离心泵的安装和运转- 化工泵- 化工泵- 和讯博客
离心泵的安装和运转 [转贴 2010-06-08 09:01:13]   

离心泵的安装高度应低于允许的安装高度(即计算的安装高度),以免产生汽蚀现象。为减少吸入管段的流体阻力,吸入管径不应小于泵入口直径,吸入管应短而直,不装阀门,但当泵的吸入口高于液面时应加一止逆底阀。 离心泵启动前应灌满液体,以免产生气缚现象;关闭出口阀门,以减小启动功率。 离心泵停泵前应先关闭出口阀门。 离心泵运转时,应定期检查轴封有无泄漏, 轴承、填料函等发热情况,轴承应注意润滑。

“ Installation and operation of centrifugal pumps ”是由提供的水泵行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国离心泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Pump mounting height should be lower than allowed installation height (that is, the installation height calculation) to avoid cavitation phenomenon. Suction pipe to reduce the fluid resistance, inhalation should not be less than the inlet diameter and the diameter of suction pipe should be short and straight, do not install the valve, but higher than the pump suction end surface should be taken when a non-return valve. Pump should be filled with liquid before starting to avoid the phenomenon of gas tied; close the exit valve to reduce the starting power. Export pump valve off before pumping. Centrifugal pump operation should be regularly checked whether seal leaks, bearings, stuffing and other fevers, bearing lubrication should be noted.

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