Plain Air by Patrick Norguet for TLV 壁挂式空气净化器_设计是空_ ...


Paris designer has designed a circular wall-mounted air purifier that sucks air in through vents in the top and expels it through a funnel on the front.

Called Plain Air, the product filters out germs and particles.

The product has been launched by in collaboration with and .

Photographs are by Felipe Ribon.

Here’s some more information about the product:

Design by Studio Norguet

Pure & Simple Inspiration…

We spend nowadays more than 80% of our time indoors. Inside air pollution has become a public health major concern in many countries, chemical or biological odours harm our day to day comfort and airborne contamination causes many problems, allergies and diseases.

Thanks to its miniaturised Photo Catalysis Oxidation system, PLAIN AIR plug & play unit launched by TLV in collaboration with designer Patrick Norguet, Alhstrom and Philips companies, purifies indoor air with a proven efficiency validated by laboratory and university hospital tests.

This new concept offers low mercury rate light sources and long lifespan, few maintenance, low energy and spare parts consumption, needs a few co-products, minimises secondary rejects and permits to improve your well-being in full respect of sustainable development.

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