独立眠志NO.2 内页插图| Yangband

indie mian magezine's illustration-Square


和朋友合作的电子杂志-独立眠志 第二期内页插图,第二期做了很多更改有了更明确的主题划分,其中一部分是广场,大家集思广议的版面,于是就有了这张思维碰撞的图。
A digital magazine-Indie Mian’s illustration, No.2 made a lot of changes, including much clear chapter differentiation, one chapter is called square, trying to collect different individual’s thinking and dreams, so Yang paint this picture of different thinkings collisioning together.
Indie Mian is now not provide free download, mostly because of all the memenbers are busy working in their areas, but Mian’s faith of collecting the whole world’s children who’s keeping dreaming, creative and lonely, giving their platform to show theirself and comunicate will continute .

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