advanced nature of party members, party members push forward construction of foundation engineering.

We have to look comprehensively improve the quality of party members, party members to improve education and training content and style. Implementation of the Central Office issued the "2009-2013 National Party education and training planning", focusing on rural branch secretary, the new members, village official, party members and business skills training, employment, four key projects to promote education and training of party members in all areas to achieve solid results. 2009, the village Party branch secretary and other village cadres concentrated rotation, training courses 38000, training of village cadres, 1.27 million people. Enrich the content of the education and training of party members. On the one hand, strengthen the party spirit, enhancing the sense of party spirit; the other hand, prominent party members practical skills training and business skills training for migrant workers in particular do a good job of party members, party members and other laid-off workers start job skills training to equip them one or more technical skills. Improving educational methods, the use of party members party members and cadres in rural areas of modern audio-visual education and distance education networks and other means to enhance the effectiveness of education and training.

Members meet the new requirements management, innovative management methods to improve management. Strict life of the party organization, to strengthen the daily management of Party members. Conscientiously implement the "one class for three," Democratic Party members and other appraisal systems, and timely disposal of unqualified party members. In 2009, a total of 2.718 million branch members to carry out the democratic appraisal of activities, participate in the deliberations of the party reached 62.11 million. Mobile party members to do a good job as a breakthrough guide in and out of the way into the joint concentration of the mobile members to establish party organizations, party members together for the mobile good service and build a dynamic management mechanism for urban and rural one party member. 2009, all levels of party organizations and visit mobile party 119.8 million to help 231,000 party members and coordinate the resolution of mobile venture capital and technology projects to help 50,000 mobile party members re-employed, initially set up mainly to party into the ground, out to and flows of organic link to party organizations, co-management of the flow of party management. Information Management and Service members to speed up construction. April 1, 200* of the national organization system, "12,371" members of advisory services telephone, at present a total of 3,233 open calls, receiving calls more than 360,000, our department an average of 30 calls every day about. Create a national grassroots party building and mobile information systems, to achieve the Central Organization Department and secretary of the National one million grassroots organizations, the direct exchange of University Student Village. Currently, 53.5 million have been sent information times, the information received back more than 9300 articles. National Party members to intensify construction of information base, establish dynamic management system of party members, party members and management services to further enhance the scientific level.

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