中国正在积极采取措施,以促进塑料机械及模具出口« Reuse world

过去5年,机器进口的26.1以上的年增长速度。模具,虽然中国模具生产商积极寻求全球采购外包,但在2005年中国模具的整体出口和模具的只有1.1亿美元(9000.0万元的进口量的一半)占。 2005年,中国的塑料约800万美元(6600.000万元)机械出口。虽然这个数字是百分之66.9的增长速度,但戴仲尧说:“由于出口起点低一点,目前的实际价值仍然非常小。”
在整个生产和销售机械工业,注塑机的一半以上。其终端市场{zd0}的是“光”的市场,包括消费品,服装,鞋类,玩具和体育用品市场,其次是包装,农业,电气和电子,建筑和汽车市场之后。 2005年,中国的模具和模具生产总值为240亿元人民币(三十〇万一点零零零万美元),占17.4在过去5年中超过年均增长速度有所增加。 06.9.15

China is actively taking measures to promote exports of plastic machinery and mold

China is actively promoting plastics machinery and mold export, but is still a net importer of plastic machinery, machine foreign brands still dominate the Chinese market. China Plastic Machinery Industry Association (CPMIA), executive vice chairman of the Dai仲尧said: “The purchase cost of imported machine export sales are more than three times.” He said that imports of machinery accounted for most of the machine market in China.
the past five years, machine imports to an annual growth rate of 26.1 percent. Mold, although the Chinese mold manufacturer to actively seek a global procurement outsourcing, but in 2005 China’s total exports of die and mold accounted for only 1.1 billion U.S. dollars (90 million yuan)in half of imports. In 2005, China’s plastics machinery exports about 800 million U.S. dollars (66 million yuan). Although the figure is 66.9 percent annual rate of increase, but wearing仲尧said: “Due to the low starting point of export, the current actual value is still very small.”
As a result of China Plastics Processing speed the development of enterprises are the gross domestic product twice, it is still very strong demand for machinery. In the past five years, the mechanical output growth has more than doubled, representing an annual increase of 23.3%.
Dai仲尧said soaring steel prices and other costs in 2005 resulted in the mechanical market downturn. Nevertheless, the mechanical demand in 2004 than the 15.5 percent rise.
Dai仲尧said that about 1000 Chinese enterprises engaged in machine production, but more than 60% for small-scale operation. Have readers in China Plastic Machinery Forum Message said: “In China, three individuals will be able to set up a machinery factory.”
Dai仲尧said: “China’s plastics machinery industry is still unable to meet the fast-growing demand for the domestic economy.” However, he believed that the domestic machine manufacturers will soon catch up, and in the Chinese market have equal shares with foreign enterprises.
wear prediction仲尧said: “The split between domestic and imported machine machine market in China has been gradually becoming apparent pattern, and will continue for some time.”
machine industry in the entire production and marketing, the injection molding machine more than half . The largest of its end markets are “light” market, including consumer goods, clothing, footwear, toys and sporting goods market, followed by the packaging, agriculture, electrical and electronics, construction and automotive markets. In 2005, China’s die and mold GDP was 240 billion yuan (3.01 billion U.S. dollars), representing 17.4 percent over the past five years the average annual growth rate has increased. (06-9-15)

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