  • Please describe the software tool you propose to use for this project and brief the basic tool function and logic; do your company have the experience to use this tool in mainland China?
  • 请描述贵司针对此次项目所建议的软件工具及其基本功能和逻辑。贵司有否在国内使用该工具的经验?
  • LogicTools’ LogicNet PlusTM (LogicNet) software is the industry standard for network optimization modeling and is utilized by numerous Fortune 500 companies.  LogicNet enables quick and correct assessments of complex networks by analyzing a myriad of logistics options and variables to determine an optimal solution for the given scenario.  LogicNet can evaluate millions of variables within different supply chain echelons (see attached diagram) to optimize a complete network.  LogicNet is a true optimizer ensuring that the generated solution represents the least cost alternative.  The model provides solutions to many complex issues including:


  • LogicTools 公司的'LogicNet PlusTMLogicNet)软件是网络优化建模的行业标准,被众多财富500强公司所使用。 LogicNet可以通过分析复杂网络中物流无数选择和变量,以确定一个给定的情况下{zy}解,并能给予快速和正确的评估。 LogicNet可以评估在不同的供应链层级上数以百万计的变量(见附图),从而优化一个完整的网络。 LogicNet是一个真正的优化工具,以确保生成的解决方案成本{zd1}。该模型针对许多复杂的问题提供了解决方案:








  • These items are better thought of as model inputs rather than outputs.  While the model does not make recommendations specific to these issues, they are drivers of the model whose impact on the network may be determined through the sensitivity analysis process.




  • What’s data input for this project from ABC side? And please describe details.
  • ABC需要输入哪些资料数据?请详细说明。


  • The following is a summary of the typical data required to create the baseline and design year models and warehouse and distribution productivity analysis.  As the project progresses, additional data requests will possibly be needed to accommodate the various scenarios under consideration.  Data acquisition is largely the responsibility of  Unilever and is of the utmost importance to project schedule and success.  Project team will guide and direct this effort and will test and review the data for accuracy and completion.  A document detailing the exact data needs will be presented at the onset of the project.  Below are some examples of the type of data required:


  • 以下是用于创造和设计设计年基准模型有关仓储与配送能力分析的典型数据需要。随着项目的进展,可能要求提供更多的数据,以针对各种变动情景进行考虑。数据采集主要是客户方面的责任,事关项目最为重要的进度和成功。项目组将指导和直接帮助这项工作,并将测试和审查的数据的准确性和完整性。一份对详述的具体数据的要求的文件将在该项目一开始提出。以下是所需的数据类型的例子:


    • Supply and Demand 供应和需求
      • Item master file
      • Facility master file
      • Customer master file (sold-to and ship-to)
      • Inbound history or sourcing matrix between plants/suppliers and the DC’s
      • Transfer history if not referenced in the outbound sales history (one year)
      • Outbound transaction history from the DC’s to customers (one year)
      • Finished goods inventory history by month, item and location (two years if available)


      • 产品规格的主文档
      • 设施主文档 客户主文档(出售和送货)
      • 在工厂/供应商以及配送中心之间的内向物流的历史或资源矩阵
      • 如果与外向销售历史(一年)不符的其他变动历史资料
      • 从配送中心到客户(一年)外向交易历史资料
      • 按照月份、货品规格、位置(如果可能,{zh0}两年)的成品库存历史数据,


    • Transportation Costs and Replenishment Parameters 运输成本和补货参数 
      •  Inbound from plants/suppliers to D.C.s by mode
      •  DC Transfer costs by mode
      •  Outbound from DC’s to customers by mode (parcel by service level, LTL, TL)
      •  Inbound/transfer replenishment parameters (review period, order min, lead time, etc.)
      • Private fleet costs if applicable
      • 按照运输模式划分的从工厂/供应商到配送中心的内向运输
      • 按照运输模式的配送中心处理成本数据
      • 按照不同运输模式(快递、整车、零担)的从配送中心到客户外向运输成本数据
      • 内向/处理补货参数(回顾周期,最小订单、前置时间等)
      • 采用自有车队的成本


    • Facility Costs and Capacities 设施成本和能力
      • Manufacturing eligibility if applicable
      • Facility fixed and variable operating statements
      • Lease terms and conditions as appropriate
      • Major material handling equipment investment
      • Staffing requirements by facility, shift, and job function
      • Other costs, constraints, and considerations as appropriate
      • 若适用需提供制造资格
      • 有关设施固定和变动费用的报表
      • 若适用需提供租赁条款和条件
      • 主要的物流设备投资状况
      • 各设施对作业人员的需求、班次和工作职责
      • 若适用需要提供其他成本、约束和考虑


    • Design Year Requirements 设计年限的要求
      • ABC will need to provide forecast demand data and anticipated order profile changes for the agreed upon design year.  In light of these design year changes, cost estimates for each network component will be required for all future state scenarios.  Development of these cost estimates is the responsibility of Project team。 
      • 将需要客户提供大家商定的设计年的预测数据和预期订单配置的变化情况。由于设计年的变化,其供应链网络中所有组件的成本都需要估计出来。进行这些费用估算是项目小组的责任。


    • Demand 需求
      • Growth projections by product, customer/customer class, and geography if available
      • Description of any new products, service offerings, or similar business changes
      • Anticipated changes to order minimums, lead times, or other service commitments
      • 按照产品、客户/客户等级以及地理位置的需求增长预期
      • 描述任何新的产品、所提供的服务或者类似的商业变化
      • 有关{zd1}订购、前置时间或者服务承诺的预期变化


    • Transportation 运输
      • Anticipated changes in rate structure or planning methodology
      • Rate and transit time assumptions for alternate locations/networks/strategies
      • 在计划方法和费用结算结构上的预期变化
      • 对于相关的地理位置/网络/战略方面的费率和处理时间的假设


    • Facility Costs and Capacities 设施成本和能力
      • Anticipated sourcing, production, or distribution facility changes or additions if applicable
      • 有关产品外包、生产或者分销设施方面的变化预期或其他
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