多少多种面条,吃,使之更加具体。 « City life wiki 城市百科


河南回族眠,兰州拉面,湖北的热干面,安徽板面,北京的面条,炒支撑新疆,四川担担面,岐山臊子面的面条过冷,山西面。 …我已经吃了这些荣誉。有没有吃过会给你50。



































18 Youpo表面




20 Suantang表面









25 Laomian














33 Baogu山面对






































How many kinds of noodles, eat, make it more specific.

How many kinds of noodles, eat, make it more specific.

Henan Hui Mian, Lanzhou noodles, Hubei Re gan mian, Anhui plate surface, Beijing noodles, Xinjiang fried brace, Sichuan dan-dan noodles, Qishan Sào face off in the cold noodles, Shanxi noodle …. I have the honor of those eaten. There are not eaten will give you 50.

across the country are not consistent across the practice , the following of these you had what?

01 Qishan Sào surface

Qishan Sào face with a 3,000-year history, first started in the Zhou Dynasty. When making the big meat “smell of urine child” (ie, diced) plus tofu, yellow, edible fungus, cooking soup poured surface formed. Qishan Sào face of “thin, plate, light, tart, spicy, fragrant, fried, thin, Wang,” the characteristics of the famous.

02 Yangling Dip thin white noodles

side ribs light, oil-Wang garlic spicy fragrance, noodles in soup loaded sub-basin, the more I chewed the more fragrant. Yangling dip the noodles and soup noodles are separated and eat when the folder from the Great Basin where a generous and long-pulled noodle soup bowl, and then tucked a way a bite to eat noodles.

03 abalone shark fin surface

face in the integration into the shark’s fin with abalone powder, eggs, flour body transparent, tendons Road, nutrient-rich.

04 biang (sound) biang (sound) surface

biang (sound) biang (sound) surface spread millennium, the long-standing reputation. Surface “tendons, light, Xiang”, with a good wok fried diced meat or pork and Spicy, bamboo shoots, snake melon, etc. together with duplicating the surface is a color, smell, taste, shape and taste characteristics of snacks is very authentic Qin to flavor.

05 Huxian put soup noodle

a bit like a bridge. The most important thing is Nawanlaotang, the more aged the better the dark color of soy sauce, chopped chives over the top floating leaves. Eat, clip a small chopsticks noodles, Yi Bai put into the soup, then eat, therefore called “put noodles.”

06 garlic dip surface

a small bowl of dried red pepper powder, chopped garlic, poured boiling oil, squeak pull your voice slowly covered reservoir golden red pepper, Wanbian float oil foam, and then add some vinegar and a pinch of salt, wide noodles fish out to pour a large bowl, add vegetables and garlic dip Serve a bowl of soup, hot and sour delicious side of garlic dip.

07 Huaxian potato noodles

derived from a folk Huaxian pasta.

08 buckwheat

Shaanxi snack, one of the name, about 600 years of history. Especially in northern Shaanxi, Hancheng, Xi’an school field gate white buckwheat is most famous. When making use of fresh buckwheat is done, the general cold food, can increase lamb Sào hot to eat. Fragrance is characterized by fairly tapped when inserting, as amended, red bars tough.

09 off the cold noodles

more flavor to reconcile, fresh fairly tapped when inserting, noodles are gluten, high quality goods for the summer.

10 Lam Le

surface material is an elegant and unique style pasta has thousand years of history. Soba in early as the fabric, coupled with cooked lamb, diced green onion and fennel, star anise, pepper, pepper, pepper and other brewed mutton soup, tastes fragrant but not too sweet and delicious.

11 surface

Tanks Tanks court surface known as birthday noodles, spread to this side is the Tang Dynasty palace dinner products, is designed specially for the emperor and Yang Yuhuan. Ingredients through the cutting, grinding, filtering, drying, frying, explosion and other craft. Sense looking bright, smells mellow, gluten Tangnong, no fishy is not greasy.

12 Grange surface

lamb and mutton noodles are a major dietary characteristics of the Grange, to the surface of the Grange do not eat meat does not like to eat mutton to Xi’an Paomo. Chun-chun of the mutton soup, authentic hand-side of the Grange, the heat, aroma, spicy air rushing toward us.

13 Hancheng meat paste Bu

be careful that the juice of the original soup. First sliced onion, red pepper powder, coriander stir fry, and then their meat pieces, add broth. Final cut bread into the wire, pan before pouring into the chili oil, then cooked with balsamic vinegar. Slightest hint there is a substantial chew head.

14 liquan branded surface

branded surface has been called the world’s first convenience food. A pot of boiling water, will be interviewed by Sheng in a bowl, repeated use of open irrigated and called it “still water.” Then transfer the sauce, can be eaten by the deployment of more seasoning unique, the lard are used to reconcile the pepper face, accompanied by green onion, leek leaf, salt and local brewed vinegar can add soup consumption, can also be dried吃.

15 Spring Sào surface

Shaanxi local unique New Year food.

16 braised pork spinach noodles

Stewed meat will join the spinach noodles, distinctive.

17 pulled noodles

pulled noodles are traditional customs in the region, pasta snacks, Shaanxi, one of the eight strange, wide, such as belt. After mixing with a hot Youpo eat, which is characterized by color coordination, flexibility, smooth, elegant fragrance.

18 Youpo surface

You Cuyou hand-rolling system wide noodles, cooked in boiling water in the first accompanied by green onion, pork, pepper powder, salt and other ingredients, then sprinkle a thick layer of chili face, Gunfei scoop out the inside of the pan is almost a spoonful of peanut oil, suddenly pour in the red pepper and noodles. After You Po hot noodles, skin sallow, food spicy crispy when the flexible combination of focus.

19 tomatoes, eggs, tomatoes and egg noodles

Fry, pouring into the cooked noodles, the Hongyan juicy and delicious.

20 Suantang surface

also known as “slender side”, features a “thin, light, fried, thin, Wang, sour, spicy, fragrance.” Soft and chewy, fragrant smell of soup, the practice of fine, unique.

21 Toshomen

to Daoxue out side leaves, the thick edge thin. The shape of willow, smooth outside the main entrance inside the tendons, and soft, non-stick, the more chewing the more fragrant, like eating pasta are deeply welcomed.

22 West House

the noodles, dried noodles into the pot with hot boiling water after the fish out, with a good soy sauce, add lard, no soup, mix with vinegar, peanut butter and other condiments, features: Spicy multi-flavor .

23 Hancheng broadsword broadsword surface

face full of technology, the use of traditional knives, cutting knife, when his right hand raised, his left hand by hand, while mentioning edge off, which rang with the knife, knife readily shift, face twisted with cotton wadding, wood bar pressure, into a lump, roll into a millimeter thickness, stacked in a semicircle. Plane cut as fine as silk, water, open the pot, roll the cooked 2.

24 emerald surface

that spinach noodles, green noodles supplemented with shredded bamboo shoots, shredded chicken, ham, vegetables and other color “toppings”, colorful and delicious flavor.

25 Laomian

Laomian common and popular in the north pasta with a thick stick pressed into a foot wide and long format films, stacked with a knife cut into thin strips. Supplemented with cooked fried shrimp, slide fillet, fried gluten such as coke.

26 vegetable side dishes

noodles are authentic “Plain.” Noodles cooked cold water, drain, mix well with the amount of mature oil and put in the broader market, the mix in order to when the vegetable products, complemented by a variety of condiments.

27 dry counties

before pouring soup pot below, after the transfer soup pot. In the ice inside an ice-cold water, more light more ribs taste better. Added into the smell of urine after the child’s soup.

28 Long Xumian

Long Xumian feast of traditional flavor varieties of pasta, one has been more than 300 years of history. Thin surface, such as hair, woven together like asparagus, hence the name Long Xumian.

29 Huimian

Hui Mian is characterized by large bowl, gluten, meat, rotten, soup alcohol, delicious, to the most authentic lamb Huimian.

30 noodles

with lean meat, bamboo shoots, shiitake mushrooms for the ingredients, cut wire fried, fried noodles into the upper hand, a unique taste.

31 flags flower

“flower flag” are also called “exquisite side”. Due to the surface colors like Claustrophobia, Gu Yue “exquisite face”; also known as “seven spending side”, because it uses egg flower, scallions and so cut into small flags as the same parallelogram or a triangle, so named after the “flag flower.”

32 Laba surface

made with eight kinds of vegetables and meat Sào, including tofu, carrot, white radish, walnuts, peanuts, lotus seeds, etc., and surface Tongzhu.

33 Baogu sa face

thin gruel of corn grits into the leek under the leaf width, length 10 cm surface, fried green onion, Spicy can be transferred, in order to authentic sake Do not put vinegar.

34 mix soup and noodle soup

each half (usually vegetables: tofu, red and white radish, yellow, edible fungus, meat, leek, tomato, spinach).

35 Yaozhou pimple face

thickness will be interviewed by rolling into the noodles, cooked and placed in cold water, using chopsticks to roll into a round group face-shaped swelling on the skin surface Serve. Add Sào soup, chili oil, garlic can be eaten.

36 chopsticks craniofacial

thin “chopsticks craniofacial,” bowl into the salt, soy sauce, vinegar, and then fishing into the noodles, put some vegetables in it.

37 Yaozhou mushroom Wowo

will join the egg surface and good surface cut into the thickness of the section of chopsticks, and then cut into small parties, using chopsticks to flip into a small nest-shaped face. Get the materials ready, including mushrooms, walnut kernels, sea cucumbers, squid and so on.

38 tiny surface

rolling a good face, cut leek leaf width, length 10 cm; spinach, tofu, garlic fry, into the pot under the good side.

39 Yaozhou

salty soup noodles mixed with oil, various spices such as salt, Spicy, into the soup pot, boil-opening. When eating soup poured at the surface, put onion, ginger, tofu silk.

40 Hanzhong Hanzhong Bang Bang surface

flavor of food, will be a thin patch 1-3 cm wide cut noodles. Soup soy sauce, vinegar, salt, pepper oil, pepper, green onion, finally add a little lard.

41 heyang page

pages and pancake making the same food, when transferred to salt, allspice, vinegar, spicy oil, chives, garlic, Lin Ru Shuzhu You.

42 Hericium surface

the noodles Checheng little finger thick strips, pulling into a triangular patch, shaped like Hericium.

43 fixed cutting edge buckwheat noodles

into the buckwheat flour and dough, roll into a pizza, with special cutting knife (crescent-shaped, about a foot, both ends of a handle with both hands operation) chopped leek leaf width of the strip, and then poured into the Sheep Soup can.

44 linyou

face with the blood of the flour and pig’s blood into a group, in a layer of lard rolling good noodles Shang Ma, folded, cut into thin strips, steamed, cutting a good smell of urine son (diced meat, spinach, tofu, ginger) can mix.

45 states Bin Bin Yu surface

local flavor characteristics of the state, also known as “Yu Mian”, jade is known for its bright color. Liang Pi is different from the flour prepared food.

46 Chengcheng Shou Si surface

surface and is getting better, do not roll, do not cut, only to tear by hand, and then accompanied by a variety of soups, gluten Road, taste good.

47 well-being of food grains to jiangshui

water slurry as a soup, in order to make noodles, grains, first hand-rolling system, a long face and cooked, cold water soaking, Sheng into the bowl, poured over cook in soy oil, chopped green onion , Chinese prickly ash water, transferred chili oil, sprinkle with coriander Serve.

48 Flank

aside all the surfaces are at the same time the pot, so as tendons Road. Face used to use the new wheat flour, it has a strong wheat flavor.

49 Fufeng salivary surface

pot of soup, a pot noodle. Eggs, chopped green onion soup mushroom Sào Yuba kelp coriander soup, noodles, thin muscle smooth, poured steaming Jiantang, eating noodle soup pot and then poured into heat, so that the water saliva.

50 tooth

Dali furnace stove is named for its shape, the raw material of flour, streaky pork, bamboo shoots melon, fried tofu and other 21 kinds, economic, and face, the system furnace tooth surface, system, halogen, Cook seasoning process can be described as strictly selected materials, ingredients and diverse, craft fine, noodles flexible Guangrun, Sào Xiangla Wei thick, enticing the appetite.

noodles, fried noodles, cold noodles

Youpo surface

look first in boiling water and pour in the a hole containers, washed with cold water washed, drained of water, put oil in the wok frying, put you in favorite sauces, can be delicious啦!06-01-12

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