What is organic food? « Industry info 工业信息

Category:catering food

What is organic food?

the definition of organic food:

organic food is from organic agricultural production systems, Organic agricultural production in accordance with international requirements and the corresponding standard production processing, and through an independent certification body certified organic foods of all agricultural products, including food, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, poultry products, honey, seafood, spices and so on.

organic food raw materials necessary for their own or are being established organic agricultural production systems using organic methods, or natural products collected from the wild; products strictly followed throughout the production process of organic food production, processing, packaging, storage, transportation standards; producers of organic food production and distribution process, the quality of a sound track review of systems and complete production and sales records; must pass an independent certification body of organic food certification.

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what organic food is organic agriculture?

organic agricultural production in accordance with standards in the production process without using organic synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators and livestock feed additives and other substances are not used to obtain bio-genetic engineering technology and their products, but rather to follow the laws of nature and ecological principles, adopted a series of sustainable development in agricultural technology, the coordination of the relationship between farming and animal husbandry, promote ecological balance, species diversity and sustainable use of resources.

What is organic food?

the term organic food Organic Food literal translation from the English came, the other languages are also known as ecological or biological foods. Organic food that comes from organic agricultural production systems, according to organic agriculture production requirements and the corresponding standards for production and processing, and through legitimate, independent certification body certified organic food and processed agricultural products.

organic food logo mean?

signs of organic foods for the creative use of manpower and leaf elements. We can feel two kinds of scenes, one is holding up a hand with a green leaf to symbolize man’s desire for life and nature; the second is two hands with a grip on what will be one green leaves into the natural hand, implies the survival of humanity is inseparable from the care of nature, man and nature, the survival needs of harmonious relations. Proposal of the concept of organic food is the practical application of this concept. Human food from nature, human activities should respect the laws of nature, so as to create a sound sustainable development.

, what are the main varieties of organic food?

now certified organic foods include organic agricultural products in general (such as grain, fruits, vegetables, etc.), organic tea products, organic edible fungus products, organic livestock and poultry products, organic fish, organic bee, gathering the wild products, and use these products as raw materials for processed products. The domestic market sales of organic foods are mainly vegetables, rice, tea, honey and so on.

organic food should have what conditions?

1, organic food production and processing of organic food production must be strictly followed, gathering, processing, packaging, storage, transportation standards, prohibit the use of chemical synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, hormones, antibiotics, food additives and so on, to prohibit the use of genetic engineering technology and the technology product and its derivatives.
2, organic food production and processing must establish a strict quality management system, production process control system and tracking system, it usually takes a transition period;
3, organic food must pass a legitimate certified organic food certification body.

how to apply for certification of organic foods?

(1) submit an application, fill in the application form; (2) fill out the questionnaire and provide related materials: (3) certification bodies to review the materials and dispatch of inspectors to the field review (including product sample) (4) inspectors will report on-site inspections submitted to the certification committee; (5) The certification committee under the Comprehensive material review, and results as follows: ① agree that certification, ② conversion period certification or conditional certification, ③ not certification; (6) mark the signing of the use of contract and certification.

right to use the organic food logo is a life-do?

not. In accordance with international practice, the organic food certification mark a valid license for one year. After the expiry of one year may apply to “maintain certification”, by inspection, after passing the examination may continue to use the organic food logo.

of organic food prices much higher than ordinary foods?

Beijing and Shanghai, based on a survey of organic food market, organic food than conventional food prices are generally higher than 30% ~ 80%, and some species, such as organic vegetables, the price of an ordinary vegetables, 2 ~ 3 times.

by the China Organic Food Certification Center (COFCC) the number of certified products?

2003年经China Organic Food Certification Center certification total of 102 companies, products, the total number of 231 (including the conversion period). Total amount of 134.6 thousand tons for goods with annual sales of 910 million yuan and exports of 39.88 million U.S. dollars, export rate of 86.4%.

Organic agriculture is not only the use of chemical synthetic substances in agriculture do?

do not use synthetic substances (chemical pesticides, fertilizers, growth regulators etc.) is to implement the basic means of organic agriculture and conditions, but not the fundamental purpose of organic agricultural production. Simply be understood as non-use of organic agriculture, agro-chemicals, without taking any management measures in production systems can not be considered organic production systems.

organic food is absolutely pollution-free foods?

whether there is contamination of food is a relative concept. There is no absolute in the world do not contain any contaminants of food. As the organic food production process does not use synthetic substances, therefore, the organic content of contaminants in food in general lower than the ordinary food, but too much emphasis on the characteristics of its pollution will lead to people only focus on the end-product contamination of the analysis and testing, while ignoring the whole process of organic food production and quality control purposes.

production of organic agriculture production is low compared to conventional agriculture do?

In many cases, the conversion at the beginning of the beginning of cut may occur, in particular, was the original heavy reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides
areas. However, in those old pairs of pesticides, fertilizer use less area, organic farming might not be cut, on the contrary, may increase. The reason is:
1, through crop rotation, intercropping and all sorts of cultivation, the diversity of agricultural production systems be improved;
2, through the use of crop straw (or after the production of compost to field), the promotion of the agricultural nutrient cycling;
3 , better use of the surrounding ecosystems, organic matter;
4, the farming industry and the combination of cultivation and improved nutrient management level.


类别: 餐饮食品










有机食品这一词是从英文Organic Food直译过来的,其他语言中也有叫生态或生物食品等。有机食品指来自有机农业生产体系,根据有机农业生产要求和相应标准生产加工,并且通过合法的、独立的有机食品认证机构认证的农副产品及其加工品。





















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