САЙТЪТ НА ГЕСЕР КУРУЛТАЕВ » Blog Archive » 刘佩(Liu Pei) a.k.a. ...

Liu Pei″
This girl 刘佩 (Liu Pei) a.k.a.“Happy Bird” (a.k.a. “Candy”, a.k.a. “Look for you”, etc. ) is a scammer. She said she would marry me, then asked me for 900rmb and promissed me that she would use the money to buy a present for her father and then to buy a ticket to visit me. Instead she spent the money on herself. Then she said she was going to send 900 rmb back to me in January, 2010, but at last she blocked my QQ (a Chinese chat programme) and stopped answering my phone calls. Recently I saw that she was still connecting with other foreign guys and then broke up with them. I am not sure if someone else was scammed by her, but my friendly advice is : do not send her any money, because you will be not sure if she will spend in the way she promises you and whether she will give it back to you if the marriage is impossible. I keep all the proves about what happened and it may be used in the People’s court.

这个女人 -刘佩 (Liu Pei) 或者“Happy Bird”(“Candy” 或者 “Look for you”, 等等)是一个骗子。她说她会和我结婚,所以向我要了900元人民币并且承诺说她会用这些钱买礼物给她父亲然后买票来看我。然而她自己花了这些钱。她说她会在2010年1月份会把900元还给我,但是后来却阻止我的QQ 而且不接我的电话。最近我看到她仍然和其他外国男士联系然后和他们分手。我不知道是否有其他人被她骗了。我的友好忠告是:不要给她钱,因为你不能肯定她是不是把这些钱用在和你说的那样,如果结不了婚,不知道她会不会把钱还给你。我都留有证据,也许在法庭上用得上。

One Response to “刘佩 (Liu Pei) a.k.a.“Happy Bird” (a.k.a. “Candy”, a.k.a. “Look for you”, etc. )is a scammer.”

  1. Says:

    It’s true. 实话。

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