The People’s Association has conducted its first study on the Effectiveness of People’s Association (PA) and its Grassroots Organisations (GROs) in 2005, to assess the effectiveness of the PA and its GROs in promoting community bonding, racial harmony and active citizenry.
In 2009, the second study was conducted to find out if the PA and its GROs had made improvements. This time, the element on social capital was incorporated in the study which measures the stocks of social trust, norms and networks that people can draw upon to solve common problems.
The findings have shown that GROs had made improvement in a number of areas. A paper, which highlights the key findings of the study, is now available in eRepository > Survey Findings & Statistical Reports > Study on the Effectiveness of PA and its GROs and their Contribution to Social Capital.
We would like to hear from you:
- What can we (PA and GROs) do to encourage more bottom-up activities and programmes?
- What can we do to help to facilitate closer interaction among residents?
- What more can we do to contribute to the building of Social Capital in Singapore?
Leonard Chu
Editor’s Note: TR cannot confirm if the writer of this survey is from the PA or its related agencies.
Dr V,we have no jobs,no money and no HDB to live in.
your Grassroot Sinha,different,just came to Singapore and already can rent out his hdb.But I have not seen in the park where me and my family live.So,where does he live?In Sentosa or IR?
Please,plaese,MR V,please help us.We know you favour sportmen especially if come from overseas,you give them plenty of money so they very happy.We,park-dwellers cannot even afford to rent HDB,so please help us by not calling the police or we will all go mati at MRT and it will reflect badly on the PAP especially when it is so near GE.
Can we truly count progress here in Singapore?
As GDP seemingly increased over the past 5-10 yeras as claimed,so has the number of middle-classed relegated into the poor-class.
Is this progress or progressive at all?
As the MINSTELS’s PAY-packets get bigGER and BIGGER,more and more singaporeans are jobless,some even homeless.
Is this called progress?
There has been a dramatic regress of the average singaporean’s well-being despite what the elites claim through the MSM.
There is no need for false statistics or charts,simple eye-balling will tell the truths.
Still doubtful…go ask any taxi-driver.