马里兰州汽车衡器进行检查« oursolo.net



Maryland motor vehicle weighing apparatus to carry out inspection

Recently, Lanzhou City Area Quality Supervision Bureau of the intrinsic one by one with a car weighing instrument to be checked. Chengguan District in which the problems found more in the region of 59 to check in with a car weighing in, there are 22 super-cycle test using a pass rate of 62.7%.

The special inspection of the major automotive measurement scales measuring whether there is cheating, whether the measurement cycle test, whether there is a corresponding management system to check and so on, check the car weighing a total of seven production enterprises, in the car 267 pieces weighing Taiwan. Through the inspection found that the city Gaolan County, in Yuzhong County, Yongdeng county, red ancient area measuring instruments in use are 100 percent pass rate. (07-12-7)

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