什么是{zh0}的蛋白质吃? « City life wiki 城市百科


xx身体的水分,其余约60%是蛋白质。如何有效地从食物中蛋白质摄入量,以满足人体正常生理机能,生长发育,美容和保健的需求是一个广泛的关注。到了中年之后,动物性蛋白质摄取,特别是肉类,因为含胆固醇和脂肪更容易导致身体肥胖,高血脂等。不少人认为,多摄取豆腐等植物蛋白质也。日本在上个世纪,40年来,几乎大多数从谷物和豆类蛋白质的植物性食物获得,当在50岁的平均预期寿命。到1985年统计,动物和植物蛋白摄入量几乎相等,那么74年的平均预期寿命。这表明,动物性蛋白质也是必不可少的营养人体。进入中年,坚持严格控制动物性蛋白质将会对健康造成不利影响。问题是要注意到,动物和植物,都有其权利的一半比例,这仅仅是一个良好的蛋白质摄入量的平衡。如何作为的食物量,每天的蛋白质呢?答案是对每1蛋白质的身体的重量,公斤克天,如50公斤体重的人,一个每天的蛋白质摄入量为50克。蛋白质由20多种氨基酸,不能在我们体内合成的有8种,它们被称为必需氨基酸,因为人体不能合成,必须从食物中摄取。因此,良好的食物是必需氨基酸的平衡决定了优势和劣势蛋白质品质。优势与劣势的标准蛋白质,氨基酸,可用于显示价格。是一个理想的必需氨基酸平衡,氨基酸价为100满分。作曲8木桶比喻,如果所有的同样高的8个篮板,水可以填补,但只要有一个短板,水只有一成短板的高度。价格有相同的氨基酸,8种氨基酸,只要有一个低价值的,即使其内容,在其他必需氨基酸含量丰富,{zd1}值,已成为食品价格氨基酸。大豆是一种营养价值高的优秀食品,但不幸的是,与100个氨基酸不满的价格,它包含的8种氨基酸蛋氨酸和赖氨酸氨基酸苏联,{zd1}为86蛋氨酸,使大豆价格已经成为86氨基酸酸。其他动物和植物蛋白的食物氨基酸价:太平洋秋刀鱼,沙丁鱼,金枪鱼,鲭鱼,鲑鱼,鳗鱼等鱼类,肉类牛,猪,鸡,肝,都至少为100分,即全部价格这种蛋白质。牛奶和鸡蛋也100分。荞麦植物,65米65,麦62,面条41,大豆86,纳豆84,老挝豆腐82,油豆腐77。另一位81螃蟹,蛤蜊81,虾74,71鱿鱼,鲍鱼,68,奶酪91。日常生活中,绝不能因为大豆,大米,贝类蛋白质质量不够好东西吃。蛋白质的摄入量是喜欢做的同时,并含有多种人体所需的氨基酸的食物摄入量,同时,可以使所有的100大点,被称为蛋白质的互补作用。为了获得一个健康的蛋白质摄入量的平衡,不能断然拒绝了植物和动物蛋白了。摄入量应平分土地,注意适当的比例,加上温和的摄入量,以改善我们的生活质量,必须是有用的。 :[网址= http://www.lucer.net/tzd.htm]更多细节[/网址]



蛋白质的生理功能:①蛋白质构成,例如肌肉,骨骼和内脏,主要是由蛋白质的组织和细胞的重要组成部分。所有细胞原生质的蛋白质为基础的,动物细胞膜和细胞间质,主要是由蛋白质所决定。 ②用于更新和修复组织。在代谢和调节生理功能有关③。 ④氧化能源供应。 1克的蛋白质在体内氧化可约1.67 × 104焦耳。 ⑤其他功能。例如多的血浆蛋白的生理功能。








What are the best proteins to eat?

What to eat protein best?

remove the moisture in our body, and the remaining approximately 60% is protein. How to effectively protein intake from food in order to meet the body’s normal physiological function, growth and development, beauty and health needs is a widespread concern. Into middle age, after ingestion of animal protein, especially meat, because of containing cholesterol and fat are more prone to cause body obesity, high blood lipids and so on. Many people believe that more intake of tofu and other plant proteins as well. Japan in the last century, 40 years, almost the majority of the protein plant foods from cereals and pulses to obtain, when the average life expectancy at 50 years old. By 1985 statistics, animal and vegetable protein intake is almost equal, then the average life expectancy of 74 years. This shows that animal protein is also essential nutrients the human body. Into the middle-aged, persistently strict control of animal protein would have a negative impact on health. The problem is to note that the ratio of animal and plant, each with its half of the right, it’s only a good balance of protein intake. How much protein as the amount of food a day then? The answer is a day to 1 gram per kilogram of body weight of protein, such as 50 kg body weight person, a day of protein intake is 50 grams. Proteins are made from more than 20 kinds of amino acids, which can not be synthesized in our bodies there are eight kinds, they are called essential amino acids, because the body can not be synthesized, it must get from food. Therefore, the food is good balance of essential amino acids determines the protein quality of superiority and inferiority. Advantages and disadvantages of the standard protein, amino acids can be used to display prices. Was an ideal balance of essential amino acids, amino acids price of 100 full points. Composed by eight wooden bucket analogy, if all the same high eight boards, water can be filled, but as long as there is a shorter board, the water only a short plank into the height. Prices have the same amino acids, 8 amino acids as long as there is a low value, even if the content is very rich in other essential amino acids, the lowest value has become the price of food amino acids. Soybean is an excellent food of high nutritional value, but unfortunately the price of dissatisfaction with 100 amino acids, it contains 8 kinds of amino acid methionine, and lysine amino Soviet Union, the lowest methionine for 86, so soybean prices have become a 86 amino acids. Other animals and vegetable protein foods amino Price: fish in the Pacific saury, sardines, tuna, mackerel, salmon, eel and so on, meat cattle, pigs, chicken and liver, all have at least 100 points, namely, the full price of the protein. Milk and eggs are also 100 points. Buckwheat plants, 65, m 65, Mai 62, pasta 41, soybeans 86, natto 84, Lao Doufu 82, fried tofu 77. Another 81 crabs, clams 81, shrimp 74, 71 squid, abalone, 68, cheese 91. Daily life, must not be because of soy, rice, shellfish protein quality is not good enough to eat. Intake of protein is like to do addition, and contains many essential amino acids in food intake, together, can make all the up to 100 full point, which is called the complementary role of the protein. In order to be a good balance of healthy intake of protein, can not be rejected out of hand plant and animal protein. Intake should be evenly divided land, pay attention to the appropriate ratio, coupled with moderate to intake, to improve the quality of our lives there must be useful. : [url = http://www.lucer.net/tzd.htm] more details [/ url]

eggs, lean meat

protein is the material basis of all life, not only because of the protein constitute the body’s tissues and organs of the basic ingredients, more importantly, the protein itself, constantly engage in synthesis and decomposition. This synthesis, decomposition of the unity of opposites, promoting life activities, regulating the normal physiological function of the body to ensure the body’s growth, development, reproduction, genetics, and repair tissue damage. According to modern biology point of view, proteins and nucleic acids are the main material basis of life.

physiological functions of proteins: ① proteins constitutes an important component of tissues and cells, such as muscles, bones and viscera mainly by proteins. The protoplasm of all cells are protein-based, animal cell membrane and cell are mainly determined by interstitial proteins. ② used to update and repair tissue. ③ involved in metabolism and physiological functions of regulation. ④ oxidative energy supply. 1 gram of protein for the in vivo oxidation can be approximately 1.67 × 104 joules. ⑤ other features. Such as the multi-physiological functions of plasma proteins.

protein composed of 20 kinds of amino acids, the body can only be synthesized as part of the remainder must be supplied by food protein. The body can not be synthetic or synthetic amino acids have to be too slow by a food protein supply, and it is also known as “essential amino acids.” The synthesis of amino acids the body can be their own do not have to supply from the food protein, also known as “non-essential amino acid.” Protein synthesis in the body of many amino acids, 8 essential amino acids to the food supply, namely, lysine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, methionine, threonine, leucine, isoleucine and valine . Foods contain more essential amino acids, the higher its nutritional value. Animal protein such as meat, eggs, milk inclusive of 8 kinds of essential amino acids, also known as high-quality protein; plant protein such as soy protein contains essential amino acids is incomplete. However, if the corn, millet and soybean plant protein mixture consisting of three kinds of pasta, its nutritional value is significantly improved. This kind of low nutritional value of several proteins, a mixture of an enhancement effect on its nutritional value, also known as the complementary roles of different proteins.

ocean fish, not only rich in protein and does not worry about flesh-and avian flu.


plant proteins are through the kidneys to absorb animal protein is through the stomach to absorb the Oriental is the protein intake of vegetable protein to the multi-kidney so it’s based on your health may be

should be said that the fish The best protein quality, particularly in marine fish.



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