Lotus building venues supporting businesses to recover bad urgent ...


building the first floor of the venue will revert to the conversion of rental housing to protect the city’s Department of Operations, the Urban Residential Development Center renovation lease be appealed to residents to understand the whole situation into account

reported周茹our reporter, “You heard it? Leasing Center to recover the space, residential entrance to the supermarket, beauty shop and photo shop to be removed wash! “Recently, the news spread like wildfire in the Lotus Futamura, residents were talking about the issue, worried that the resulting inconvenience to life. In response, the city of residential development in response to repair the rental center, said the hope that more residents will be able to understand because the recovery site in order to increase the center’s service window, so as to protect the city’s housing work ready “hardware facilities.”

residents: worry about the inconvenience life

Every evening around 6 pm, members of the public to Lotus Chen Association Futamura near the entrance to the supermarket to buy some of China Resources Vanguard Cornish home . After dinner, Mrs. Chen might go to the supermarket next to the beauty shop to do skin care. But with the lapse of a lotus building the first floor of these complementary businesses will be evacuated, Mr. Chen, a living habits also had to change.

last November, which has received several shops in the city center for residential development of repair lease issued notice. Notice that no longer sign the lease renewal after the expiry of the lease contract, the center will take back these stores, and then to the current fourth floor of the building located in the Lotus Office leasing business to move down. “hard time keeping their business for more than ten years, can not say走就走ah. “one shop owner told reporters that the contract expired at the end of December last year, but not everyone has pulled away. Not long ago, the rental center also sent a notice that only the latest operation to February 29, 3 months ago, will be fully cleared.

supporting commercial facilities to evacuate some residents of the urgency. Chen said that the Lotus One Village, the Village and the village is a nearly three households in large communities, can be the size of the village’s vegetable market is not large, there is no way to meet the needs of all residents, many residents often to buy China Resources Supermarket Cornish, as well as other life necessities. Some residents suggested that the center would be preferable to lease Lotus forward to the second floor of the building free to use up this way, we can expand leasing services window the number of ancillary businesses do not have moved out.

Leasing Center:

hope that residents needed to understand the overall situation

with the idea of residents, the reporters came to the city Housing Development Center of the renovation of the lease. The person said, the center is leasing the land resources and real estate Authority’s subordinate units, responsible for policy-oriented work lease rental housing. Because of our city to promote the protection of housing, there is currently fourth floor of the building located in the Lotus Office leasing sure enough, it is necessary to replace the venue.

reporter has learned that Shenzhen City Land Resources and Housing Authority has recently published the “Shenzhen housing security 2008 annual plan,” plans to protect the building of 45,800 housing units, including public rental housing (including low-rent housing ) there are 38,000 sets of construction area of 1,900,000 square meters. “After a house built, there must be a large number of people to come forward to consulting, application and selection rooms, the Lotus Building, first floor into a rental business is very suitable Office, unit size and number of double the size of the window. “Leasing Center, who also said that the recommendations made by residents can not be implemented because the Lotus Building, second floor, has also been rented out, and hope that we can stand on the position of the city to consider the issue. If the district’s vegetable market can not meet demand, we can cross the road to CaiTian Road shopping Vanguard.

Chinese version:莲花大厦场地收回 配套商家撤离急坏小区居民


本报记者周茹报道 “你听说了吗?租赁中心要收回场地,小区入口处的超市、美容店和相片冲洗店都要拆了!”近日,这个消息在莲花二村不胫而走,居民们议论纷纷,担心由此带来生活的不便。对此,市住宅开发修缮租赁中心回应称,希望居民们能多一分理解,因为收回场地是为了增加该中心的服务窗口,从而为全市保障性住房工作准备好“硬件设施”。










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