家电行业:行业在2008年合并的强者« oursolo.net





家电业的投资策略:在2008年中国家电行业,投资机会仍然是空调行业,冰箱行业可能会成为一个新的增长点。 2008年家电行业将继续整合强大的更强大,继续关注白色家电行业主要上市格力电器,青岛海尔电器和化妆品公司。











根据统计,1?2007年国家统计局在10月洗衣机累计生产2965.24万台,比去年同期增长15.80%;累计产量家用电冰箱3969.36万辆,比去年同期增长22.60%,而空调的78929800单位累计产量,比比去年同期增长百分之26.30。彩电的66222500台累计产量比同期下降百分之9.58,去年。 1?来自中国的主要家电产品2007年10月生产数据,显示“黑白”分化,主要家电产品生产增幅较大,特别是增长最快的空调生产了26.30%的增幅;黑色家电和彩电的主要产品产量继续下降。


整理中国海关统计,在出口方面,中国家电及零件1?9月出口二百四十二万零五百点零零零万美元超过27同期比上年有所增加。九月份出口二十七万一千四点〇 〇 〇万美元。

数量和出口价值的重点:空调压缩机和1?9月出口数量4556.00万台,23万辆增长,出口总额为六十零点五一〇亿美元,比增长33%。空调压缩机在9月和出口量237.00万辆,345美元的出口金额;冰箱压缩机1,其出口量在9月?二千八百九十七点零万辆,增加30万台,出口总额为二十四亿六千百万美元,增加37%。压缩机的冰箱和9月出口345.0万个单位,294美元的出口量。在进口方面,中国家电及零件1?9月进口二十四万四千三百点零万美元有5%的增长。 9月进口二万六千八点零万美元。


今年,国内家电业一直处于“白色家电”,从而推动了“黑色家电”的价格趋势。据国家信息中心公布的监测数据显示,1?6个月,空调销售单位价格上涨百分之十点三去年同期,其中销售额{zd0}的分裂壁空调的二三四六元加权平均单价每高于去年同期近200亿美元。 “十一”黄金周,白色家电产品的销售进入淡季,但在一些地方仍是一个隐藏的价格上涨。例如,大多数企业将空调电器商店的“回头路”和其他倡议取消优惠,这才使得空气的单一市场调节增加了平均100-300元。









中国农村有2 /中国人口的3,是中国{zd0}的消费群体,农村发展问题是一个长期的国民政府,各有关部门工作。目前,中国的社会主义新农村的持续建设,提高广大农民的生活质量是建设新农村的一项重要任务。家电不仅是小康,从温饱到农民生活的必需品,在农村信息家电消费扩展是农民改善生活质量的手段,而且要加快农村的文明方式。 2.3亿农户,为67.7全国的家庭占,是中国{zd0}的消费群体,是扩大内需的重要突破口。


,中国近10年来城市化率从20%至40%,经历了英国,美国,及对其他国家的几百年中,至今增长势头不减,主要是由于大量农村城市移民和城市建设保持大量投资。预期到2020年,中国的城市化率将达到50-55百分之到2050年可达到60-70%。 “十一五”期间,中国的城市化进程将保持快速发展势头。城市化的迅速发展将不可避免地导致更多的消费需求,因为一般相当于城镇居民消费三个农民消费。不断增加的城镇消费需求,构成“十一五”国内需求的迅速扩大,经济快速增长的主要来源也是一个强大动力。随着城市化进程的加快和城镇居民的收入水平,提高人民生活和消费趋势的变化在消费者家电消费质量质量和价格水平的消费者不再购买家电是一个决定性因素,品牌,质量和时尚外观等因素,消费升级已成为消费的重要指标为导向的购物。


二〇 〇七年6 19,其中包括2831年国家调整钢铁,纺织品,化学品和其他商品的出口退税率。在家电产品,包括空调,包括出口退税率不属于调整范围。随着家电产品出口的主要生产国之一的盈余,可能会降低出口退税率。






二零零一年至2006年接近30%,钢铁需求相应增加,家电行业的出口增长速度是惊人的,是世界上大宗原材料市场的重要买家。 2006年钢设备在5万吨,空调,微波炉,制冷压缩机行业钢铁行业的过剩家电消费的主要领域。铁矿石作为一个外包的结果,燃油价格上涨,今年钢铁企业普遍面临目前的生产成本上升的压力。而这种压力,相应的家电工业,实物等下游产业转移。在上游增加和产品价格战的大形势下,家庭在2006年全行业的只有2.5%的平均利润水平,家电产业的成本压力。


宣布将在2008年四分之一的价格,或8%,原材料价格上升会影响房价用具。 2008年{dy}季度钢材价格影响较大的冰箱,洗衣机价格上涨,预计发生。和空调主要原料铜,钢材价格上涨的影响相对较小。从2007年的情况,尽管原材料价格上涨增加了整个家庭的费用家电企业,但家庭通过产品价格上涨的家电企业,在xx产品,以提高和加强,如在他们的管理成本,比例压缩取得了良好的结果,所以钢材价格对2008年中国家庭的增加,家电行业的利润水平影响不大。





,今年的平均零售价格为国内航空,比去年同期增长百分之九点三空调,壁挂式柜空调和空调的平均价格上升了百分之10.38,分别9.32 %。空调价格上涨的,这带来了价格的空调原材料成本上升的因素还解释说,空调行业更加成熟,更加理性,从低的激烈竞争,成本的标准技术研究和开发,节能,产品质量,渠道建设。空调

和有竞争力的基础上,空调市场品牌集中度明显倾向于行业的xxxx,行业企业为主导,以进一步加强规范的作用。统计显示,2007年的程度,空气浓度空调品牌进一步提高,有能力参与市场竞争,从空中空调在2006年下降到52 33,19品牌的销量低于0.01%的市场份额,品牌事实上,已经退出市场。前25名的品牌提高浓度为0.06%,前20品牌度增加百分之一点三,排名前十位的品牌增加了百分之5.76,居前5品牌上升5.29%,呈现出高集中的明显趋势。此外,在2007年能在33个部分,有竞争力的品牌前25位以外的8个品牌的销售和低于0.3%的市场份额。这些品牌在市场的挤压的xxxx,在2008年可能会继续被边缘化,产业集中度进一步提高。



在家电行业,上市公司,家用空调行业公司贡献了白色家电行业乃至家电行业,大部分收入和净利润。前三季度2007年,空调行业的公司,达到663.80亿元,为白色家电行业上市公司的收入占70.96%,主营业务收入,实现了121700.0万元,用于白色家电行业净利润占上市公司净利润的96.51%。可以看出,空调在中国的家庭工业家电产业中占有举足轻重的地位。 2008年,中国的空调行业将继续保持良好的发展趋势,行业{lx1}的上市公司将加强技术创新与合作的上游和下游,加快行业整合,继续反映其投资价值。


据中国网络数据业务,从2002年至2006年,中国销售的家用冰箱增长率一直呈上升趋势,中国在2006年的冰箱市场在国内外,良好的宏观经济形势,市场将继续保持消费较快增长,产品向大容量,高传输结束,产品也有进一步改善的平均,市场继续扩大总消费量。在2006年,冰箱销售总额3344.50万台,较去年同期增长了25.38%。 2007年1?10个月,冰箱销售总额3701.10万辆,27.30%,超过了同期增加。据国家统计局,2007年1?8局,中国国内制冷行业实现销售收入为9463900.00万元,较同期比去年增长百分之28.36,有26.56亿元利润总额,占百分之69.39增幅较同期上年。


冰箱业的总销售额增长了爆炸还体现了市场购买,在未来两年内,一个日益成熟的市场,消费结构,潜在添加用户和更新用户基本保持稳定,冰箱的消费中心,以城市发展水平从大型超市到扩大中等大中城市,市场潜力巨大。 The growth of market demand and retail prices so that the domestic refrigerator industry has become a household electrical appliance enterprises emerging to snatch the cake.

Recently, the U.S. investment of 1.17 billion U.S. ice wash industry Industrial Park completed; 3 months ago, is located in Anhui’s Chuzhou Konka White Industrial Park, an electric refrigerator production line completed production; In addition to the previously Hisense Main KELON, Changhong Meiling acquisitions.

3, industry consolidation, the strong stronger, continue to pay attention to white goods industry leading listed companies in raw materials prices

production costs and enhance the appreciation of the renminbi improve the cost of exports will be out of a small scale, the operation and management of mismanagement of the enterprises, market concentration will continue to improve and is conducive to optimizing the home appliance industry leading enterprises in the production and business environment, thereby promoting the optimization of industrial structure. In addition, the current strength of our country already has a strong household electrical appliance enterprises take the lead in the beginning of the internationalization process, the RMB exchange rate adjustment, enterprises “going out” the cost will be lowered, so as to promote China’s household electrical appliance enterprises in the process of internationalization. Objective to promote the appreciation of the renminbi on the Chinese home appliance industry shuffling process, bound to the strong stronger, the weak weaker situation.

At present, we integrated large-scale household appliances industry, increasing the number of air-conditioning brand in 2000 from the 400 to gradually shrink to about 50; refrigerator, washing machine market share in most of clutched hands in a small number of brands, hovering in the 10 were outside the enterprise, to be faced by the fate of being eliminated; to master core technologies such as plasma TV’s color TV enterprises in Japan and South Korea on the market share climbed all the way, Panasonic, Hitachi cumulative market share of nearly 50%.

In 2007, the domestic appliance industry, listed companies have also carried out a series of integration. The first half, Qingdao Haier (600690) Haier Group to issue 142 million A shares to purchase its holdings of Qingdao Haier Air conditioning electronics 75% stake, Hefei Haier Air Conditioner 80% stake in Wuhan Haier 60 percent stake in the shares to Guizhou Haier Electric Company 59 percent stake. November 20, ST KELON (000921) announcement, the company will be the subject of about 2.541 billion yuan in asset prices, including the purchase Hisense air conditioners, refrigerators, and white goods Hisense marketing assets, including assets Hisense white goods. Hisense Group, all white goods and business assets into ST Kelon to Hisense Group’s white goods market assets as a whole. November 24, the U.S. electrical appliances (000527) announced the transferee company to the Group of 480 million yuan of direct and indirect holdings of Hualing Group of operating assets (95% stake in China’s refrigerator, Hefei Hualing and Canton-hua Ling {bfb} equity) and trademark intellectual property rights, at the same time to be 31.13 million yuan in Chongqing transferee PR 30% stake. In addition, the U.S. group will be holding {bfb} of the Wheeling Electric sold 45 billion Hualing Group. The assets of the electrical integration of the United States (000,527) of white to further expand the scale of electricity, currently has 13 million air conditioners and air-conditioning compressor, 500 million refrigerators, 5,500,000 washing machine, near the size of 4,000,000,000 central air-conditioning. And Wheeling Electric Hualing backdoor, as well as the United States and the Group to integrate upstream and downstream white electric industry chain has laid a crucial step.

in 2008, we continue to pay attention to white goods industry leading listed companies Gree Electric Appliances, Qingdao Haier Electrical Appliances and beauty.

four, valuation analysis and investment advice

1, valuation analysis

with the international market of listed companies of similar appliances industry samples compared to the domestic market of China’s home appliance industry of listed companies High valuation of earnings, but taking into account the household appliance industry in China listed companies in the industry’s position and better growth in the domestic market is relatively high earnings ratio is still relatively reasonable.

2, the investment rating

2007 index, China’s home appliance industry trend in the first half slightly stronger than the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 index, the second half of the trend of slightly weaker than the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 index. 2008, China’s home appliance industry despite rising raw material prices, the appreciation of the renminbi and other unfavorable factors, but strong domestic demand and intra-industry integration will remain the industry to maintain a high degree of economy, industry profit level will remain stable. At present, China’s household electrical appliance industry average price-earnings ratio of listed companies (TTM, excluding negative values) to 40.57 times higher than the Shanghai and Shenzhen A shares of all the earnings (TTM, excluding negative values) 33.37 times and the city of Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 the price-earnings ratio (TTM, excluding negative values) 32.79 times. To sum up, we are careful to give China’s household electrical appliance industry investment rating:

the next ten months, neutral.

3, household electrical appliance industry analysis investment value of listed companies

Gree Electric Appliances (000651):


company’s third quarter 2007 report show that companies realize the first three quarters of 2007 gross revenues 29.359 billion yuan, representing year-on-year growth of 62.03%; realize operating profit 888 million yuan, representing year-on-year growth of 51.28%; realize attributable to net profit of the parent company of the owner 762 million yuan, representing year-on-year growth of 53.32%. Company’s profit growth rate was significantly higher than revenue growth due to product prices, gross profit margins than the same period last year increased 1.09 percentage points.

Company public offering of 5,000 million A shares has been approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission, the issuance of 1.155 billion yuan to raise funds for construction in Hefei 3,000,000 sets of household air-conditioning production base (a total investment of 500 million million)

and 360 million units compressors technical projects (total investment of 655 million). After the completion of additional projects in the company’s air-conditioning capacity by 16 million annual production capacity of Taiwan to improve Taiwan’s 19 million. Compressor production capacity from the current 440 million to eight million units, the compressor will be self-supporting rate of more than 40%.

expected 07 ~ 2008 Company EPS, respectively, 1.11 yuan and 1.55 yuan, dynamic PE values were 35.37 percent and 25.83 times, we give careful Gree Electric Appliances investment rating:

future six months, outperform.

Household electrical appliances industry: industry consolidation in 2008 the strong being stronger

Investment points:

2007 years January to August the operation of household electrical appliances industry: home appliances industry continued to maintain steady growth, the overall efficiency is better, in 2007 1 ~ in August, China’s home appliance industry realize a total of 479.321 billion yuan revenue, an increase of 30.05%; realize a total profit of 15.937 billion yuan, up 58.34 percent; sales profit margin of 3.32 percent for the same period last year growth of 21.61%.

appliance enterprises operating efficiency is good: 2007 1 ~ in September, electronic information appliances hundred enterprises enterprises realize a total of 365.6 billion yuan revenue, an increase of 8%; realize a total profit of 17.4 billion, up 261% growth. Household electrical appliances enterprises profit growth is much higher than the scale of growth.

2008 appliance industry in China will maintain stable development: in 2008, although China’s household electrical appliance industry will face raw material prices and the appreciation of the renminbi and other factors of a negative impact, but because of strong domestic demand and industrial structure adjustment, China’s household electrical appliance industry will maintain a stable development.

home appliance industry investment strategy: in 2008 China’s household electrical appliance industry, investment opportunities are still air-conditioning industry, the refrigerator industry will likely become a new growth point. Appliance industry in 2008 will continue to integrate the strong stronger, continue to pay attention to white goods industry leading listed companies in Gree Electric Appliances, Qingdao Haier Electrical Appliances and beauty.

valuation analysis: with the international market of listed companies of similar appliances industry samples compared to the domestic market of China’s home appliance industry earnings ratio of listed companies in the high valuation, but taking into account the household appliances industry in China listed companies in the industry status and better growth in the domestic market is relatively high earnings ratio is still relatively reasonable.

investment proposals: in 2008, China’s home appliance industry despite rising raw material prices, the appreciation of the renminbi and other unfavorable factors, but strong domestic demand and intra-industry integration will remain the industry to maintain a high degree of economy, industry profit level will remain smooth. At present, China’s household electrical appliance industry average price-earnings ratio of listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets is higher than all of the Shanghai and Shenzhen A shares and the earnings ratio. To sum up, we are careful to give China’s household electrical appliance industry investment rating:

the next ten months, neutral.

1, 2007 the operation of China’s household electrical appliance industry

1, earnings growth rate was significantly higher than income growth

China’s household electrical appliance industry in 2007 continued to maintain steady growth, the overall better efficiency. According to data published by the National Bureau of Statistics: 2007 1 ~ in August, China’s home appliance industry realize a total of 479.321 billion yuan revenue, an increase of 30.05%; realize a total profit of 15.937 billion yuan, up 58.34 percent; sales margins were 3.32%, than the 21.61 percent increase over the same period last year.

it is clear that China’s household electrical appliance industry in 2007 profit growth rate is much higher than income growth. This was mainly due to China since the 2006 general household electrical appliance enterprises to strengthen financial management, by streamlining the channels, for example, improve the profitability of the business. Entered in 2007, white goods industries in particular are the domestic air-conditioning industry, the overall operating environment improves and earnings growth to speed up the drive the entire appliance indust…

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