普通漆and there is little to distinguish the metallic « China trip ...

love to buy homes in recent 16v, metallic普通漆and the difference between 2,000 yuan, the value of it? costs scratch touch-up painting after effects? Thanks!

metallic blending of which named after the metal powder, metal paint can so that after coating the surface of the sheet metal flashing and moving pieces, and as a result of the refraction of light at different angles color and even the outline of vehicles will change. We have seen in the sun is generally reflective of the car using a metal paint. The choice of many metallic车友generally Another reason is that it blended with the metal after the metal powder composition, the higher the hardness of paint, hard finish, increased wear resistance, it is not easy to be scratched.

This is not the vast majority of the garage, only to be parked in the open air car park in the car, wiped bumper is inevitable that the owners of a large gospel, with metallic paint, on the reduction of the car touch-up painting, baked trouble and cost of the paint. Therefore, the cost of metallic普通漆also higher than that. And the use of普通漆mainly in white, black, red and yellow car, the use of metallic paint, the colors in these types of “Su-Paints,” Silver added, they will change color, not good results, just the opposite, so a number of vehicles or the use of普通漆.



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